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Yeah, it's been about five months since I have even touched html, so this preview might be a little ghetto. Anyways, enjoy these full size, desktop-ready pictures, all made by me. And in the case that you want to use/distribute them, please....give me credit. .d0t k0m will do fine. Thanks.

This is done in poser 4, a character render 3d animation program I got, This is the quality of the flashes I'll be making. Good times.
This is also made in poser 4. Different render options.
This is just another attempt to piss people off. Only works to super-christs. Will be joined by the rarely seen "Rage Cola" ad previously featured in Ms. Salvator's class.
This is Earth.
This is not.

I do not claim to have made these. Right click and save to hear good music. My kind of music.

Jurassic five scores. The thin line.

British rap is just as good. The streets is bluhdy ahsum.
Stay positive....!

Also check out the one hour photo soundtrack.

Number of refreshes/pity looks: