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sbkGotMilk's Profile

No, not a sub-profile like most people have, this is a profile designed by my html skills and my html skills alone!



There are days till I can date and drive!

Coocool Script Wizard Coocool Script Wizard Coocool Script Wizard



My Friends- Jeff: My favorite cousin and great friend, thanks for always being there for me

                    Jarum: My best friend and sometimes worst enemy, I just hope I am not one of your accidental murders  (inside joke)

                    Jordan: One of my best friends, we have to do something once you get ungrounded (if ever) from when we stole your parents car (sorry about that by the way) I will see you a ton over the summer and even more at Westwood!

                    Brett: One of my only friends that can drive especially now that Jordan is grounded from getting his liscense for the next three months, we have had a lot of fun, call me some time if you want to test some of my new bomb ideas. :)

                    Kirby: ...

                    Trenna: An awsome friend, I am sorry but I can't tell you! (you know what I meen)

                    Lauren (Pathel): Sorry if I misspelled your name, I am so sorry I got your text messaging taken away! I will see you a lot this summer and hopefully be is some classes with you at Westwood!

                    Jed: It is too bad you couldn't come with us on the super activity, see you later when you get ungrounded from stealing Jordan's dad's car! I won't see you next year though because you are going to gay Mt. View.

This site is still under construction, I know I missed a lot of people, eventually I will have more, if anyone has any suggestions for this site, email