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GBA & SNES Game Reviews

- You will find a brief review and a few screen shots of some of my favourite Super Nintendo and Gameboy Advance games.

Gameboy Advance Games (GBA) I recommend:

Super Nintendo Games (SNES) I recommend:

Gameboy Advance
Name & Screenshots
Review & Score Ratings

Zoids Legacy

I had incredibly high hopes for this game, & after a few hours play I was slightly dissapointed. The game looks a little dated. It has the same feel as an SNES RPG with a little Front Mission thrown in. Don't get me wrong the game is good, its just not as good as I hoped it would be. My main disappointment was the Zoid battles. The Zoids themselves don't have any animation. They just move left & right across the screen. There are attack animations (a couple slashs, laser beams, explosions etc). It just looks too static. What is good though is that you can see the different weapons items that you have attached to your Zoid. I'll still play it, mainly because I want to know what the story is & because I'm a Zoids fan, & thats only who I'd recommend play this. Zoid fans.

Gameplay - 3 Music - 2 Lastability - 2 Overall - 2

Pokemon Fire Red Version

You may be thinking "Haven't I already played this game a few years ago?" Well you'd be right. Its the same Pokemon Red game released on GB/GBC all those years ago (it hasn't been that long, but long enough). So whats different? Well the graphics for a start. If you've played Ruby or Sapphire then you'll be familiar with the sprite similarities. Some of the features in the Ruby/Sapphire series have been implicated into the Red/Green series. The Berry blocks thing has returned & a few other things like Teachy TV, which is like a tutorial, a Fame detector, don't know what that does yet & there is a huge help thing (like when you hit F1 in Windows) on pretty much everything in the game. If you press L or R a help window pops up. I've played a wee chunk of it so far, mainly beacuse these Pokemon games are addictive & I didn't have anything else to play at the time. If you haven't already noticed, I mentioned that there is a Green version. Thats the other 'opposite' version. In the original it was the Blue version. I think there was a Green version available aswell.. whether it was a bootleg version or it never saw English release I don't know.

I gave this the same score as the Sapphire version because even though this is a 're-release' so to speak it has new features to keep me, someone who has played the original Red version entertained.

Gameplay - 5 Music - 3 Lastability - 3 Overall - 4

Advance Guardian Heros

I didn't know anything about this game. The name just looked interesting so I gave it a shot. After about 2 hours play I must agree there is a good game here. A bit difficult (had difficulty set to normal), & as you can see in the second screen shot I'm in 'devil mode'. Which probably doesn't make any sense to you at the moment. Well I'll try explain things... (I don't quite get it myself yet). You were this warrior & you died and this wizard lady put the soul of one of these 'heros' into your body. You now fight the baddies for some cause & save the day... Thats the very basics of it anyway... there's a story somewhere, but the game is incredibly fast & it hasn't sunk in yet. Anyway, whats this 'devil mode'? Well once you run out of life its game over... this devil dude asks you to fork over your soul & if you decline then its game over then & there. If you accept then he'll give you an invincible body for a limited time though! So after the 5min ( I think) is up you die & game over anyway... You don't have to start from the beginning again though... there is some kind of save system.

This game is pretty addictive with many spells & attacks to master, the only problem I found was that sometimes with all the explosions going on you loose sight of your character & maybe hit because of it.

