THT's Links

These Links are from sites I visit regularly, I hope you guys enjoy.....Actually, YOU BETTER ENJOY! *Shakes fist*

If there are any broken links, you can report them by PM'ing be in the forums.

THT recommendations

The Fighter's Generation.... need I say more!
The Wasted Networks....... very funny!
A good Place to get Wrestling Vids!
Download Yu-Gi-Oh! Virtual Desktop here!
Cool Archives Logo Generator!
Visibone..... For HTML help!
Gamefaqs.... 'Nuff Said!
Newgrounds.....beware of pop-up!
Frickendevil's VBA skin sites!


Reserved Silence..... Best for image editing
The VBAskins forum.... needs more members!
World of Boredness..... er..... yeah.

Comic Sites

Spidey's Comics. Good stuff there.