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These are Rom Hacks that I have and the programs to use them. If you want to find more rom's and programs you can Click here to look.To use rom hacks you need to have a .zip program Click here to get one, if you dont have one, just to download it for free.Everything on this site is free.These are really simple to use so if your thinking that you dont know how to use it do not use it. Just download the program to open and read the file you want make shure you watch where you saved it.Then doubble click what you have downloaded.

Now you see a whole buch of files that make no sence....thats good. Click on the file with .EXEand the program should load. If there are two .EXE files then try each one, One of them wont work the other will.

Now That You Have The Program

Good, Good you got this far. Now you wana play a game right?!?!? Ok you dowload the game you want but wait, not all games work on one program so... I made a really crappy chart for you!!Just look for the name of the program you downloaded and look at the kind of file you need. Then make shure you download that kind.Ok?? Still with me?? Thats all the info you need really. Have fun!!

Program - File you need

ZSnesWin - .SMC

Nes - .NES

VisualBoyAdvance - .GAB

Game Boy - .GB

Rom Programs