Gameplay - 4 Music - 2 Lastability - 2 Overall - 3

Mario VS Donkey Kong

When I first saw the title of this game, I immediately thought Marvel VS Capcom style beat em up, much like Super Smash Bros. Instead Mario Vs Donkey Kong [MvsDK] greeted me with an oldskool puzzle game like the original Donkey Kong games. As a puzzle game its pretty addictive & I'm already up to the 3rd world after only a couple hours play :D The story is pretty simple. Donkey Kong was watching television & he saw this new MiniMario toy! He desperately wanted one, but the toy store was sold out. So Donkey Kong goes to the Mario Toy Factory & steals all the MiniMario toys. Mario sees him & the chase is on. This is where the game kicks in... You play as Mario, jumping, flipping, climping, swinging, throwing your way round a small puzzle platform style arena defeating baddies for points, collecting presents for bonuses and ultimately collecting keys & MiniMario's that DK has left behind. Its pretty straight forward, but to keep things interesting there are a few tricks Mario can do to reach his objective. He can swing on bars, do backflips [introduced in Mario64] and walk on his hands [which can deflect objects & can somersault him into a triple jump]. I'm sure there are a few more moves Mario can bust-a-move to. Overall its a good game. The sound is great as it features speech from Mario [like in Mario & Luigi] so prepare for a few "Here we Go's!" and "Mamamia!" :) The only thing I don't like is the fact that they did things in 3D. The characters are very odd looking & not crisp sprites that we are used to from Mario games. It would have looked a whole much better if they were a bit more 2D as it looks weird. I know 3D is the future, but in some places it doesn't work and this is one of them :( Despite that negative remark a good game all round.

Gameplay - 4 Music - 3 Lastability - 3 Overall - 4

Zone of Enders: Fist of Mars

Zone of Enders: Fist of Mars [ZOE] was released ages ago on GBA but I could only find a japanese version. FINALLY i've found myself an english version and have had the chance to play this game. Its not too bad, but I've played better (Front Mission anyone?)... A couple things that I do like about it is the story line and the animated mecha attacks. The story is played out like I was watching a simplified anime episode... all the complex dialogue is there and isn't sie tracked by flashy effects or eye-candy cut scenes, just different facial expressions of each characters. Actual gameplay is still a bit foggy to me as its a little different than games that I'm used to. So far i've been able to dodge each enemy attack and have not been hit once! I don't understand some of the attacks and all that nitty gritty which is usually explained in these types of strategy games with a couple of training missions or something. The only help it does offer is a small glossary giving an explanation of some terminology used. Its an interesting game and the fact that mechs play a part in it will keep me playing so I can fully understand it. My rating of it is fairly neutral as I don't really know if I can judge it fairly yet.

Gameplay - 3 Music - 2 Lastability - 3 Overall - 3

Shifting Gears - Road Trip

Finally a racing has shown itself in my reviews! Its not that there hasn't been any good racing games [Mario Kart Super Circuit, GT Advanced 3 - Pro Concept Racing & V Rally 3 for example], yet I guess none of them come as entertaining and fun as this Shifting Gears - Road Trip [SGRT]. You race around in chibi/SD style cars which has a strange resemblance to penny racers in a game that looks like an extremely tweaked Mario Kart Super Circuit that has the feel of Advance Wars. You race your way through many tracks on different surfaces [EVEN WATER!] & in different conditions & come in the top 3 to earn cash to upgrade your little machine. You start off my creating your profile name & then choosing between a couple of standard cars [I chose the lancer/skyline looking one], which you then get to name aswell [I called mine Ziggy]. You then start to race earning lots of money, unlocking tracks & better car bits to customize you car. I recommend you don't continue onto the next track unless you come first, as therefore you'll earn more money & will be able to afford some of the car parts that become available to you. You can win new cars & switch & change as much as you like, however I've grown attached to my now red Lanline [lmao short for lancer & skyline] :) You can pretty much customise most major bits... engines, tyres, brakes, steering, spoiler wings, gear box, paint & 2 weird items being a floating & flying device. As you can see from the last image you attach these floating devices on your car to compete on the water tracks... I presume there will be airborne tracks later on in the game. So basically its mixing & matching the best parts to suit the track & to give you the best chance of coming first, so you can earn more money to buy better parts to progress through more races. It may seem like a boring & repetitive routine but the floating and flying devices give it that extra interest to keep you playing to the very end. I've completed the Road, Offroad & I'm almost through the Water tracks & I'll continue to race and make my Lanline the best that it can be!

I recommend this to fans of penny racers & people who just like a good racing game, but if you want something with more realism try NFS - Underground or the GT Advance series.

