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Boxhead/Hako Style Models

- to download the files off my site, the link should be on the file type image (gif,pdf, jpeg, stuffit, zip, bitmap or rar), or on a hyperlinked text eg. sheet1, 2, 3 etc. NB: Use the right-click 'save target as' command. To download the files off the creator, use the link if supplied, which will either take you to the creators site or to the actually file on the website. If you need Acrobat Reader, Winzip, Winrar or Stuffit Expander, go to and get the stuff there.

Download + URL
Box Kitties! (funny cat)
There are many more, than just this colour type, which you would have seen on my main page.

(Each no larger than 20kb)

Site Link

TO-FU Kubrick!
There are 2 types of this oddity. The first one is the two top models (the big & small one), and the other is the squished/fallen over one.

2 pdf's

Big & Small (60kb)

Fallen Over (136kb)

Site Link

The Tick
The website has had some bandwidth problems, so don't worry if you can't access it the first time round. I couldn't.



Site Link

Direct Link

Beyond Batman
The gif file is the plans and the jpeg is the image of the finished product. The readme is just a disclaimer.

zip contains 1 gif, 1 jpeg and readme.txt


Site Link

Lex & Mark and the Cavebears?

Monkey with a Party Hat

Something to end the Chinese New Year Celebrations.
Coloured Monkeys for Chinese New Year
The picture shows the Red coloured Monkey, but in the PDF there is also a Purple, Orange, Blue & Green Monkey. Thats 5 MONKEYS! OO OO OO! [They also have a banana each].
Boxhead animals



There's a small collection of them on page 1, on page 2 are cars planes and rockets! like the one below.


Squirrel (263kb)

Parrot (251kb)

Turtle (dunno)

Monkey (261kb) childcalendar/craft/craft1.html

Its not exactly the same rocket of that from Wallace & Gromit, but its not far off.
Bike w/ dog
Kind of easy to average difficulty, depend on how small you build it. I want to find the guy who was riding this bike also!
Hako Characters

From the left: Oni, Hira & Fuku

Pretty simple. Similar to the Spiderman Hako model. There are 5 of them. Like the Transformers Hako models, best printed at a smaller size [25%].


mira (76.2kb)

hira (76.2kb)

ken (76.2kb)

fuku (76.2kb)

koni (76.2kb)

Master Happosai from Ranma 1/2

The same guy who made the transformers hako models made Master Happosai from Ranma 1/2 including panties!!


happosai (76.2kb)


The same guy who made the transformers hako models made this spiderman model.


spiderman (77.3kb)


Another box head guy.


toro (30.1kb)

Bad Ben

Gone boxhead crazy, I decided to make my own little character. This is the first - Bad Ben

There are no instructions, cause its pretty straight forward.


Bad Ben 43.5kb



Following in the box head theme... a red, godzilla-like, robotic cat?

pdf (220kb)

also contains this really small boxhead model cat character thing mecachico/index.html


Like the mouse characters below, i've seen this character from somewhere before.


Domo (68.6kb)

Domo's TV (68.7kb) domo/domo.html

This one is gonna be siting right along side of the One Piece models!


death (15.5kb)

*need to find link... email if you want it*

One Piece

I have them sitting on my PC. They're cool.

paperandglue© copyright Phillip Sabolta 2002

All models and images have the rights of their respective owners. I make no income or any sort of benefit from this site. ENJOY!!!