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Love Can Kill

Father and daughter - one of life's most
beautiful        relationships.         Happy
moments.  teasured  memories.   sworn
secrets. shared sorrows - right from the
arrival  of  the  little princess to the time
she  moves  to  her own kingdom... and
even  more.  But   what  of  the  father's
greatest fear - the man in his daughter's
life?  Who  is  to draw the line between
care     and     over   protection?   Father
believes he is simply a protective parent
while  Zarlasht  believes  he   is   simply
possessive. All is well. Till Sohrab walks
into their life. Sohrab epitome of all the
values that Zarlasht father abhors. Wild
unpredictable, over powering obsessive.
But he is just what Zarlasht been waiting
for- intriguing, magnetic, sensitive. Sohrab
has only one mission in his life - being in
love with the Zarlasht. Nothing else matters.
Soon   beings   a   war.   Of   ideologies.
Desires, wits. How far can Father go to
convince his only child that she's headed
towards disaster?