Everything Doolittle

The Doo Little Page

This page is dedicated to Mark Doolittle and all the crazy shit he has done.

The Quotes

1. If it's not in arm's reach I'm not getting it
2. My psychic friend, she helps me out. She's a hot chick, she helps me with my boner.
3. Dave then says, What number am I thinking of? Mark then says, 5...2..1 something like that.
4. I crack myself up
5. I thought there were 20 bugs on my foot, but I checked and it was only 3.
6. I want to be blonde guys and dumb.
7. Wurms dont help wurms, goblins help goblins.
8. Mike - Are your goblins smarter than you? Mark - Obvously not
9. You guys record stuff I dont even say.
10. Why is everything the best?
11. Rob - Lets make an atomic bomb using materials from the forest. Mark - OK, throw some sticks in a bag.
11. I got 1...2...3... blisters. Thats pretty good.
12. I get 30% of the earnings, plus what I sue you for.
13. All - Hey Charlie. (5 minutes later) Mark - Hi Charlie.
14. Dave - I have a nice ass. Mark - Can I squeeze it?
15. Lets play spin the bottle
16. Theres no ghetto like the ghetto's of Orange
17. I am poor. I live in the really really really really poor ghettos.
18. Just 'cause you're trying to go to sleep, doesn't mean we can't be loud.
19. It's only heavy beacuse I'm on it

20. I'm like sad
21. I like apples when I find them in Mike's ass
22. I know I'm hot but c'mon people
23. My stuff is sticky, isn't it?
24. I dont even want to go to lunch. I'm just going to make fun of Cahill.
25. Wheres my rubber band? When I came I had 20 now i have like 1.
26. John - I always have this pad ready to record Mark's dumb phrases.
27. Mike - Mark your filopian tube is open. Mark - Really?
28. Kevin - I need a Tum. Mark - Tum-ta-tum-tum-tum!
29. Feels like a massage, keep going.
30. He's probably gonna crop his ass off.
31. John - Don't land in Mark's cum. Mark - Yea, you might get babies or something.
32. Mike, why don't you pull it out of your ass.
33. Yep, no more cum tree. I got a condom.
34. Lets all go hide in my sleeping bag guys.
35. Marks governmental position: Minister of Agriculture.
36. It only tastes delicious when it's mine.
37. Kevin's cool until her throws up.
38. Luke I am your father....I think
39. I'm bunking with David, guys!
40. I'm not smart like that

41. I'm so sexy guys.
42. Mike - You know how monkeys smell their asses and fall over? Mark - I thought that was a gretting; it's cheaper than Hallmark.
43. I can't finish my sentences.
44. Kevin - Its got brown stuff on it. Mark - Oh no...yes he did. I can tell by the way I see.
45. If that mouse doesn't kill me, I'm gonna kill myself.
46. My throat like, hurts.
47. I'm gonna be a quadrillionaire. I'm gonna be the next Tim Allen or something.
48. Oooh what a suck. (Kevin and his asma medicine)
49. I don't start stuff I finish it.
50. You sniff that guys? C'mon.
51. Kevin's story about applesauce was really great.
52. He doesn't get bling bling for this class.
53. Kevin was right, he IS fat.
54. You could feel vibrations when people walk. It's crazy.
55. I don't care about the firehose. I don't want to be a firemen, thats a volunteer job.
56. I can warm some parts of you up.
57. This is like deja vu for me guys.
58. He (James) shops at Victories Secret.
59. Did the mouse make you a little jumpy?
60. Oh wait, it's an M.D. You sick bastards!
61. Whoa thats cool if you wave it really fast.
62. Whoop - de - doo you can count.

63. Neal - You have a goblin king. Mark - .......maybe.
64. Hurry up faster.
65. I'm attacking with all these things.....that's......alot.
66. Keep picking up cards and putting stuff down.
67. I said practically. That means minus 10.
68. My goblins are very smart.
69. John - Mark what are you at? Mark - I don't know.
70. I'm just gonna keep taping stuff.
71. I'm at 3? OK good.
72. I'm doing this thing and this thing and your dead.
73. I'm losing, pick up ten.
74. Kevin - I see that card. Mark - No.

75. The bugs don't bother me when I use all John's bug spray.
76. I can't sit this long, I'm like old.
77. Neal - It's my bunk. Mark - Well its my bunk too.
78. Keivn got beat up by a guy that used an oxygen tank. (Then Mark gets beat up by same guy)
79. The mice raiders made us a little jumpy.
80. You can't go past the cum tree.
81. Thats beyond cheap.
82. It goes as high as I want it to.
83. Oh my god I'm so dumb.
84. Lat year was so last year ago, ya know.
85. I'm older than than everybody except for Dan and these other people.
86. He's fanning us, its hot in here.
87. Dave - That deer's staring at you. Mark - Oh yes. I should throw this at him. (a slushy)
88. Killer Rock!
89. What about Houston? When you got a problem, call him.
90. Dave - Those animal heads are real. Mark - That makes sense.
91. Mike - What happens to your lap when you stand up? Mark - It goes into your leg or something.
92. This isn't telephone with redial.
93. So true, gotta say it twice.
94. You're screwed more than a scewdriver.
95. The things I say amaze me.
96. I am the big player here, you're just someone here.
97. If I get one more mana you're dead!
98. Oooooo I got a mana! You're gone!
99. I can't count, ok?
100. Mrs. Owens - Where dows the OČ in your blood go? Mark - Umm... to your brain? Mrs. Owens - Anywhere else? Mark - Uhhh...other places...

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