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Kenshin: Gah!These Girls are scaring me! They acctually started a site where you vote on the cutest anime character!! AHH!!! *runs in cirlces*

Edd: Who invited him?

Shan-chan: I did! *^.^*

Edd: ~=~; Yeeps.

Kenshin: I'll say!

Edd: Go away. *Punts Kenshin into L.E.O (Low Earth Orbit)*

Shan-chan: WAHH!!*cries*

Edd: *sweatdrop*

Shan-chan: *Continues crying* I want Kenshin!!!!

Edd: Feh...

Shan-chan: *Continues Criying* KENSHIN!!!! HEDGEE!!!!!

Edd: Oh man, don't get started on that!!

Shan-chan: HEEEEEEEEEEEEDGE!!!!! i want my Hedge!!

Edd: *looks at readers* Are we scaring you yet? ...*pause as readers answer (unanimously*) YES* I thought so. Don't ask about the Kenshin thing....or the hedge thing for that matter...

Shan-chan: *pouting* Can i go to go gaia now?

Edd: *sighs* No we are promoting our sitte right now, you can't go off to a different site...

Ranma: how the H*ll did i get here?

shan-chan: who invited him?

demon duck: I did.

Edd; KYAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! Demon duck!!!!!!!!!!!! Get back evil being!!! *makes the sign of the cross out of fingers*

everyone else in the room... er site: *sweat drop*

Edd: Well now that that's out of the way, let me welcome you to Bishounen Boutique. The Only (so far as we know) Site on wich you can vote for your favorite Bishounen!

Shan-chan: Edd and I originally started this site to see if we could really work together for very long... after many failed attempts-

Edd: wich often ended in me drinking large quantities of little non-alchoholic beverages and coktails...

Shan-chan: We finnaly managed to start this up. not being gregarious creatures by nature, we holed ourselves up with our trusty PC for ,i belive, 3 months and finaly ended up with this odd thing.

Edd: *taking over the narative* It isn't quite as finnished as one might expect from a 3 month project (in fact it's hardly started!) but it's getting there. I stole the layouts and junk from various places accross the web, most prominent being GPetz and i scincerely appologize for the lack of links to them. now, without further ado, here is the web page!

*aquard pause* *nothing happens*

Shan-chan: Sorry about the delay folks but, Edd and I are still working on it... it may take a while...

Edd: till then

Both: BYE!!

Onto The BISHIES!!

Gaia Bishounen (to vote go to the G-Book)
Anime Bihounen (to vote go to the G-book)
Celebrity Bishounen-Movies (to vote go to the G-Book)
We, the Baka's....