Custom Optimus Prime with Sword (Voyager Class)

Continuing with my Transformes movie repaints I give you Optimus Prime! He's the voyager class Prime and more streamlined looking than the leader class. Also I like his face-sculpt better because it's actually made up of about five pieces when you unscrew it! This allowed me to detail the rings around the eyes and everything between the face. I painted all his metallic parts black and then drybrushed a mix of steel and armored silver for them, added gloss dark red to sections, painted in all the tiny flames on his upper body, and various other robotic detailing. I redesigned the neck using a Gundam ball-joint, hollowing up inside the head so it fit. Now Prime can look up, down, and tilt his head.

The sword was scratch-built from an orange CD jewel case. I carved out the main sword and then cut the metal cover-sections out of a sheet of Styrene, then apoxie-sculpting them together. The hilt was put together from various parts I had laying around. You can take off Prime's hand and replace it with the sword, just like he had in the movie!

Custom Optimus Prime

Custom Transformers Figure
