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Greekboy is a bad person. Although Greekboy`s life will probably always be an acatalepsy what we do know about him is that he has a strange essence about him. A certain eccentricity about him that draws epigone`s, or inferior followers to his topics that are always psudo anti-Gamecube but somehow evades moderation. Well I obelize Greekboy for this. I have found the root of this anger.

Greekboy was a bastard child.

Greekboy lived like any other child living off of welfare and food stamps, and grew in to the young man he is today. It`s very graphic and like the sun, you only take a glance and the look away. I recommend if you have a heart condition or are pregnant I would recommend not looking at all.

Here he is today.

You see Greekboy has had a hard life but please try to excuse him. Greekboy I am sorry I had t do this to you but don`t take it seriously. If you truly are a mature adult as you say then you will disregard it. I hope I did not cause emotional damage, health problems or even death.