Gameplay - 5 Music - 3 Lastability - 4 Overall - 5

CT Special Forces 3 - Bioterror

YAY! Once again we are blessed with good ol' side-scrolling shooting action. I think I have gotten about half way through Bioterror [BT] by now and so far I am as pleased as ever. I can't remember whether or not the previous games looked as good as this new entry in the CT Special Forces [CTSP] series. The backgrounds look more detailed or something.. more moving things... dunno. Anyway Its pretty much the same playability of the previous 2 games however I've noticed a new feature in this installation. You can swim! [see second picture]. You are equiped with a harpoon gun that unrealisticly fires harpoons like it was a machine gun :) There is one thing that I haven't seen so far in this game... and thats hostages... wait... unless I'm mixing my memory of Metal Slug with the previous CTSP games... there use to be hostages tied up and you rescue them. For those new to this game its a very simple, and straight-forward style of gameplay. You start at one end of the screen and kill everything (except hostages), kill the boss and advance to the next level. Oh and yeah there is a storyline in there somewhere. It seems the 3 characters from Back to Hell [BtH] have returned, and I have yet to discover a new guy. Apart from the harpoon, I don't think there are any new weapons to add to your collection. Anyway I recommend this to anyone who enjoys side scrolling shootem ups [shmups :)]. Fans of Metal Slug rejoice!

Gameplay - 4 Music - 3 Lastability - 3 Overall - 4

Megaman Battle Chip Challenge

I got a bit excited & curious when I saw this new Megaman game. Unfortunately it doesn't live up to the standards of previous Megaman games that we have learned to love. Megaman Battle Chip Challenge (MMBCC) is more of a duelling game, like YuGiOh, which focuses more on the cards/battle chips, than much of a storyline. Basically you can choose to play as any of the Megaman Battle Network characters [Lan, Mai etc] which have their corresponding Navi's [Megaman, Gutsman etc], plus the addition of a new character called Mary with her Navi 'Ring'. You then start off in your room complaining to Megaman about your homework as usual, when your PET receives an email about a BattlechipGP. A competition to challenge everyone and if you win, obtain a rare chip. This is where it starts to sound like YuGiOh... Anyway the very low rating I gave this game is because there is very little interactivity. YuGiOh was good because you get to use more strategy & actually play your cards & activate them and everything, but MMBCC lacks pretty much all of that. Its nothing like previous MMBN games [however it is set in the same universe], the battle system is totally different, where all you have to do is have a good arrangement of battle chips on this "Program Deck" [see 2nd image], in which the computer randomly chooses a path & then you sit back and tap the A button. The field is restricted to 3 squares per Navi [one in front, behind & the one you stand on] and you don't have any control over him at all. All you do have is the option of using bonus chips when your powerbar has enough energy [much like pulling off a combo when your power bar in Street Fighter Alpha has maxed]. You start of 'rank E', the lowest in difficulty & you have to work your way through, fighting 3 Navis in a row to clear 1 of 3 parts in that ranking. I've just completed rank D & am now in the C class. Oh & also you can't choose which battle chips you want to buy! Basically you cough up 300zennys for 1 battle chip or 3000z for ten, & the computer randomly spits out the chips. Some good, some bad & some you already have. This game could have been MMBN4, but I think it is trying to compete with YuGiOh. I prefer YuGiOh, because I watch the TV show therefore familar with the cards & the annoying & repetitive storyline. I'll continue to play MMBCC, basically because I've finished YuGiOh: The Sacred Cards, but I'd only recommend it for YuGiOh & MMBN fans.

