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NeXuS, by definition.. "a connection, tie, or link between individuals of a group"

This is mainly a personal site.. an escape from boredom.. a place where I can experiment with new ideas and work on my web/graphic design skills. I'll be updating this site frequently.. so you can expect a lot of changes and new content. For now I'll be posting a lot of miscellaneous junk.. writings, graphics, fonts, progz, links, etc. I hope to add a section about me in the near future.. as soon as i get a pic worth showing. And possibly some stuff about phucking the phone company *S* its all in good phun. Take a look around and like what you find lol peace!

[nexus] [scrawlings] [graphics] [downloads] [links]

If you have any comments on this site email me at

§i†e by SiN OpZ