Research Assignment – My Ethnic Background (Germany) Germany has many, many foods, which would take days just to name. To simply the process, a list of three foods accompanied by details will be given. Lowensenf Bayerisch Suss is a Bavarian specialty. It is a coarsely ground mustard made from brown, and yellow mustard seed and a good helping of sugar. It can be eaten with cheese, sweet and sour food, bread or basically anything you want to add its intense flavor to. Dr. Oetker chrunky muesli is a breakfast cereal mix that is mainly comprised of sun-matured raisins and gently roasted wheat shoots. It is said to be “unmistakably exquisite.” TRESS Original Home Made Swabian Spaetzle is noodle still sold in its original formula that is handed down as homemade form generation to generation. The noodle dough is of traditional consistency. It is very loose pasta that is apparently very delicious and pleasurable to eat. It could be used to make anything we use pasta in. The Loden Janker is a typical woman’s Bavarian jacket worn on cooler days to protect against the cold and wind. It is one one hundred percent wool. Stylish metal buttons line the camel colored jacket. This is mainly a women’s coat but it has been purchased and worn by men.
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