Gameplay - 1 Music - 2 Lastability - 1 Overall - 1

Sonic Battle

I become a little sceptic when it comes to Sonic games... I didn't particularly like the original 'Sonic the Hedgehog' game way back when the Master System/Megadrive were video game consoles... I did however enjoy the new character Knuckles when he came out with that revolutionary & one of a kind game cartridge, "Sonic & Knuckles". Knuckles was cool, he could glide & climb walls, which made exploring the sonic world much easier... ANYWAY back to Sonic Battle... its nothing like previous Sonic games. There is this robot[seen in the 4th screenshot] which they named Emerl [it eats Emerald Crystals or something], that evil Dr Egg-something disposed of. Sonic found it on the beach & it has developed a "link" between itself & Sonic. I don't understand the Sonic story line, so this is all gibberish to me, and I haven't played that much of it, so thats as far as I'll go with the storyline. Gameplay is something different... its a fighting game if you haven't already guessed, & you take control of Sonic or one of his friends... You then fight with another character whether it be just for practice or to further the plot, & Emerl learns new fighting abilities from the other characters. These abilities are similar to the battlechips that you collect in MMBN. Emerl only has so much skill points so you can only assign so many abilities. The fighting arena is rather cool too... its a square 3D room which you can jump, fly, glide etc around in... The characters are 2D sprites though so its a good contrast. I can't think of much else to say about this game, but if your a Sonic fan then this might be a decent game, but I haven't felt that addiction to the game yet, like that of Max Payne or Mario & Luigi. I might though with a bit more play...

Gameplay - 3 Music - 2 Lastability - 1 Overall - 2

Max Payne

I recomend this to anyone who likes guns, a bit of blood & of course bullet time! [or as I call it 'boolet time'] The story is pretty good and is presented using a comic-strip style format & the people starring are real, not comic. The dialogue is at the bottom of the screen, but it is also spoken! One of the first games I've played that features voice acting. Like I said the story is good, and its kinda complicated & I've forgotten half of it, but yeah your family was killed and your out for revenge, but you get sucked into killing a heap of people. You get a piece of the story whenever you finish a 'stage' or discover some evidence/clue. Weapons? Well you start of with your Beretta M9 & a metal rod, then you gradually pick up [my favourite], the desert eagle, dual M9's, pump action shotty, sawn-off shotty, baseball bat, ingram & dual ingrams, M4 assult rifle, grenades & lastly the grenade launcher. The most powerful [besides grenades] seem to be the desert eagle, sawn-off & M4. The dual ingrams are pretty darn good too, but they chew through ammo like you were elephant in a peanut factory. Speaking of elephants in peanut factorys, the dialogue has a stack of metaphors, puns and old school, black & white detective movie narrative. Its kind of cool and works well in parts, especially at the end where he describes the bad guys building 'all metal and glass, cold like a gun', way cool. Anyhoo, boolet time... its a little tricky to get the hang of at first, but after a couple of tries you get used to it. In mid-air you can corkscrew yourself & fire many rounds at the same time before hitting the ground to roll/flip yourself back up, back to real-time. You can use boolet time when ever you want, just smack the R button and your in slo-mo. I even jumped off a higher ledge in boolet time, flying over my opponent and landing behind him... my aim was way off, but it looked cool. I believe that is the core of this game... coolness. I finished it in 2 days, on and off, so the game isn't as long as we all may like, but I think its long enough before we start believing that this game is getting a bit repetitive - dodge, shoot & reload. Overall its fairly good and something different for a change.

Gameplay - 4 Music - 4 Lastability - 2 Overall - 4

Medal of Honor - Infiltrator

This happens to be one of those great games that keep you entertained for ages. Completely different than a previous FPS style Medal of Honor [MoH] game. It reminds me a lot of Chaos Engine on the SNES mixed with a bit of the Tom Clancy series on GBA. You play the role of Murray, an infiltrator who has to destroy a heap of stuff... kill Nazi's, blow up crates of ammo, contol tanks & gun turrets in various places & steal secret documents & the like. You work by yourself so there are no teammates to cover you while you run through an open area. Stealth is your friend as you can avoid deadly fire fights with multiple nazi's armed with grenades, machineguns & even rocket launchers. I was impressed with the use of real war footage for the intro [see second image] as well a the occasional cut scene. This is what more GBA games need... especially games based off movies/cartoons etc. You have a small array of weapons to choose from, which you can change in certain buildings. Primary weapon being your gun [either rifle, pistol or 2 types of machine gun] & secondary being an explosive [grenades, tnt or rocket launcher]. I prefer the rifle as it can take out most units [not the rocket guys] with a single shot, but it has a small clip having only 8 bullets to let loose before you have to reload. A game which I am thoughroughly enjoying... look out for it.

