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I suck...but you really Suck!
Tuesday, 1 February 2005
Valentines Day
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: You're So Vain - Carley Simon
Some Random Discourse, of course:

When composing online singles advertisments, DON'T:

1: begin headlines with the following;
"brokenhearted, lonely, bored, and Just Curious." I don't care How hot you are. I see that, and think she's desperate, or a bitch.

2: post pictures of the following:
you, with your Ex in the pic, you with your kid, you and ten other people in the shot, and definitely NOT one with your fucking pets. I dig the pussy, but I'm not into your fucking cat.

3: forget to mention that:
A: you're on house arrest
B: your husband is lethally jealous
C: you live in a box w/ 14 kids, and you're looking to move in.
D: into poop games.

Little things mean the most, and with a bit of tact, you too, can find love online. Happy hunting!

Posted by mech/ljasong at 11:32 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 14 February 2005 7:34 PM CST
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Monday, 31 January 2005
A thought...
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Chain Of Fools - Aretha Franklin
The art of brutalizing people, both physically and mentally, in order to either a) extract information, b) break their spirit, or c) get your rocks off.

I was reading about Camp X-Ray (click the link if you'd like to read it too)...and I was sitting here thinking how fucked this country really fucking is. Yes, yes, I know...."if you don't like it, why don't you just leave?"


1: For starters, this is MY country as well and I have a RIGHT to be here complaining.

2: Running away is for pussies, and I....on second thought, you ARE what you eat...

3: I love to complain. Hahahahaa.

Jerkoffs! Truthfully, when I was but a lad, me and my bestest friend (who will remain nameless, because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ would be horrified at the use of his name in such an unpatriotic display) would pull bongs in his parents basement, planning new political systems between hits of midgrade regs, convinced that either through nonviolent civil disobediance, or flat-out armed rebellion, we would change the face of this country and save ourselves, as well as the next generation of people to toil under the so-called Pig System. We grew apart as Maturity claimed it's willing victims. He went to the Marine Corps, and I took the scenic route to the musical success I so eagerly sought. He is a Good Man, as am I, after a fashion. Our morality seems to have parted ways as neatly as our social circles, although we in fact, get together to drink and chat as old friends are want to do. I think at times, were I to marry, he would be my Best Man. I would imagine discussing Camp X-Ray and Abu Ghraib with him over a few pints of the black stuff with me having chased several Vicodins with a mouthful off piss-warm Miller Lite. Would he defend or deplore this travesty to American Justice? This obscene sidestep to Liberty, and if you read about the ferocity of the female interrogators, you'd fucking shit your Dockers at what I would call A Heavily Armed Whore of Babylon move.

I even wondered as of late, to the reason The World fucking hates our guts came to me as I was sitting up with my verry patriotic Brother, monday morning at 4 am. Here's MY hypothesis:

As a guy, I like cute girls, and I'm SO not shy. I may see one at a bus stop and I may send the message that I'm a sensitive, unattached male who would be honored by the company of a beautiful woman for lunch. (this I convey, by pulling out my penis and staring fixidly at her tits) She may be intrigued by my rakish daring, and boyish good looks, or run srceaming to a Police Officer, who would have a talk with me about my approach to the Fairer Sex (this would include beating the living fuck out of me in front of her)


She would talk to me or she would not. Most guys know that nothing spoils the looks of a pretty girl like the fact she Knows she's pretty. If a guy meets a really hot chick who talks him up right back, in GuySpeak(tm), she's a Cool Chick. (see: Jenny McCarthy) If she looks down her nose at him over the rims of her Prada Frameless(tm), she's a Fucking Bitch.(see: Liz Hurley) Sad, but true.

The World KNOWS America has the best music, movies, girls, toilets, money, food, clothing, television, weapons, and standing army of non-conscripts. But to ignore the International Community OUTRIGHT...well, think of it this way:

We are the hot chick at the bus stop. And WE are a Fucking Bitch.

Posted by mech/ljasong at 3:33 PM CST
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Monday, 24 January 2005
The High Road for Lowlifes...
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Down Here bt The Murder King
I was on Friendster today. Amazing how many Indians are on Friendster. My keyboard smelling vaguely or currie, I flipped thru pages and pages, My friend Jiyad was right: some of these girls rock.

Alot of Indians.

My friend Carole best come home soon so I can stop going crazy from...I can't bring myself to even talk about it. Let me tell you this: you can't sleep in shit w/out stinking. my only light at the end of this tunnel is the fact She will be home soon. I am NOT myself. Something very basic has changed within me on a very basic level. It is NOT for th best, but I can only hope this is superficial, thus, malliable.

Looking thru Friendster...isn't she beautiful:

I think so...

Posted by mech/ljasong at 4:32 PM CST
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Tuesday, 24 August 2004
Sippy Straw Dogs...
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: the key of "see-sharp"
  Ah, well.....looks like I haven't really done much with this site as of yet. It's coming together s  l  o  w  l  y but I'm always looking to improve. I hope this HTML GUI works 'cuz text is so damn....boring. As some of you know, I'm Lance. Or Lj. Or whatever. I'm depressed when I'm not pissed off, my follow-through needs work (as you couldn't tell) and I'm not knee-deep in clubs as of yet. It's going to be very hard when the holidays hit, cuz clubs book nearly a year in advance. I don't think I will be going on the road for the rest of this year. Maaaaaan.....I gotta call a client early in the AM so I can get his new P4 computer loaded with a metric shitload of software over to him. It's good money, but my soul is in performing. Perhaps this is a good thing: by the time next Jan rolls around, I'll have material with me singing, and then I'll be hitting clubs. Singing is my soul. I dig the proto-dj thing with my grooveboxes and laptop and samplers and shit, but as much as I like being behind the decks, I'm meant to be singing. Speaking to the people. God, I sound like a hippie...
  So, who knows. I'll figure something out. Don't i always?

Posted by mech/ljasong at 3:26 AM CDT
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Monday, 2 August 2004
This is NOT a drill.....
Well I'm gonna try this blog thing one more time...maybe I'll work some HTML into this, still not sure...anyway, I'm Lj, and you are NOT!

Posted by mech/ljasong at 11:40 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 3 August 2004 10:55 AM CDT
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