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Hey you guys. Alright, this site just gets weirder and more diverse by the second. I am a wrestling fan, so i decided to create my own Online Wrestling Alliance (OWA). This will be done through my message board and AIM, once i learn how to put up the board. Here is how it will work: First, you will create a FAKE wrestler to be used. You may not use a real one, which means no Rocks, HBK's, or Hulk Hogans. The same goes for gimmicks and finishers. (yes, you will have gimmicks..this isn't all matches, ya know) After that is done, you will e-mail it to me. I will approve it and put in on the page and you can begin rp'ing. You can go ahead and make ur profile even before the board is up. There will be PPV's, titles, and awards to give out...Also, i will be the one who ultimately decides who wins or loses. If you lose, that means i have storyline plans for you and/or the other person. DO NOT QUESTION ME!