Gameplay - 4 Music - 3 Lastability - 3 Overall - 4

Sword of Mana

I've played a little more of this game and its not bad. It reminds me a lot of the Mana games on the SNES, but I'm pretty sure its not a port. I've forgotten the story already so I can't say much more, but yeah so far its a good game.

With so many games to play, you'll probably only get a decent review from the ones that I have been playing non-stop, hence Sword of Mana [SoM]. I started playing it in between Fire Emblem and Mario and Luigi. SoM couldn't compete with 2 great games. My brain can only take so much greatness at a time so yeah sorry for a crap review.

Gameplay - 3 Music - 2 Lastability - 3 Overall - 3

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

I also downloaded the E3 trailer for this game way back when... Now that I have it, & I've had a couple of hours play, I can say its a rather enjoyable game. In this episode of the Bros, Princess Peach has had her voice stolen from some evil guy & replaced with explosive vocabulary [literally]... Its now Mario & Luigi's job to bash the bad guy and retrieve the Princess's voice... with many plots twists. It reminds me a heap of Super Mario RPG on the SNES, but more in a cartoony Paper Mario style. It is also very funny. The characters have a stack of expressions & sounds which made me give the music score a 5. You play as both Mario & Luigi, each characters having their own abilities etc, like you can fill Mario up with water, while with Luigi you can't. Playing 2 characters is a little complicated with only having 4 buttons to carry out a stack of commands & combos. The A button controls Mario and the B button controls Luigi... The L button activates the Bros attack thing, the R button activates the Hammer & the start button switches characters... the controls are rather fiddly and I'm constantly forgetting what button does what & I end up having Luigi whack Mario on the head with his hammer. So far though its a pretty good & a very enjoyable game to play. BEAN TIME!!!

Gameplay - 4 Music - 5 Lastability - 3 Overall - 5

Fire Emblem

I downloaded the E3 Expo trailer for Fire Emblem [FE] awhile ago & I couldn't wait to play it... it just looks awsome. Anyway, the intro gives you a story about how man & dragon lived in harmony & then man raged war against the dragons. Man won & the dragons vanished from the realm & man went on to conquer more territory. You'd think the game would somehow start along the lines of the story that you were just told?!.. well it doesn't for some strange reason. I think it's set a 'millenium later'... anyway by the looks of things the game is played out in chapters... each chunk of chapters surrounding the story of a certain character. You play the role of Mark [default name]... you were found unconcious by a nomad woman called Lyn. You are the tactician, so you yourself aren't actually fighting, you control the actions of the other characters. Much like the charaters in Advance Wars [AW]. The first chapter with Lyn, is like a tutorial lesson... a bloody long tutorial lesson, but after the first few missons you forget that you are working your way through a tutorial as its worked very well in to normal play. The game is pretty easy to grasp a hold of... If you've played Front Mission & AW you should have no problems. I loved AW, but I got a little bored of it after awhile, because it lacked a story to drive it, but FE does it very nicely, & I am intruiged to know what is to happen next. Unlike AW you can customize your units... Not as much as you can in Final Fantasy Tactics or Tactics Ogre, but you do have choice of weapons/spells/items. Also once your charcters reach level 12, with a special item you can upgrade them to the next level, making them more powerful & a boost to your band of fighters. For example the 2 knights fighting in the image to the left have been upgraded to Generals. Really cool animations too! Anyway, if you've played both AW games and are hungry for more then you should definately give this a shot. For those who are still playing Final Fantasy Tactics, then I would put this game aside until you finish otherwise you might not look back... I haven't :)

