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Subject: Extreme Priority – Things to do
Objet: Priorité Extrême – choses à faire


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My studies that are about to be finalized soon, if not interrupted by court action and then military service all over again, should have ended years ago and I should have started my career years ago; since the former land is the main responsible party for this turmoil to expand and since any factors associated with that for which they haven’t found any solution, I think I need to be paid money more generously due to deprivations.


I am facing lost time and lost years and at a young age it may seem far too absurd for somebody to complain about lost years but death can come at unexpected times and people no matter how young or old may face unexpected diseases, accidents and things to change their lives, so for somebody that lives his life no matter how long or short or no matter what the age is, things to do are infinite, but it’s much likelier for somebody young to have things to do and have a chance to realize them.


I am at a position of poverty for the sake of deprivation to benefit others, who I hope will never have an age on this earth to enjoy the times she is with me and I ask of God to let her never have the health or the chance to live in peace always living to feel the concern of life and I hope she will be in despair and never have a chance to be cured and I hope I will have out-survived her and be able to become her widower. I hope she will die because of becoming the symbol of obstacles and keeping me in detention for the benefit of others, working against my interests and my liberty. I hope she will die young of cancer or something like that and I hope it will not be a peaceful loss of life. I also hope the ones that had the opinion of bringing her back will also face the same destiny and let this be my curse as I ask this of God per each moment I breathe in captivity, poverty and unrest. I hope before she loses her life she will yell a lot and ask God for claiming her life much earlier. I hope my unborn children of liaisons that I tried without depending on a sick relation of doubts and concerns will not have a chance to endure her generations either.


I ask of this from God because I have found out sadly that I am in the most vulnerable young age group for suffering a stroke and I have to spend more time outdoors than indoors and face provocations and risk of suffering a stroke as statistics show that Monday always is a dangerous period of time to suffer strokes within each week, sitting before the computer makes me spend energy because I have to think and be forced to spend tremendous efforts and face loss of stability of metabolism and even though I had cut off majority of soft drinks to be away from a diaphragm squeeze, it still has not gone away because I have nerve related, psychological syndromes that I have to suffer and this is some factor intimidating me all the time, and not having a regular life and a partnership also forces me into such factors and I am unemployed for over three years now, which also places me into a critical condition, and there doesn’t seem to be a job offer to take me out of this hell at all and I will have been an unemployed man with my diploma in my hand all over with the only remaining to be unemployed officially, and no aid seems to come. I do not wish to have spent my entire 30 years of life in the middle of nothing for having done nothing, only because some are supposed to benefit from my life and I am supposed to live with it.


Do you remember the famous dialog between Julius Caesar and the foreteller who said he would die on March 15th? Julius Caesar, when he saw him said he is still alive, and the man of sorcery replied, the day is not yet over. Chaos takes pieces of my life away from me and places nothing else instead of losses, if there would be no stability in my life, what would or could happen? I went out twice out of homes to find myself under police probation without a reason.


The former land says all the fight is done for me and adds that because of strong resistance she cannot realize it. I know that one cannot be an antagonist and a protagonist at the same time for the same person, so I will tell what I have to tell only once: The former land used a mass destruction weapon to end a war; if she will not use something of the same impact this time, not necessarily a weapon of that kind, but it can well become some other thing to flex muscles, she has to do it now against them because this is also a war meant to be ended and if this will not be done now, it will have been a double standard against those that unfairly were perished for the sake of not expanding a war.


If the ones that had their lives spared had lives of value, so should mine at least as much as they had. So this is a chance to prove it all, as things were massively clear cut then as ought to be now, otherwise what I believe in, which is that all is against me will have been proven.




And now here it is. The tape for today starts, with one of the numbers registered to a maternity ward of a famous former land hospital and the other belongs to a company that produces care products. The call recorded yesterday during morning hours there lasts around five minutes.

1: This is supposed to be no longer what we are to bother. But it seems we have to focus on this sh.. for much longer.

2: We have tried everything but couldn’t intimidate him at all. But there can be only one single path left. We have to act during night hours when he is asleep and we will appear with a search warrant and get in there to get him under custody. Only then we can get him totally unprepared. This is supposed to be the way; and we can always blame on some messages sent somewhere.

1: Okay, so be it. But this is supposed to be secret and must be accomplished before morning hours, he will be taken there and will be scrubbed a little bit and placed back; it will be better if the next day he won’t appear to write.

DO GIVE ME AN HOUR AT LEAST FOR THE UPLOAD TO BEGIN & BE FINALIZED BECAUSE THE WHOLE DATABASE IS NOT AVAILABLE DUE TO SECURITY CONCERNS SO THOSE KEEPING IT IN HAND SHOULD UPLOAD IT AND INTRODUCE IT ALL TO YOU THROUGH THEIR AVAIL AND IF IT'S NOT AVAILABLE WITHIN TIME OF YOUR RECEIPT AND RESPONSE IN CLICKING:  Today's message is available in today's declared address IN A NEW DOMAIN WITH USER ALIAS; limited version with more recent files is available ONLY in ADDRESS UPDATED (OR ANY SUB FOLDER OF THIS HOST; THIS WAS GIVEN MORE EMPHASIS AND EMERGED ON FIRST PAGE IN SEARCH ENGINE OCCASIONALLY limited upload, if both fails look for the major one, please and if neither of which are possible that is because of closed down servers or recognition codes not shown -  NOT AVAILABLE (IF ONE SHOULD DISCONNECT, OR SEE SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE - ANY AUTHORITY POSTED CAN USE THE FREEDOM OF HOSTING IT INSTEAD OF ME WITH PUBLISHING FILES IN YOUR ARCHIVES AS WELL AS WHAT NEW THINGS I MAY BRING AND ADD TODAY'S MESSAGE; HELP ME PLEASE IF YOU WANT THE TRUTH TO WIN), if there will be a sort of a crisis in terms of upload, I will find alternatives, as names within directory will be either /main.html or /index.html and yesterday's message is available at /hier-yesterday.html, and requirement of immigrations to alternative land are available at /checkout.html and BRAND NEW PAGE SHOWING LOCAL LAWYER DATABASE ENGINE IN /search.htm or .html AND HOW FORMER LAND HAS VISA AND CITIZENSHIP PROCEEDINGS DONE IS IN NEW PAGE: /look.html, SEE ALSO /ps.html FOR THE OFTEN TRUNCATED REPEATED POST SCRIPTION BLOCK. THE COURTS ARE SUPPOSED TO DELIVER THEIR VERDICTS TO THE CENTRAL AUTHORITY IMMEDIATELY FOR THE LAW ENFORCEMENT MEANS TO ACT ACCORDINGLY, IN THE DAY MENTIONED IN THE IMAGE i114.jpg OR WITHIN CONSECUTIVE DAYS OR WITHIN DAYS OF DELIVERING ME THE RESULTS (WHICH TOO WERE NOT CONTAINING THE VERDICT) SHOW THAT THE GOVERNMENT OF THIS COUNTRY IS NOT INVOLVED IN TRYING ME; AVAILABLE AT theirverdicts.html ***Images (in the same domain address and directory) i210+ are newer (for related images of lack of sanitation or under quality living do see 16, 17, 40, 48, 50, 51, 65, 68, 69 and 84); the media files uploaded via this domain from i001.jpg to the last media file; .../i217.jpg (in dark setting the cops across my table are sitting but due to dark scenery they are not easily spotted) .../i216.jpg (the exemplar example [!]).../i215.jpg (nightmare back) .../i214.jpg (the hidden cam watching me) .../i213.jpg (another scandalous image of sanitation of the surrounding) .../i211 & 212.jpg (MY IMAGES IN SHOCK CUSTODY) .../i210.jpg (209 in specific and striking detail) .../i209.jpg (the former land origin call message to a certain faith; not just for other faiths but also other sects of their same faith as there are centuries old tradition of other faiths living in this country) .../i208.jpg (another dead rat by the sewer) .../i207.jpg (another 37 appearance, in a field matching my prior vulnerability, software piracy in relation with my lack of affordability and proven poverty) .../i206.jpg (numerology of hidden intents blended to the entity dictated to me for assimilation knowing I haven’t got many places to go) .../i205.jpg (start the proceedings) .../i204.jpg (My poverty indicating official paper scanned – FATHER NAME GIVEN BECAUSE OF FAMILY STRUCTURE HERE, NO HARD FEELINGS MORE OR LESS THAN THAT FOR SO-CALLED MOTHER) .../i203.jpg (201-203 bar images showing me been there; do mind to any plot to associate me with those images such as any footage that can be shot against my privacy or civil rights to constitute as perils to get me caught) .../i202.jpg .../i201.jpg .../i200.jpg (COPS COMING IN ORDER TO BULLY ME) .../i199.jpg (They start again to chase me) .../look.html (FORMER LAND CITIZENSHIP PROCEEDINGS - NOT THAT I WISH TO BE ONE OF THEM; JUST TO SHOW HOW COMPLICATED AND BIASED SUCH SERVICES ARE) .../i198.jpg (Showing the last letter of turning me down, how inferior I am expected to be feeling) .../i_cough.mp3 (Show to a doctor to define under how sick circumstances I am supposed to search my rights) .../i_jecoute.mp3 (THE INTERNET CUTOFF, EMBARGO INDICATING CALL) .../i197.jpg (bias of a newspaper, the same one we see in i025, i049 and i122 and this newspaper is named "Liberty") .../i196.jpg (The maternal land services closed during time of crisis) .../i195.jpg (THE FORMER LAND'S POLICY OF ABUSING EMOTIONS SHOWING HER IGNORED LIABILITIES WITH MONEY OF THE PUBLIC SENTIMENT) .../i194.jpg (a job letter I pessimistically regard alike i172.jpg) .../i193.jpg (Final picture of my deceased pet) .../i192.jpg (Third picture of my deceased pet) .../i191.jpg (Second picture of my deceased pet) .../i190.jpg (First picture of my deceased pet) .../i189.jpg (the signals of the street showing the Church across the consulate and consulate itself side by side one under another) .../i188.jpg (that consulate coat of arms) .../i187.jpg (a funny consular service gate showing a consular signal and a Church banner) .../i186.jpg (12/08 second call riot as mentioned) .../i185.jpg (old buildings constituting threat for enemies to demobilize me by trying to pull them down while I pass by) .../i184.jpg (WHAT I HAVE WON) .../i183.jpg (final job turndown from a remote part of the alternative land, besides I want where the movie "On the beach" was shot - now that I won't be an alternative land citizen from a distance) .../i181.jpg & .../i182.jpg (showing the accident attempt to make me get hurt in a public transportation vehicle, as you well know, they are quite crowded and the issue of being wounded inside cabin during a crash is much worse than being inside a car with airbags and security systems such as buckles and cabin cage) .../i180.jpg (the bucktoothed, blue eyed substitute of the baby killer is running a dating service, to find lovers for her own; meanwhile this site has no traffic or owner data, confirming my accusations) .../i179.jpg (Showing the query at the school website search engine for teaching assistant position, whilst there are no openings from alternative land reaching for me) .../i178.jpg (SHOWING THE TELEVISION FOOTAGE OF HOW THE EVENT WAS COVERED) Yours faithfully / Veuillez agréer, THIS IS RE-AMENDED AGAIN VALID FROM JAN 5TH : *** THERE HAVE BEEN NEW SUBSTITUTIONS FOR SOME TRAGIC RECENT LOSSES AND THE SAME CONDITIONS TO BEARING THE OLD FRIEND IS STILL VALID AS THOSE AROUND ME CAN STILL COME AS CARETAKERS OF IT; EVEN THOUGH IT'S NOT MY FIRST RESORT; THIS IS ABOUT MY FLIGHT TO OUTER WORLD WITH AMENDED ENTOURAGE OF MY REAL FAMILY; IN HEALTH & COMFORT FOR A CAREER DESIGNATED FOR A VETERAN RESTING AND RECUPERATING, WORN OFF IN HIS CAMPAIGN WITH NO OVERTIME, NIGHT-SHIFT AND UNDERPAYMENT, JUST PICKING UP HIS FAMILY AND REDISCOVERING THE TRUST TO FAMILY AND RELATIONS, DO PLEASE RECALL: What is my likelihood of being forced to relocate to the capital of this country (as the nearest Alternative Land outpost is there and this place also cares for applications made through neighboring countries of this one and I am penniless and I don't wish to make extra expenditures, while we dramatically observe the former land trying everything to keep me penniless and deprives me of having access to larger sum of money; not even the one I lost until my layoff taking place - as the best stinking argument goes as "retired parents cannot pay since they have credit card debts"; if this is the common attitude of the former land grandeur; why don't we make them live their fantasy; kicking them off their office and making them live like retired people having credit card debts? For this very reason I demand all documents concerning immigration to be rendered with a citizenship without forcing me to go to capital of this country to accomplish all in a naturalization centre in U.K. OR FAR AWAY ALTERNATIVE LAND after landing or a day after it utmost also getting a specific and unanimously EU imposed date for me to become a Briton at earliest alongside with what is to be brought for those documents to be ready; as in that case I don't want a long list too on requirements since my eyes have grown sore after all those hours I had to spend for writing these some harmless remains of my petitions and the layer of dust over my reference books for academic work during this while had grown tremendously, as this also does remind me of the fact that we also have to assure I have no more class attendance in this country and for horizontal admission relocation or a distant degree accomplishment chance of my degree form university here with my real name on it must be given "sans bureaucratie et souci" - since being abused for assets does count as a legitimate demand for seeking refuge, along with loss of no basic liberties, privacy and a chance to establish a family life and claim prosperity; I really wonder if these don't justify refugee status, what will?) For the sake of immigration proceedings to be accomplished; as during that while I may be defenseless and may face delays? Also I want to have my domestic some harmless remains of my pet to be allowed in UK and ALTERNATIVE LAND (which has tight regulations for bringing pets from outside, but these are just harmless pieces) as well; could Brussels and EU health authorities lean over the matter for it to come along because they may get lost once I leave them behind. I prefer leaving from the airport [on board of an airplane with Internet connection and first class comfort so when we should have an air turbulence or such, we will be able to have hourly updates of the flight, as I don't prefer landing to former land at all; but fly via mainland Europe] in this part of the town where I live, not across the town, with airport security and control to be given temporarily to the supervision of Anglo-Remote Alternative Land officials (as a measure of alleviating perils of debts unpaid or criminal records disabling me from reaching for an exodus with no willingness to renew my passport on my own having no money to pay that either) with EU and un acting as monitors; just as any unrest or natural disaster forcing a country's chief transportation veins (such as an earthquake as former land is suspected to have a seismic weapon just as chemical or nuclear weapons, as with the latter once blasted miles below the surface, it is indeed possible to acquire the equivalent impact of a tectonic tremor; even then we must have that airport control ready and I want the airport on this side of the town as reaching is much easier and even though domestic or abroad flights may be made from other airport; I want this field to be activated to fly from - for with my foster grandmother I flew along and I don't wish to grow sad with the voyage being just a temporary getaway, as a permanent one is desired now; if my desired partner should leave me for the sake of another to catch up or so - to evade which an evoking opinion suggests she has an accord assuring she's there to stay, until which I will undertake all precautions of protection not leaving her the initiative; I will cease output of assets as well; lest she not feel "homesick" for a place her would be spouse never ever felt as home; especially those aiming to become full time partner or partners are sought to be virgin; since I am from a group of not many and if I go and pick up from a number of nominees a touched one; everybody will make fun of me in my own religious fellowship; just as climbing a palm in an oasis where there are many such trees and climbing down with a rotten date in my hand; even though you may culturally disagree, do you understand?) To be rendered to the service of similar countries; whilst one other thing we have to take into account being nothing else but being fit to travel, thus I don't want no traveler’s appendix or gall bladder going bust, no leg or arm fractures, no tooth aches or decays painful or freshly growing teeth hurting - just nothing to enable a fit and fair travel, with no bureaucracy, and complete means of being eligible for settlement together and launch a life as desired, with my own real name and with Alternative Land and British nationalities enabled (to assure the objective of which we ought to have mutual sustainability implemented to travel together and meet her without any obstacles and share the corresponding seats in the same row - otherwise sequestrated materials of former land and associates shouldn't be returned and me nationalized by EU member countries making the disclosure of precious documents made public; as the litigant party owed grand debts demanding such a seizure, I wish to reflect my consent; just as any person of wealth can't be intervened what he or she wants to do with his or her money, and those belongings until then are indirectly mine) immediately to be activated before or after our landing takes place, as I don't wish to preserve the nationality bonds with neither the former land as long as those not willing to pay for damages and have apologetic official remarks with dismissal of any red tape official covert or revealed alike working for a covert or revealed government agency; nor do I wish to preserve nationality bonds with the country I got forced to live against my own free will. Some terrorist causing me to be confined to here and make me watch my family life perishing here must not be a life lifeguard to help my foes have the chance to retain the power and keep ignoring the laws; as the information gathering networks of the former land are equivalently guilty next to current chair thus for justice to be made efficiently, these cadres should also be abolished and then can we talk about regarding former land as a place worth living and working for, without ignoring places where will have sheltered me and my loved ones."***