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"8 Easy Steps to Blinkie-Block Making"
by Beat 1080

1. Open PSP and start a new image. Enter the dimensions exactly as follows:
Width: 100
Height: 50
select Pixels
select Pixels/ inch
...and characteristics:
Background color: I prefer transparent, but do what you like...
Image Type: 16.7 million colors (24 bit)

2.Choose your color on the right side of the screen. You can either use the box on the left on the very top or the box right under the word "Styles".You can click & hold the arrow to select a normal color, a gradient or a texture. Use your imagination...

3. Zoom in at least 3x with the zoom tool. The magnifying glass is the icon and the second from the top.

4. Ok, now select the Draw tool. It's a pencil drawing and it's the 20th icon from the top on the left side of the screen. The settings for this should be:
Type: Single Line
Width: 1
Line Style: Should be a straight line in the drop list. If not, change it to #1 Solid.

5. Now draw a square. Simple, right? Not exactly. It should be 11x11 lines and the edges should be cut out. Do not cut out the edges yet (If you think you can handle it, go ahead.)!!! But instead, take the eraser tool (the icon is a pencil's eraser and it's the 15th icon from the top) and use these settings:
Shape: Square
Size: 1
Hardness: 0
Step: 25
Opacity: 100
Density: 100 just click once on the edges of the square and the edges should come right out. Make sure the shape is square and the size is 1!

*6(Optional)."Choose a tad bit lighter color of the first color you chose for your block, and go around the bottom right hand corner of the inside of your block."Make a line against the bottom and against the right hand side of the block. Later on, this will make that neat lighting (or shadow)effect.

7. Now go to the Paintbrush tool (just one paintbrush and it's the 10th icon from the top).Enter these settings:
Shape: Square
Size: 1
Hardness: 50
Step: 25
Opacity: 100
Density: 100

NOTE: Make sure you are zoomed in at least 3 times.
Now you should be able to fill in the block pixel by pixel. Next, click the "Styles" box and lower the hue to your liking but enough to see the difference between the lines you made in the right and/or left hand corner. Click "Ok" and fill in the rest of the block. Be sure not to go over the line(s) in the right and/or left  hand corner! It makes the effect(s) I mentioned earlier!

*8(Optional).  Lastly, select the Draw icon. Now click on your color box again, but this time raise the hue so it looks like a different shade of the color you chose. Now go around the bottom right hand corner of the inside of your block. You now got a blinkie block!

* These steps don't necessarily have to be included, you could leave out the right hand corner lighting, the left hand corner shadow, include both or use both. The worse choice would be to leave out both, but it's up to you. Experiment and see!