Gameplay - 4 Music - 3 Lastability - 3 Overall - 5

Megaman Zero 2

YAY another Megaman game!! This latest installment continues 1 year after the end of the previous MMZ game. I finished it and its thumbs up all the way. You have a new weapon: some chain hook thing. You still collect and use these cyber elves and you have different forms in which you gain, giving you better skills in different areas & such. Your resistance base which you left last time, has had a complete overhaul... all shiney and new, plus there is a new Reploid who is in control of this new base. To me he looks like he has the "shifty eyes" and there's a plot twist with her in it later on... Anyway not spoiling it too much... its just as fantastic as the previous game if not better... However it didn't seem to take long to finish... I'm gonna try play it again in 'Hard mode' which you get once completing the game and it will give me a chance to get the cyber elves that I missed & the rest of the forms. I recommend you play it if you enjoyed playing the first.

Gameplay - 4 Music - 2 Lastability - 3 Overall - 4

Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced

I've had a few gazillion hours playing this awsome game & I think I can give you a better review of it. You start as a school student who has made a few new friends and one of them buys this magical old book filled with strange writings. After a bit of story, and a bit of a cut scene their normal world disappears & you awake in some strange place & you begin your journey. You become a member of a clan, a large number of characters [I have about 20], in which you upgrade to defeat rival clans, complete missions, collect items & win money. You discover the cliche that there is a number [7?] of crystals holding this 'dream world' together. Each crystal is guarded by a Totema, a powerful beast [like a summon if previous FF games], in which you gain its powers when you defeat it and destroy the crystal. You discover that by destroying the crystals & hence the dream, you will have a way to return to reality. The gameplay is very similar to that of Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis (KoL), which was released last year some time. Its pretty much beefed up version of KoL. There are more pixels, your hometown looks absolutely awsome & the Totema & some Magic attacks are pretty cool. There are a few more things to consider during battle than in KoL, like battles have these "laws" that if you use a banned item/weapon/magic/skills etc you get in trouble for it, and literally get the yellow card, or even worse the red card. Too much of these isn't good, and so it requires you to use a heap of strategy & tactics to win a battle successfully without stuffing up. It gets harder as you play too [not suprising], with more laws added to battles the further you get into the game. Its a pretty good game & fans of KoL will thoroughly enjoy it. Those FF fans [like me], might be disappointed that it doesn't have a free roaming approach to it, but it has kept me entertained so far, unlike KoL which I got a bit bored of.

Gameplay - 5 Music - 2 Lastability - 3 Overall - 4

Pokemon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire

I've played the original Pokemon Pinball game based on the pocket monsters from the red and blue versions in the series and it was alright and nothing to rave about. The pokemon games have since improved their quality, especially now having more power to play with on the GBA, take the new Ruby and Sapphire games. So I gave the new pinball game a spin and I can't stop playing it. Its very addictive and I have found 188 of the total 201 pokemon so far. The gameplay is pretty simple. Hit A or B (depending on your control configuration) to whack a pokeball around a pinball table and capture and evolve pokemon. If you've played a pokemon game before, you'll know the tedious chore of levelling up you favourite and not so favourite monsters to get anywhere in the game. This game however by-passes the need to go up by levels and you can evolve your pichu right up to a raichu in about 10 minutes of play. You can't fight with your monsters or anything its basically a catch them, then evolve them kind of deal. Give it a go, you'll get addicted.

Gameplay - 5 Music - 3 Lastability - 4 Overall - 4

CT: Special Forces - Back to Hell

YAY! The first game was rather short and lacked variety. The second installation named 'Back to Hell' (BtH) is much much better. Basically its what the first game should have been... or maybe not. The first was excellent, very simple, and straight-forward style of gameplay. You start at one end of the screen and kill everything (except hostages), kill the boss and advance to the next level. Oh and yeah there is a storyline in there somewhere which basically mixes it up a bit giving reasons to use different characters. In the first there where only 2 characters you could play as... the blue uniformed gas mask guy and the jungle/desert camo guy. BtH has a third guy... Aquila One the chopper pilot. Whether it be Choplifter platform style action or classic shoot em up action. There are 1 or 2 new weapons... but i'm not sure I'd have to have a look at the first again. Anyhow if you loved the first then you'll love the second even more.

