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        John F. Kennedy was one of our greatest Presidents. In fact, he was the youngest President of all time. When he was President elect, he was 43 years old. America lost our youngest President when a man by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald shot him in the head from a warehouse on the afternoon of April 22nd, 1963. The nation cried in mourn for our President on that terrible day.

        John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born in 1917. He was the second son of nine children to Joesph and Rose Kennedy. His other eight brothers and sisters were Joseph Jr., Rosemary, Kathleen, Eunice, Patricia, Robert, Jean, and Edward. His brothers Edward and Robert had also entered politics. His family was really wealthy. His father, by the golden age of 30, had major stocks for motion pictures, shipbuilding, real estate, and, of course, the stock market. The Kennedy's had a bunch of homes. They had homes in Boston, Hyannis Port, Florida, Brookline, Mass., and in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

        When World War II broke out, Joe Jr. and Jack (John's nickname) hoped to join the army. Joe got in easily, but Jack could not join beacuse of a back injury. After six months of special therapy, Jack was allowed into the U.S. Navy. When he got in, he was given command of a small patrol boat named P.T. 109. On a fateful day in 1943, a Japanese destroyer rammed into P.T. 109 and sliced it in half. Two of the thirteen men onboard died. One man was so badly injured,, Jack took the injured man's strap and put it between his teeth. After a couple of hours, they reached an uninhabited island and stayed there. Jack left the island to look for other patrol boats in the area, but there weren't any. After 14 hours of swimming, he reached Wake Island and said that his boat had sank and that all except two of his crew were on this uninhabited island. After they were recovered, Jack got a heroism medal for his services to the U.S. Navy without loss of life. After he got that award,, he had to go to the hospital for his back because it was acting up.

        In 1946, he was elected to the House of Representitives. He was so well liked by Massachusetts, he easily won re-election in 1948 and 1950. In 1952, he decided to become a U.S. Senator by running against Republican Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. Since he was little known in Massachusetts, he began his campaign two years before the election and met people throughout Massachusetts. All his family took part, and he defeated Lodge by 70,000 votes, even though that Ike Eisenhower, the Republican candidate for the presidency, carried the state by 208,000 votes.

        In 1953, Jack married a photographer named Jacqueline Lee Bouvier.

    JFK's Children

  1. A daughter named Caroline
  2. A son named John Jr.
  3. Another son named Patrick Bouvier, who had died less than two days after his birth in 1963.
  4. In 1956, he had spinal-cord surgery. Two months later, he had back surgery. Jackie stayed by him day and night.

            He ran in the 1960 Presidential election as the Democratic candidate. He ran against the Republican candidate, Vice-President Richard Nixon. They held a series of 7 debates in 1960, and those famous debates are called the Nixon-Kennedy debates. After the 7 debates, the country was split right down the middle. 25 states, including Massachusetts, were going to vote for Kennedy. The other 25, including California, were voting for Nixon. The results came in in January, 1961, and Kennedy won by 7,000 votes.

            On that fateful day in 1963, John and Jackie decided to take a trip to Dallas. President Kennedy decided that the car they had to be in be a convertible. Jackie agreed with John's decision. Little did she know that her husband would be killed. On one of the main parade streets, Lee Harvey Oswald was carrying his tools (not to mention his sniper rifle) to the top floor of the skyscraper he was working on. When the Presidential car was rolling down the street, Oswald got out his sniper rifle, lined up his shot, and fired. The bullet hit him square in the head. A couple of minutes later, the youngest president in American history died.

      JFK Assassination Timeline

    • At 11:52 a.m., the Presidential car heads for downtown Dallas, Texas.
    • At 12:30 p.m., Shots from Oswald's sniper rifle hit President Kennedy and Govenor John Connally as the convertible turns and goes down Elm Street.
    • At about 12:35 p.m., the convertible, going high speeds down a freeway, arrives at Parkland Hospital.
    • At 1 p.m., President John F. Kennedy is pronounced dead.

    • The Cuban Missile Crisis

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              The Cuban Missile Crisis was part of JFK's presidency. He let a group of exiled Cubans come to the United States. He let the exiled Cubans overthrow Fidel Castro's regime. The plan failed. After that plan failed, the Russians decided to install nuclear missile silos in Cuba. JFK didn't stand for it. He enabled a quarantine on all nuclear missiles inbound for Cuba. That made the Russians and the USA become enemies.

      Great Quotes by John F. Kennedy

              Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. -JFK         My wife and I are preparing to move into the White House and to have a new baby. Thank you for your support through the election. -JFK's Inaugurational address         I promise every single American, that all the power that I will get if I become president, that man will go to the moon. -One of JFK's election speeches.