Tales from the 1st Engineer Battalion

Disclaimer:  No soldiers were harmed in the making of this site.  Except for PFC Howard who now has a case of carpal tunnel syndrome.  Enjoy at your leisure. - The Management

The soldier that brings you these wonderful pictures....me!!


From left to right these high speed medics are SPC McAtee, SGT Beza, PFC Howard, SSG Lebov, SGT Fisher, PFC Astromovitch, SPC Hagedoorn, PFC Springer, PFC Karr, SSG(P) Townsend


The best thing in our aid station


Our fearless leader SSG(P)T hard at work... "Use the force sergeant it will get clean faster"


The two weeks notice...those who know understand


Call me Beza, Manuel Beza


Astro got a "B" in his class


The NBC Train UP

On April 10, 2003 a select group of soldiers were selected to go on a top secret mission for the united states government.  Their mission, to dress up in hot clothes, on a hot day and sweat off 15 - 20 pounds and get as dirty as possible in the process.  One soldier was allowed a camera.  These are the photos he took of that day.  To this day the government does not believe these pictures exist...

Does it look like I'm having fun?  Cause my sergeant said I'm having fun...


Springer and his high-water NBC pants


High speed Springer before roll out


Astro and Springer racked out in the back of a 5 ton


Pierce all MOPP'd up and in the prone



Using a 256 kit (left) and celebrating that Blood Agent was found (right)


What the heck is Astro so happy about?


SPC Walker drove us into this mess...*sarcastic tone taken* "Thanks Walker..."



High speed 91W1O all decontaminated from the blood agent


SPC Hagedoorn (center) directing traffic Springer (left trash can) and Astro (right trash can)


Position of asking for a pay raise....MOVE!!!



Our NCO's hard at work...Awww is SGT Beza dirty...


I am an army of one...


Astro and Springer ready to go



High ho, high ho it's off to the car wash we go...


Townsend's Angles 

(From left:  Springer, Howard, and Astro)


There will be more pictures to come including an adventure from Ft. Benning to Ft. Riley.  Until next time, same bat time same bat channel.


If you like what you see then email me at jhoward@lupissoft.com 


**Note this was taken from an old webpage I had up forever ago.  It is only proper that I leave the original unchanged.**

If you are here that only means one thing.....you are one of the lucky few who play in the world of REZNOR (not in any way related to the band nine inch nails). 

This is a pbem world is created upon the ideas stolen by John Howard (DM 111) from all the worlds he has played in, wished he played in, seen played , heard about, imagined, wished he imagined, straight up copyright infringed, found in a dead guys butt, located on the internet once but lost the url so he couldn't get back, and many more excuses.

It is also influenced by the following:

God, legos, connect four, that one guy from that one show, rap music, family, friends, lint, late nights, my walmart shoes, expensive clothes, the holes in my socks, cool lookin rocks, heavy metal music, people named Habib Jones, electric shavers, the shower, bad times, good times, more bad times, more rap music, scary clowns, the law of gravity, hate, love, alcohol, drugs, bubble gum, crayons that begin with the letter x, old navy clothes, stupidity, sheer luck, a guy named Jamie, Wisconsin, Jesus, orange juice, sweet sweet crack, old homeless people, the eifle tower, horror movies, movies about whores, mis-spellings, that guy with the face and the nose with those eyes and the funny lookin ears, the trix wabbit, calvin kline, mushrooms, front page editors, the smurfs, gang related clothes, bed head, the tiny toons, voltron, the concert where i got hit in the head with a piece of dirt as big as i was, arguments, fluffy cute things, fractions and decimals and decimals to fractions, strange words like hagada and arshkabarshkabar, silky drawers, my grandma, snow, hippies on rooftops, sippin ninety proof, outlook express, icq, that trial version of the hair club for men or was it quicken, renting videos, a guy i met once that told me that there are three different types of people in the world those who can count and those who can't, camshafts for the ford f-150, cigar smoke, the word the, lists that are long and pointless, a joke i heard once that made me laugh for a whole two seconds and then i forgot it and thought it was stupid, people with thingies, people without thingies, 111, 1111, and other numbers just like the two before this one, monoloply, the dollar theater that isn't there anymore cuz it was torn down to build a drugstore, final fantasy games, those little people in my head, boogers, sandpaper, this dude i know named Cloey, people who live in Australia and speak Spanish, dead leaves, the gift of sight, big feet, big foot, fruit by the foot, yard sticks, 100 miles to indy, that town in that one place, gays Illinois, bo boat key key run run pppptttttthhhhhtttttt......, the virgin mary, pope john paul deuce, catholic people, people who shave cats for fun, ICP, Baskin Robins, TCBY, ASAP, USA, XYZPDQ, DMX, DNA, The letter O, near far near far near far, people who ramble, that snot stuff you used to get in the vending machines at the store but they don't sell it anymore cuz a kid choked on it and died, wacky wall walkers, ice cream, bullets for a fourty four mag, my nine, glocks, Tupac Shaker, Moses kicking a rock and wandering in the desert for fourty years, pbem games, stickdeath.com, theonion.com, deathclock.com, my laptop that someone says will break soon but never has and never will or i will slaughter him and his whole family, things that go bump in the night,  the book great expectations which was not all i hoped it would be, films by mel brooks, the way U always follows Q in a word, the Ebola Virus, the stand, crazy people who chop up people and eat them, and a bunch of other things but I won't tell you right now.....