Gameplay - 3 Music - 3 Lastability - 3 Overall - 3

Megaman Battle Network 3 White

YIPPAAA!! Finally I get to play the next game in the Megaman Battle Network series. I've played about half of this game so far and its just as good, if not better than the previous games. Lan and the gang are competing in a N1 Net Battle competion. Basically you run around the net looking for Navi's or items and complete tasks in the preliminary tests then you go to the TV studio and battle other netbattlers to be the best. I won't reveal too much about the story, but an early cut scene (bottom image) after fighting Flashman, where it is revealed that Evil Dr Willy is up to his old tricks again, which doesn't surprise me. Graphics are pretty much the same. The net has nice graphical touches with extra bits here and there. Looks a little more confusing, but its easy to get used to. There is also a train system on the net to go from net city to net city. Basically to wrap this up its pretty much more MMBN. Some new viruses, chips and some helpful features. You can assign any chip (as long as Megaman has enough Reg Memory) so that it appears every time you battle. There are other bits and pieces, but I'm not going to talk about all of them as i'll leave that for you guys to find out. Also there are two versions. Blue and White. I got white, I'm guessing they are pretty much the same, much like the Pokemon games. Mmm more pixels.

Gameplay - 5 Music - 3 Lastability - 4 Overall - 5

Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising

I'm up to the last guy on the first Advance Wars and now there is a new one!! YAY! Its pretty much the same as the first with a few new units and stuff. I haven't played it much, and now that MMBN3 is out I don't think it will get played for awhile yet.

Gameplay - 5 Music - 3 Lastability - 5 Overall - 5

Megaman Zero

You play the game as Zero (he appeared in the X series on the snes), an X series who has lost his memory chips. This game is set like 100 years [I think] after the MMX games. You join a bunch of freedom fighters after their leader brings you back to life. It plays like the classic megaman style, but it has some new features. You have various weapons from you humble blaster to a boomerang shield which you can upgrade, and you have these helper creatures called cyber-elves. You'll find them throughout the "missions" and they different abilities, like better buster attacks and the like. You have to feed them with a certain number of energy crystals before you can use them and also to upgrade them.You have to complete a number of "missions", aka levels , in which you have to take out a heap of respawning bad guys and fight a boss dude at the end. Long gone are the ironic names like Junkman and Freezeman, some of the boss guys look much like Zero and you might question whether Zero was good guy in the first place. An interesting game that stretches the megaman games just that little bit further. A worthy play.

Gameplay - 4 Music - 2 Lastability - 3 Overall - 4

Pokemon Sapphire Version

I've played the Red version, I own the Yellow, I've finished the Silver version and after all that I thought there couldn't be much more than this. I was wrong. There are EVEN MORE of those damn creatures to capture and upgrade! I'm not a huge pokemon fan, but the games are pretty damn good. Yes there is that kiddyness to them, but its good gameplay. You can spend hours just leveling up a soon to be favourite [GO ARON!! (fully evoled as Aggron in the image)] so you can beat the next gym leader and get a heap of goodies, such as a new attack or new pokeball. The graphics have hugely improved, but there is that squash and stretch effect that i've seen a lot of in these GBA games, which I don't particularly like. A good and reasonably lengthy RPG.

Gameplay - 5 Music - 3 Lastability - 3 Overall - 4

Advance Wars

I love this game. It was one of the first GBA games I played and I can't get enough of it. If you liked the turn-based fun of Front Mission on the SNES, you'll love this.

