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Steel Kitsune's overstuffed IM profile

Face it. You're bored. So you came poking around and found me site. Now due to way too many complaints, I've decided to revamp this main page and make it a bit funnier to look at. HUZZAH!
Okay, my main idea of this stupid site was to catch the quote spill-over from my IM profile. I get a lot of funny ones in my travel through life, and I decided to grace you with the best of them. But I figured I might as well post tid-bits of my stories and add some links, as well as images, which I've sketched myself. Don't expect masterpieces, you'll be disappointed. I use mechanical pencils and sketchpads bought at the local department store.
 The Story page isn't for laughs. I'm not a comical writer, though I do admit the clever wit from now and then (Jen infected me). If you want humor, look at the other three. After all, you are bored. I won't get that updated as much, since I am a busy boy.

And just for some advertisement, if anyone needs a DJ for a party... I have training, equipment, and a pretty nice library of several genres. I specialize in hard rock and techno, but i do have rap, hiphop, and pop for those people out there who aren't, well, depressed delusional writer/artist/programmers like myself.

Too many people go and get these "Sub-Profile" things tacked to their IM profiles. I decided to do something like that, except I got creative, self-sufficient, and above all, ORIGINAL. HAHA! Have fun!

Being a good webmaster, I keep an update Journal. Just so you (and I) can see how I've fixed it. By the way, I recommend getting a notebook and keeping your own journal of your life. I find some of the STRANGEST thoughts from my earlier days in mine.

been slacking off. school, work, that type of schtuff. added some new quotes and links. be happy!

Really busy lately. Posted some new quotes. Giving Peregrine another shot in hopes of giving it a diet. Haven't finished uploading the last of my sketches, but I'm working on more in my spare time at work, school and home. Someone, make physics and history disappear. they are such a pain.
Some of the links are down due to a domain change. It's not my fault. Angelfire lost my friggin account.

Hey, more quotes are in, and I added new pictures. My scanner finally works, and i don't need to go to jen's to get these in. If u wanna see Angel in a nifty pic i drew today, go to the Pics button.

Happy late New Year. The Jeff is currently under the weather, and by that I mean Hurricane Bronchitis. At least, that's what I think i have. Had a fever since Monday, all through midterms. Damn, so not going to school next week. Anyway, put another link and quote into the dealy. Have fun.

Look at the Stories

Look at the Links (new material!)

Look at the Quotes (new material!)

Look at the Pics

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Last update: 1.31.04
*This page was made in Netscape Composer 7.1. I highly recommend Netscape over Explorer. It even has Pop-Up controls!