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Princess Ai!!!

My favorate Quote : "Now, Bring Me That Horizon." - Captain Jack Sparrow

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what's your battle cry? | | merchandise!

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X1999 Kamui with blood spots and red ribbons
Destruction: You find the world pretty useless.
There's nothing but turmoil inside and you
believe it should be that way outside too. You
express personal suffering through torture (to
yourself but mostly others and innanimate
objects). Have a nice life and, for the sake of
mankind, stay away from anything more dangerous
that a plastic knife.

Which of the true ones (life, death, fate, destiny, war/self-infliction, peace, destruction, rejuvenation) are you?
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light fairy
You are the light fairy. She who is of comfort, and
friends. She who is nice to anyone who comes
her way. Beware of who you make friends with,
some friends can turn their backs. You can see
things in people that others cannot. This is an
awesome trait, keep up the good work!

**The ultimate Fairy quiz**(anime pics!) for girls, but if you are a guy you can take it too! !**being improved more**!
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You are a Khaos angel. You are different from all
the rest. You are a special breed of angel,
prone to suffer in the world that you are in
now. No matter how much you try to believe that
your not special, you are. There is alot that
you want to do in this world. Khaos angels are
very dramatic, we tend to have the ability to
cheer people up no matter what the mood, and
hold in your emotions. You should be proud,
Khaos angels are very rare to find in this
world of ours...

What Different Kind of Angel are you...? ( Anime-ish pics )
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You have a free soul! As all the souls go, yours is
the most free-spirited and adventurous. You
like camping, hiking, or interaction with other
people. Your a social butterfly, but not
because of your style, but because of your
willingness to communicate with everyone. You
probably have close friends who can rely on you
because you always seem to know whats going on
in the world. You love music and are
free-spirited and someone fun to be around. A
born leader and great explorer-dont ever
change-the world needs more people like you.

What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla twisted
You have a twisted soul! Twisted Souls are never
bad, and actually, are a rarity amongst souls.
These souls are a little combination of
everything, with always a little of their own
chaos to add. Twisted Souls are kind, loving,
weird, zany, temperamental, and very talented.
They have their own firm opinion, and can at
one time be very outspoken and passionate, and
the other time shy and feeling insignificant.
Twisted Souls have good senses of Humor and
other times can be a bore. You can act quite
intelligent at one time, and grasp concepts
easily, while other times they can find it
difficult to understand. Twisted Souls are
always very fun and Kind, and can be party
animals. But, if you love someone, youre
serious about it, intense, and forever loyal.
Congratulations-the world should have more like

Steller Goddess
You are Ji Nu!
A Chinese stellar goddess. Charming, inquistive,
and a dreamer.

Which Chinese Mythological Being Are You?
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If you only knew the power of the dark side.
Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis. "You do not know the power of the Dark
Side." There are two possibilities: you
are a Star Wars geek, or you are unreasoningly

A favorite and very common wolf is the Air wolf.
Playful and friendly are two perfect words that
describe this confused being. A wolf of air
loves to hang with his/her friends. They have
lovely powers and deadly teeth. They are sad
most of their time. Maybe people just
misunderstand them. Since being the wolf of air
they are the only wolves in their species to
summon hurricanes and tornadoes. To envision
the air wolf you must picture it as a wolf with
wondrous silver hair and stunning yellow eyes
with spread out blackish white wings. Always
with a loyal heart all they desire is a
compassionate human that will never leave them.
Go you if you got this result!

What Elemental Wolf Are You? (with pics/read memo)
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Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You?
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What type of gamer are you?! shotgun bitch!you have a sadistic nature hiding inside of you.well it's already out I guess. you sometimes
play with friends although they don't like
playing with you any more

what type of gamer are you?
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Which Wolf's Rain Character are you?

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You belong to the world between light and darkness.
You belong in the world of balance, where
everything has two sides and everything is not
always what it appears on the outside. Of
course, if you have a sense of humor, you may
find employment as a sarcastic comedian. If
not, enjoy the choices that are presented to
you through life, they will always have two
sides to them,one which leads you to the light,
and the other which entrenches you in darkness.
Walk on with hope, my friend.

Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES)
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You follow...your heart! Your heart dictates to you
they way you should act, and your actions are
always different depending on your mood. Some
people see you as very dramatic and
unpredicatable, but you have a tender heart,
and would always try to follow happiness for
yourself and those you love. A little more use
of your head might help at times, but in the
end following your heart can bring great

Do you rely on your heart or your head? (pretty anime results)
brought to you by Quizilla Fallen
;Fallen Angel;-You are a fallen angel. Once an
angel of light you crossed the line into the
dark. Most likely for one other than yourself.
As a fallen angel, you can often be cold though
your insides are burning with emotion. Noing
that feeling for someone was what got you here
in the first place and you are not willing to
go there again. You do not dwell on your
emotions though they are there and probably
very stong. Your beautiful in an untouchable
way. You are an independant spirit becuase of
your past and people often try and harness that
beauty though never able to succeed. You have a
higher understanding of the world and the
people in it. You are probably very empathetic
to others emotions though not to your own. You
wish with all your heart to return to the
light. Though your outside is rough and changed
through time Your heart remains ever heavenly.
You most likely hate pity and cant feel sorry
for yourself.

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MP3 of the moment is steel Angel Intro, compliments of Zero. Size is 2.99 MB, Download it here

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Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign!

Aqua/Lilac or grey

What colour is your aura
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