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With Long Rang Missles and Artillery raining down from the sky. A Young Lieutenant grows up fast on the battlefield. "Bats" Commanding a platoon in the Renegade Legion. His wits intact and descions to make . He call's out on Comms the Heading of incomming missles, and Mech, and give orders for evasive actions. Traveling at 85 KPH, meters were seconds. Bats tried to reach RL's dropship on comms.......... "We have a Hot DZ, prepare for a not so friendly lift off. All other contacts.....will be treated as hostile!" It seemed that Clan had found our home world and taken it. Some how some way, we had to get back to our home world and Kick some Clan-cans. Only to find that they had destroyed everything! We had cheated death, all lives were lost. No one was spared! Heads hung low as we looked for any sign of life. There was mech wreckage all about us. Family and friends were gone forever! That night, with hostile over tones, we had made a promise to rebuild the Legion and have our Vengance, which we could only wait for. So we set off our home world insearch of Mercenaires