The Dark Arena Forums
Megiddo's Comics
The Supersonic Comik
The Human Tank - WWF Superstar
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Saturday August 16th, 2003

Heh. Well, I seem to be having trouble uploading that freakin' video to the freakin' FTP. So i'm thinking, stuff that. Anyway, I'm an admin of Mido-Ban's new forum! You can check it out here. In other news, i've finished writing my second review, I just can't be bothered posting it up. And that's about it for today, lol.
The Human Tank

Friday August 15th, 2003

The Tank is back and with a whole new sub-section! Check it out, Megiddo's comic section! I urge you guys to check it out. I've finished the FF8 video, and it's all a matter of just uploading it to my FTP..... Well, there won't be much going on tomorrow for me, but I will be watching the news for any er....... news on the virus thingymajig...... nothing much else to say *awkward silence*....... i'll go now.
The Human Tank

Monday August 11th, 2003

Well, what a day i've had. Almost everything I had planned for the site has fallen flat on it's face. I'll probably start my improvements next week sometime. I'm not going to go into what happen, but anyway...... the featured link today is Frickendevil's VBA skin site, which you can find in the links section. I also advise to stop in at the VBAskins forums, the link found in the same section. Expect posts from our new admin and mod soon.....
The Human Tank

Sunday August 10th, 2003

Hey there! It's been very lazy lately. We have a new Mod on the Forums. WELCOME MIDOBAN! Anyway, There is a new link up, for my friend SpideyKonfusion's Megaman Comix. I will announce a new Video section will be posted up, and every week will see a new video posted! The first video will be Final Fantasy 8! Enjoy your stay!
The Human Tank

Friday 8th August, 2003

Sorry about that cruel joke with the "links" link.... I've just fixed it. Anyway, the tourney will be starting soon, and I've just started a wallpaper creation competition. It's been a very quiet day, I played my first game since this site opened..... a 3 round game of super puzzle fighter 2 turbo :P
To other news, i've added a guestbook to the site, so all you visitors out there drop me a line, why don't ya?
The Human Tank

Thursday 7th August, 2003

Well, it's not really Thursday 7th. But I'm almost ready for bed, so it might as well be lol. All the links now work and i've updated the Supersonic Comik. We've had a bit of a forum attack (I'm not surprised if it was master, or it could of been my Brother, cos he stayed at a friends house.) but that was taken care of.... i'm kinda impressed at the stats for the site though.... 150+ for the first 24 hours, with little advertising. Anyway, expect more sections to the side, and i've almost finished my review for Marvel vs. Capcom 2..... so enjoy the forums while your here!
The Human Tank

Wednesday 6th August, 2003

It's 1 past midnight and the forum almost fell into the hands of Master. Because of this, i'll be disabling the sign-ups. If you really want to join the forum you can PM either me or miztik at G-Masters....... sorry
The Human Tank

Well, I've turned sign-ins on the forum back on (I got a big thumbs down from miztik for turning them off in the first place, but then who can think right at midnight lol)...... I've decided if Master wants to try his stuff... he could just try his hardest. I'll be writing another review soon and I've already started the next 4 frames of the Supersonic Comik. Also, I'll be posting the links up, a whole heap of sites you guys will enjoy.......
The Human Tank

Tuesday 5th August, 2003

Hey there and welcome to my site! After careful consideration and a bit of advice by miztik, i've finally decided to make my own website! Special thanks goes to Steve for letting me have this template. Although I had to link to his site, but that really ain't a problem for me. Now this site is only in it's infancy.... the only links that would work will be the Forums, the review and Steve's link :P. Anyway, soon i'll be posting my reviews on all the fighting games i've played so far! anyway, you guys can sign in on the forums and whatnot and enjoy that until I get the site up and running properly.
The Human Tank

Steves free web site templates