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Some Tshirt Ideas

The coffee drink I got from Cyberia has sent me on a creative mission from God without abandon. I came up with a few ideas fooling around with images and paint programs and here they are. They're just ideas, so they're open to anyone's modification, or opinion as to if they should be scrapped. Doesn't bother me what you do with them. Heck, you could use them in ads if you wanted. Take a look, see what you think.

Front designs - I usually think it's best if not too much is on the front. I didn't do too much here.

Possible front 1
Possible front 2

Back designs

Gotten your lode yet idea
Hard hitting information idea
"Blown away" idea 1
"Blown away" idea 2
"Blown away" idea 3
"Crash Test" idea 1
"Crash Test" idea 2
"Crash Test" idea 3

Quotebox ideas

Try these Lewd ideas...
"MTU Construction Plans to completely cover campus"
-Architects want to put roof over buildings, walkways, trees

"Final Exam storage found"
-Students engage in major Ebay selling

"Vote or Die" kill spree comes to an end"
-P. Diddy was finally apprehended, but only after killing the last U.S. citizen not to vote

"George Bush to team up with Mr. T - Make pity da country list"
-After admitting to spend most of his work hours watching Nick at Nite, George Bush revealed his new foreign policy plan

"UP (or Houghton) secedes Union, U.S. doesn't seem to notice"
-After chanting "The Pennisula has risen again!" a small crowd of yoopers knocked down the welcome to Michigan sign along the Wisconsin border. After a few weeks, still no reaction or response from the U.S. capital.

"New CS sunscreen hits markets"
-Many years of research and funding poured in to Dr. Robert McLeelan's invention of SPF CS, a new sunscreen lotion that allows CS majors to open their dorm shades without harm.

(Use Walmart photo from 1/19/05 issue)
"Old people fence of area of special snow, not yet available to the public."
Some questions for Mouthin' Off...
What is the worst job you've ever had?

What are you thankful for and why? (Thanksgiving)

Do you have an interesting routine or habit when studying for finals?
How do you study for finals?

What is the weirdest gift you've recieved for Christmas?

If you won the lottery, what would be your first purchase?

What is your favorite Springtime activity?

What are your plans following college? (maybe save for week when job fair is front page)

How do you spend your free time at Tech?

What is the farthest roadtrip you've taken and where?

What is the most important attribute of a person?

What is your biggest pet peeve?

Where are you going for the summer?