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Game Club Main




Past Events

Message Board


Summer 05 
3rd Quad-4/05 
10/11-Winter Br.  Beginning-9/04


Facial Hair Awareness

Addicting Games
(time wasting)

Hey hope that some of you checked us out at Homecoming.  We had great fun with some DDR and Duck Hunt on the stage.  I don't know how many of you are checking this so email me at because the message board isn't working very well right now.  In the next few weeks we are going to do some cool events so check back here or the moose for info.  Thank you.
Well now that we have started to get back to the website again and plan on keeping it going this year for all those fans.  Homecoming is coming very soon and we would love your support.  We have a DDR booth on Saturday and we are encouraging you to stop by and check us out.  Also check the reminder tab on the left throughout the year because it will alert you of the next cool thing that we are up to.  Right now it is displaying Homecoming.
Sorry!!!!  9-24-06
This year was terrible for the site, so we are very sorry.  We have been trying to get a new one with limited time poses to be very hard.  So this year we will try to make it as good as it was the first year or better at least.

Well a new year means new times for reoccurring events.  This year we have found a new popular fad that has seem to come back strong.  We play Magic at least twice a week on Wed. and Thurs.  If you want to join or learn how to play give either brad or I a call; check the contacts page.

First let me welcome back everyone to campus and classes.  And also back to a wonderful new year with the Game Club.  We hope you visit here often and we promise to keep things interesting and maybe a few less miss-spelled words.

Also, in other news we have a gaming schedule for at least the first quad.  It reads as fallows.

Monday-Friday: Halo 2       8:00 - ?  Anytime really just check the network for games and play as much as you can stomach.
Wednesday-Thursday: These nights we mainly play Magic the Gathering in Regina.  If you want to join in and play or learn how to play give me a call contacts page

If you have any questions or need to get the info on how to hook up and play Halo 2 or Magic with us just call me at 706-2293 or anyone else on the contacts page.

Hit Counter
Oh yeah, more hits than any other club!


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