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                               Beware, there may be more than you want to know about my character listed here.

                                               What would you do if you were feared and hunted?
                                                               Would you fight back or flee?
                                                   Would you try to understand who you were?
                                                     Would you wonder why you were hated?

                                Name: DCXVI-9 (616-9)
                                Species: Chupacabra
                                Age: ?
                                Sex: ?
                                Height: 5'
                                Origin: ?

                                 What does a Chupacabra look like?  Very strange and exotic, indeed!
                                  A Chupacraba such as 'Ix' has bright red eyes.... These allow the
                                  beast the ability to see at night. No colors as we know it,
                                  Chupacabra's world is seen in red and orange.

                                   Scales cover a reptile's form. Green splashed with the color of
                                   night, Chupacabra blends in well with its surroundings. Why
                                   haven't any been seen?  Would you expect to find something
                                   that can blend in so well? Chupacabra  live as Chameleons,
                                   hiding in the dark.

                                    Like us, Chupacabra walks on two legs. Both are well
                                    deveoloped and long for running.. It has feet, although
                                    each foot ends in three taloned toes. Like some ancient
                                    dinosaur,  Chupacabra has claws sharp as knives coming
                                     from these toes.

                                    The torso of Chupacabra is strangely short. It doesn't seem
                                    to need as much room as a human torso. As such, it gives the
                                    creature a sleek, made-to-run appearance. It lacks nipples of
                                    any kind..

                                    It has strong arms and well formed hands. Like us, it knows how
                                    to pick things up and use tools. Its fingers are long and slender,
                                    just barely tipped with an extendable claw. Locks and doorknobs
                                    aren't enough to keep this clever creature out.  Its fingers are
                                    mobile and quick.

                                     To see a Chupacabra's head is to look into something almost
                                     otherworldly. The nose and chin are blunted and wedged, much
                                     like a snake's head.  From there the rest of the  head seems to be
                                     more lizardlike and slightly angular like the top of a raptor's head.
                                     Two peculiar nose slits allow in air, while a tiny mouth opening
                                     conceals wicked fangs...

                                     We can't forget the long, thin tail that slips out just above the
                                     creature's rump. Thicker at the base, it thins down to a sharp
                                     point at the end. If left limp, the tail leaves an ample stretch of itself
                                     on the ground. Chupacabra has a long tail.

                                     There... Now you know how to identify Chupacabra.... Be on the
                                      lookout. One might be closer to you than you think!
                                                                                                  - Ix Chupacabra