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Raw Data Tutorial

««Raw Data»» A brief introduction.

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n : unanalyzed data; data not yet processed or subjected to analysis

In Chat, Raw data is everything that happens before the fonts and formatting take effect. Because unformatted data still includes all relevant information it is perfect for using in text response commands or command files. Formatted data (what you see onscreen) lacks the start and end of text formatting boxes (plus everything before the start of text) because it has already been processed by your computer.

For those who are interested in Raw Data-

Right click the Viper Icon and click Direct Send, and set it to Send Raw Data. This little window will stay on top of any windows you have open, making it very handy when you have two chat windows open. Direct send is for sending information directly to the server.

Right click the Viper Icon and click Open Control Board. Near the top right click on Open Raw Data Window. As people join/part/chat in the room you will see the Raw Data window fill up with information.

Copy a line that someone says and paste it in Direct Send, Send Raw Data. Look for a PRIVMSG command as this usually means message. (Experiment with any commands but try PRIVMSG if you don't know where to start). If the room is busy you will need to Freeze or disable the log in order to copy a sample. If you freeze you must remember to Release it relatively quickly or the 64k buffer thing will max out when you release, and viper will crash. Mostly I use Disable Log which has far less chance of crashing.

:Dangermouse_007_!B3340E55B721F9AC@GateKeeperPassport PRIVMSG %#Extreme\bteam :_S _Verdana;0 get a life blanky_

This line was from Extreme Team and as it is will only work if you are in the Extreme Team room. :nick!ident@GateKeeper is not needed before commands :Dangermouse_007_!B3340E55B721F9AC@GateKeeperPassport

The most relevant part is PRIVMSG onwards.

PRIVMSG %#Extreme\bteam :_S _Verdana;0 get a life blanky_

You can send this in Direct send, but for it to work in all commands you would need to change the room name to rn$.

PRIVMSG rn$ :_S _Verdana;0 get a life blanky_

This is as far as you need to change it if you just want the font for a command. (Of course you can change the message). There are many other types of events not just PRIVMSG.

There is also WHISPER, NOTICE, KICK, ACCESS, MODE, PROP and a few others.

Here are some examples you can try in direct send:


PRIVMSG rn$ :_S _Comic\bSans\bMS;0 Room message_

WHISPER rn$ [nickname] :_S Arial;0 Whisper message_

NOTICE rn$ :_broadcast message only bots/scripts see_

NOTICE rn$ :_TIME a time message to the room_

KICK rn$ [nickname] :Kick message

ACCESS rn$ list DENY

ACCESS rn$ add DENY [*!ident@*] 0 :Reason for ban

ACCESS rn$ delete DENY [*!ident@*]

MODE rn$ +pmtnu

MODE +o [nickname]

TOPIC rn$ :Set a new Topic (same as /topic in the room)

PROP rn$ OWNERKEY :NewOwnerKey

PROP rn$ HOSTKEY :NewBrownKey

PROP rn$ ONJOIN :Onjoin message from the room

PROP rn$ ONPART :Parting message from the room (only scripts and bots see)

AWAY :away message (to go away use a : and a message)

AWAY (to return from away do not use any : or message)

NICK :>Null (change guest name)

PROP [nickname] PUID (to check someones profile)

WHOIS [nickname]

WHO rn$

PART rn$

QUIT :Quit message (Viper tends to rejoin after a quit... it is a bit like slow hop)

To obtain the persons [Nickname] Raw (easier than searching the Raw Data window for it) you can left click the user, and click Nick/ident. This displays their raw nickname and ident up the top right of the Viper screen. After successfully practising some raw commands in Direct Send you can start applying similar commands to your Reponse.txt and Onjoin.txt. [Nickname] would be replaced with nkr$ in most cases, and [*!ident@*] would be replaced with *!id$@*

When making responses and you don't know how to do a certain command, quite often answers can be found in Raw Data. Knowing how to use the information makes it a powerful tool for Viper users. When you want to do fancy alt code letters in your Bot replies (in the control board or responses) you can paste them on screen then get them Raw and they should work if you use a font that supports them.

***NOTE***: Because it goes directly to the server, when you use Direct send you will not see what you wrote on your Viper chat screen. If you have another passport in the room you will see whats going on there. You can however, direct Private messages to yourself by using PRIVMSG rn$ [your nickname] :Message (which is a good way to test your response file without getting another passport in the room).

Special thanks to Røwâñ for sharing his Knowledge with us...