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Love The Sox


















Real Name: Seth?
Fake Name: Dodo
Game spy: sdkpoop

Age: 17
Born: Lodi
Lives: Galt

Plays: Drums, Magic, Battle Tech, PC Games, A Little X-Box(Becouse I Like The Pope), With People’s Minds, House

Pets: 2 dogs, 3 snakes


Quote: Life is sweet, so take a bite.

Color: Blue

Places: John’s Incredible Pizza Co., The Garage.

Actors: Rob Schneider, Mila Jovavich,

Movies: The Nightmare Before Christmas

TV: Trigun

Authors: Ann Rice

Books: Interview With The Vampire

Composers: Bach

Musical Artists: CellDweller, Gwenmars, Kill Hannah, Meat puppets

Games: Unreal, Unreal2,

Food: Lemon Chicken

Drink: Poop



Musically: Stray Cats



Instruments: Drums

Equipment: Zildgian, Audix Mics

Amp: Kustom PA

Pedals: Pacific Base Pedals.

Dodo Thinks;
SDK Means: Should Do Karaoke, Software Development Kit