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Welcome to Geekiness

This is your Queen, DeDe, speaking. I am still working on this site. It should be up and running shortly. It'll have cool links (if it doesn't already) and some pics of some geeks I know. So check back periodically (like everyday).

- July 9 2003

I know, I know, my site isn't developing as fluidly as I'd hoped. I've been busy with some stuff... I know, I don't have a life, but there are other things a geek can do without having a life... okay???

- July 20 2003

Alright your Queen is back. I've been extremely busy (not to mention lazy and preoccupied) as of late. However, I am back. I will be working on this page off and on... hopefully more on than off. Classes have started and I do have to spend a little bit of time with them.

- October 11 2003

Webmaster: DeDe Patterson Email: