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Subject: Extreme Priority – Driftwood Objet: Priorité Extrême – bois de flottage URL: Due to some problems faced, until there is a new image, there will not be any images zip folder presented. (ENCODED - different - ENCODÉE – différent) Quite soon I will have officially delivered my studies to be days later called to serve for a country that had been part of some fraud and played with my memories as if what I had to do during then and the consequences of them are not enough. However, those that have the impression of imagining me to go in peace to barracks are dead wrong; on first occasion I will have been issued a gun and a grenade, I will be able to flee and clash with those standing over my way, because I’d rather I do not serve for somewhere I have no proper rights of and I do not appreciate the idea of conceding to circumstances. This will never happen. Even though they may regard me too flawed to be given a gun, as there was such an author here – be he of a different opinion he was known so and was killed, in one way or another I will have taken the arms at any rate and be dangerous for them. They may regard me as an obstinate, vicious creature but I am not more harmful than a driftwood that hits a boat and causes it to sink; like the wood dragged by the waters, I am dragged to this mess by some outsider factors, without any consent, wish or volunteering for being part of this situation, and this should make me become somebody no longer liable for any damages caused, in an ethical sense, but the conditions are guilty as well as those that triggered them; if there is somebody to be sentenced or condemned, that is not supposed to be me, even worse, when I will be armed and declare that I am of the separatists, the status of civil war will be recognized in official terms by the international community, which will again be to the disadvantage of the government that harbors another to abuse me and keeps me dependent in my private life choices imposing an unhappy marriage hazard. Under such terms it becomes a definite necessity before I do something mad as dangerous as any unemployed, impoverished, accused young man would do, who has not much to lose and has no property or valuables of his own. Some varied options in this dark and pessimistic scenery become means of discussion, such as whether I will be able to leave here and if so, where I am going to go and how my living conditions will be or whether I would have some troubles being forced to renew my passport through the police here, as the former land which will not be quite happy with my choices could provide means of obstacles to claim revenge as the option of being confined to here, due to debts, military conscript accomplishment obligation or an ongoing trial may definitely make things get worse and these conditions will have some more advantages while me more prone before them. These are the instances requiring a thorough consideration of options and a clear necessity based on goodwill to evade some already unpleasant conditions because liberty is a sweet thing, which becomes sweeter if the innocence will be preserved. Otherwise the bill is going to become very dear, excluding the tips. I am sure while persisting to get directly to my mother’s country there will be clear disturbances for some, in particular those in the former land and the ones that meant to dictate me choices that I dislike that are scared of my talking and definitely not wishing to keep me talking, so there needs to be concrete assurance that there will be an assumption of accepting liabilities by especially the former land if something should happen to me like an accident, a friendly fire, deliberate firing or some poisoning expanded to long term with no evidence left behind to act as some exhibit against those that dislike me. We must all recall that there had been a greedy and profit-maniac insight in political and administrative terms that could attempt or get some to attempt to do something mad, panicking that I would come to get for their places and there could be some domestic arguments of theirs to be referred to such an event and there could be a justification for such an action. So I will require maximum risk analysis and minimum doubts on my personal protection as well as my loved ones. Under such a position even tough steps could be causing damages for already fragile psychological moods and strain may cause unwanted behavior to be demonstrated. It also is possible that the former land can attempt to bring some additional charges or come up with the Chernobyl argument making us neglect the Antarctica’s heavenly experience, while arguing about which location is much better or not. After all if the sheep could talk, it would wish to be on a meadow, while the butcher would love it much better in a slaughterhouse; where the former land wants me not the meadows, mind you; I have a life and expectations on it of my own and I request these will be respected, and I will be eventually able to become a respected figure of the international community that wishes to brace me as an equal and embrace me like a true son of the real world. I don’t know what I have to write after the final lines above so without any loss of time I finish this speech, thanking for your patience as there is not much left about what I am to do about my studies (BUT FOR THIS I WILL REQUIRE AT LEAST 24 TO 48 HOURS MORE), whilst the consequences of times later on are in abeyance still as I may be called back to the courthouse and may face some problems of fuss with friction on adjustment of an examination keeping everybody of concern ready. Now, I leave it here and let them do the talking. The tape for today starts. This was recorded from a call made within yesterday with no specific timing given. One of the numbers of this five minute call belongs to a private number supposed to have been closed about 20 years ago and the other number belongs to a private club or a lounge established somee 30 to 40 years ago. 1: Now, I review it all one by one. We are first going to get some fireworks and smoke packs used by the soccer fans to be converted into some instant grenade. A private will be killed after the wounds and all the attention will focus on the bastard because he was denounced by a cyber café owner in the very neighborhood and this is a military police center so somebody that doesn’t wish to enlist can be likely to have done it, and at the same time in the street in one of the apartments a young couple will be using their camera to shoot their new home’s images but they will focus on the fire and see our bastard running around. 2: So it will be a piece of cake as they say, huh? 1: This time I assure he will not be out after custody, this is a military matter and he will be in court-martial. How about that? 2: This way he will no longer be a threat to either of us, and we will not have to give him anything at all. 1: Hope it works. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!