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TAO News 14/08/04

Well guys, this is is. I left to join rip. And what a kickass squad it is (not that this wasnt). I promise that i wont totaly abandon this squad... AND FOR THE LAST TIME I UPDATED THE MEMBER LIST!!! lol peace people.

TAO News 5/thursday/04

Lol sorry.. i dunno the date. well snow probably left (damn him) so that means harabecs in charge. Yes i know u i havent updated the site recently but i have been on ss. (i can finaly beat godsmoke somtimes in my shep!) I think i updated the memberlist completely... but o well. Peace guys. Cya on ss!

TAO News 5/08/04

Sorry guys again for not updating that much.. jsut been really busy. Ok guys, we sucked dick during that tao vs rip match. and yes i was there, i was just 15 min late and u guys didnt play any other fricken battles.... we need to scedual training sesions and crap. i'm gonna try to convert ai_generator to a city map so we can have practice tdms... peace

TAO News 27/07/04

ok.. first of all... sorry for not updating... second of all... CATWOMAN IS AWSOME!!! and not just cause she walks around in a tite leather costume but because its just cool.. who cares what critics think!!! i was in the dang thing anyway.. lol (i didnt c myself though)O and if your comming to the tao vs rip match can u e-mail me and tell me? cause i wanna know how many people are supposed to be there... thx peace out

TAO News ??/??/??

Sorry i dont know the date today. lol. Anyway i think i got all the new members but if i missed any post them in the tao problems forum thx

TAO News 10/07/04

Hummm.. havent been on ss or updated this site for a while... sorry bout that guys. really bad week. First of all, i've been going to movie sets like... every 3 days. second, i've been sick all week. Worst day of my life was 4 days ago, had to go to a movie set for 10 hours and i was sick (i had a bad headache, felt like vomiting, dizzy, had an ear infection in both ears, a super bad sore throught, and had the chills) and guess what i had to do???? RUN AROUND!!! god... i almost died. Anyway then my dad just left today for 13 days (buisness trip) so he was going nutty on the computer so i couldnt go on untill now. Anyway peace, c ya around ss!

TAO News 28/06/04

Ok, guys dont forget to tell me what skins u need. Umm... not 2 much to report about squad stuff. Harabec, i wasnt at the party cause my mom dragged me shopping for new clothes... Anyway Spiderman 2 looks awsome.... what other movies look good.... ummm.... alien vs predetor looks awsome. I, robot. All sorts of good movies comming out this summer. We finaly have some downloads :P its my custom southpark/mib quickchats. Cya around

TAO News 26/06/04

Well i'm back... after alot of tests and hard studying.. i think i passed everything. cept p.e.. not so sure about that. anyway just to let u know i'm still alive. I say hi to our newest recruit, rachel, and be sure to give a big congrats to sax who just got promoted ta maj. Peace

TAO News 13/06/04

Wow! holy shittalkingmushrooms... i havent updated this in a while... mybad. Meh i've been busy. just downloaded this animation program so ya. And *looks around in a tottaly unsispicious way* my.... computer... crashed... ya it crashed.
lol anyway i officaly declair tihs squad undead. Peace out guys (teach pred how to take a joke by the way cause he got all pissed off at a joke me and snow pulled on him and he depromoted me to like... a trn or something. Parden me if i forget to officaly change that for the next 3 years)

TAO News 30/05/04

I officaly declair this squad dead... mabey i'll join rip, or unmc, or accualy nah i dont really wanna join ps. even though they asked me 2. I MEAN NOBUDY EVEN SHOWED UP TO THE FRICKEN MATCH!!!!!!!!! Anyway i'll c u guys around.... peace out.

TAO News 27/05/04

Lots of matches... make sure u come to the rip vs. Tao match... mabey we should try to do a little training session first...... and this big war comming up.... i'm going loner style (if tao joins agency's side) till thats finsished... dunno what u guys are going to do... lol.... O ya.. if u liked my bio download it again cause i put some new stuff in it.

TAO News 22/05/04

Well the winner of the logo compitition is #2... my personal favorite but #1 is pretty good too. On other news nobudy is using the forum anymore... common people!!!!!!!! and if u cant get ss working ask on the forums for help.

TAO News 17/05/04

Guys.... we have found a winner of the logo compitition!. or that is what i would be saying if i haddent found another one and i like it better. Soooooooo we are restarting the vote. lol. #2 would have won. but we gonna do it again so make sure u look at the logo's again... added more random pic's too, then vote again. O ya, i updated my bio so be sure to read the new stuff.

TAO News 15/05/04

Well the site is finaly updated.... been really busy this last week, finaly started having homework and i've been obsessed with warhammer 40k also. PICTURES PEOPLE!!! I NEED PICTURES FOR THE TAO LOGO! SEND THEM TO ME, LOOK AT THE PICTURES THEN VOTE ON WICH ONE U LIKE BEST AT THE BOTTOM OF THE MAIN PAGE!!!!! lol

TAO News 10/05/04

Well...... umm..... sorry about the swearing first of all... sorry pred that i was so weird, i was just kinda messed up... but now i'm ok. Sooooooooooo not much is happening... i canceld the meeting, and i think everything is cool. ss seems to be working. so its all cool.

TAO News 7/05/04

WHAT THE FUCK SNOW!!!!!! ALL OF U!!!! (aka... snow, pred) I AM REALLY PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! O i'm leaving. No i'm comming back... DAMN IT PEOPLE!!! God i swear i'm going to go loner style soon...... *shakes head with disbeliefe* Well i guess i'm back in... for now.... PRED ANY WAR WITH ANYBODY AND U CAN CONSIDER ME GONE! lol

TAO News 7/05/04

Well no good news today, unfourtunatly.... It seems that Pred got really mad and depromoted me and snow to the rank of com. Anyway me and snow left TAO and restarted IA (Ice Angels) this site will probably be taken over by Pred in a few days. Pred was so insaine that night though that he accualy disbanned the entire squad... then came back and said he was insaine (which i agreed too) and he's restarting TAO so nothing has changed in that manner. Pred also said he didnt want to do the bio's with us yet i was still offering to help him with it. Anyway, the reason i left the squad was not because snow left, or he depromoted me to comm (since he cant officaly do that without talkin to the whole squad or something. No. It was because Pred is going to have a war with RN. I as i said in the bio's will have no place in a squad that has a war with another squad. Be it anysquad.
This is most likely my last post on this site...............
Cya around ss!

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