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I have Created a really cool game that you can play with your models!

Its much faster than the regular game and just as fun!

Warhammer Dice Game

To play the warhammer dice game you will need:

- at least ten warhammer figures (the more the better)

- three dice

- a chess board


- Dice rolls are:

- 1s and 2s are summon rolls

- 3s and 4s are movement rolls

- 5s and 6s are attack rolls

- if you roll two 1s or 2s then you can summon any 1 soldier

- if you roll three 1s or 2s then you can summon any two soldiers

- you can not save summons for your next turn

- if you roll two 3s or 4s then you can move any one soldier five spaces

- if you roll three 3s or 4s then you can move any number of soldiers a maximum of ten

spaces-each soldier must be moved at least two spaces

- you can not save moves for your next turn

- if you roll two 5s or 6s then you can attack once with any soldier in range

- if you roll three 5s or 6s then you can attack once with any soldier in range and roll 2 dice for every other soldier-if you roll two 1s or two 6s then that soldier can attack once if he is in range

- you can not save attacks for your next turn