Ryan and Michelle's Homepage

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Hi Everyone,

My name is Ryan and recently returned from my wedding and extended honeymoon across the US. Click here to see some of our friends Our friends

If you want to view some of our pics then just click on the link Ryan and Michelle

My wife and I are teacher's in China. I work at a university teaching English as a Second Language and my wife is a translator and teacher. We are currently preparing to go back to China in the next week or so. I hope to have no communications problems between now and then.

I grew up in a small Ohio town with nary but corn around. I went to a Christian school for study and ended up working on two degrees.

My first degree in music landed me a job teaching young children singing and choral work. I left that job after 1 semester as things just didn't work out between the students and I. My second job was with my other major, biology, allowing me the opportunity to do flood research before landing a job as a university professor in China. I teach things like How to boil water I hope to apply my masters degree to the college teaching profession here in China or in the states. Click on the next page to learn more. Click Ryan's resume to see my resume and perhaps send me that package with full benefits:).

Currently, I live in Shanghai with my newly wed wife. We are verrrrry happy and love visitors.