Gameplay - 5 Music - 3 Lastability - 5 Overall - 5

Megaman Battle Network

Probably my favourite game on the GBA. You take the role of a boy called Lan, and he has this PET (like a uber Tamagotchi, minus the tedious chores) called Megaman. Basically you have to save the world from the evil WWW, an evil gang led by none other than evil Willy. You "jack in" to electrical items and roam the internet fighting viruses and levelling up Megaman. Many hours of entertainment.

Gameplay - 5 Music -3 Lastability - 4 Overall - 5

Megaman Battle Network 2

Much the same as the first except time is set after the fall of the WWW but there is a new evil in town. I finished it the other day, after finally figuring out a tricky part. The graphics haven't changed [which is a bit of a bummer], just a few more 'viruses' to collect and new places to visit. It gets really good at the end. Pixel heaven!

Gameplay - 5 Music - 3 Lastability - 4 Overall - 5

Robotech: The Macross Saga

When I first heard about this game I went nuts. I was looking everywhere trying to find an english version of it. After I found it, 2-3 hours later I had finished it. Difficulty is moderately high and I had to use the save states often. Once I finished it, I had access to a new veritech fighter, but more or less the fighters don't differ much besides their colour. There is 3D perspective type level where you can roam around in the ground mecha such as the Sparta, but there isn't a ground level with the veritech fighters, which was a dissapointment. If your a fan of Robotech give it try, I'm only half way through playing the game for the 5TH TIME with a different veritech than the one I used before, and basically you just get a new veritech every time you finish, and so far nothing differs. If you not a fan I'd stay clear.

Gameplay - 3 Music - 4 Lastability - 2 Overall - 4

Tactic Ogre: The Knight of Lodis

The Knight of Lodis [KoL], is a fairly decent game. Pretty long with a somewhat complex story involving many characters names & places.There is a Tactics Ogre game on the SNES, but they are totally different. After playing both Final Fantasy Tactics [FFT] & KoL, I'd have to say FFT is better... don't get me wrong, KoL is still a great game, but I think FFT is more polished and has more things in the game. If you had the choice of which to play first, play FFT, then play KoL. Although it will probably take you awhile to finish FFT alone :)

Gameplay - 5 Music - 2 Lastability - 3 Overall - 4

Super NES
Name & Screenshots
Review & Score Ratings

Metal Marines

This game has a huge flaw. RTS/strategy games usually incorporate a training mission within the first few missions. However this game just gets stuck right into it. Of course difficulty is lower at the beginning, but being faced with numerous buildings to build in strategic places on your first play is annoying. However once you play about 3 missions [if you ever get past the first] you'll get the gist of the game. Dispite having no training missions its a pretty cool game, no where near as good as Front Mission, but if you finished that then have a go at this.

Gameplay - 3 Music - 1 Lastability - 3 Overall - 3

Gundamwing Endless Duel

I dunno if this comes in english, but its a beat'em up so there's not a great deal of dialogue. Story mode isn't much of a story. Your character just says a sentence when you defeat someone. Its pretty cool that you can take control of your favourite gundam mech and bash it out with a friend. A must play for Gundam fans. I wish there was a Neon Genesis game just like this! [on the SNES]

Gameplay - 4 Music - 2 Lastability - 4 Overall - 4


This is a great game. If you like a game with a bit of a challenge, giant robots and did I say a bit of a challenge... then this game is for you.

I figured out that Metal Warriors is a totally different game. See below.

Gameplay - 4 Music - 2 Lastability - 2 Overall - 4

Metal Warriors

This game is pretty much the same as Cybernator, but you have a few different types of mechs that you can pilot. Its pretty hard, but its heaps of fun [if your winning that is].

Gameplay - 4 Music - 2 Lastability - 2 Overall - 4

Front Mission

I really enjoyed this one! Turn-based strategy at its best. Plus it has giant robots which you get to customise!! Naturally its from the genius people at Square[soft].

Gameplay - 5 Music - 2 Lastability - 3 Overall - 5


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