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12-9-03 xander

The adventure of huck

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12-10-03 xander

Hehe- Yay this is my first entry for my website. Do you like my website?? I'm not quite done wit my site. o0o0o brrrr . its getting so cold lately. GUESS WHAT i GOT A 89 % on my history test!!!! hehe so krazi ya? I didn't noe crap that day. Everyone was asking me questions and i was like we had to study that and blah blah blah. I'm so happy!!

Daily news ( my pick)

The world's largest software and music companies, together with a broad alliance of companies, on Wednesday said they would work together in a bid to transform Internet file sharing from a haven for piracy into a potential profit center


56 Degrees - Partly Cloudy -hi : 63 Lo: 49