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Big Freaking Basketball Federation

THE SEASON HAS STARTED, BEGIN YOUR OPEN CHALLENGES AND REPORT BACK TO ME. Teams are now seeded according to wins (losses determine ties) **IMPORTANT CHECK FOR NEW RULES!!!** NEW RULE!!! VERY IMPORTANT. In the interest of fairness, and a suggestion from a knowledgable B-baller a new rule has come into effect. From now on ALL teams have a CAP of TWO High School Team (Freshman JV or Varsity) level Basketball Atheletes. THIS INCLUDES ANY YEAR, THIS OR PREVIOUS!!! I personally thank all teams for complying and this will make the league much more competitive. -PA

Hey guys, this is the website for the new Big Freaking Basketball Federation run at our town of Niskayuna. I, Phil Abrams will run this site, while Jim Benoit will run the actual schedules/incharge of everything else.

This Basketball Federation will be during this spring for kids who aren't playing any sports. The league consists of a 3v3 basketball games, and any members are welcome. The games will meet each week starting when it gets nice out until near the end of school.

- Each team must play each other team 2 times during the regular season. This is to make sure each team gets played, however it is still flexible. If you play a team, you can play the team again as long as it's not in the same day.
-The games are scheduled by each individual team and can be played at any park or arena.
-For Example Team 1 contacts team 4 about playing on a Wednesday afternoon at Blatnick park. If team 4 is unable to make it, Team 1 can offer another date or time. Once the game is set up and played according to BFBF rules, the a team member from both teams must then report to me the score of the games(who won) to .
-You must play each team twice before the seasons end date, which will be decided later (probably late May).

Game Rules:
-Games are played to 15 best of 3.
-Each regular shot is worth 1 point, while "3 pointers" are worth 2.
-"Although the first scorer will most likely choose winners ball, it is still his choice as to which he would like to play" - Chris Porter -As of right now there probably will be a regular season leading up to the final few weeks of school as a playoff. The championship team may win a prize of some sort, or perhaps just bragging rights.
-Games will be played Half court style.
-If the ball hits the rim OR BACKBOARD on any play and the opposing team rebounds the ball has to be taken back to the "3 point line", otherwise it can immediately be put right back up. The extra backboard rule has taken effect just to prevent any confusion that occurs from "omg it didn't hit rim" arguments.

The entire staff of BFBF would like to sincerely and whole heartedly thank Kevin FREAKING Draper for all the work he put into this project. This includes his solicitation for teams, and for promotion of the actual event. Also a healthy shout out goes to Chris Porter for his handy editing talent.

Current Teams, 3 person team (email me them at Each Team now is allowed a Fourth person, indicated as a SUB and in (). This decision was made because not all of a team might be able to make every game, so therefore 3 people can always make a game. Substitutions CANNOT during a game. However after a game is complete (to 15) you may make a substitution that lasts for the next game. Therefore more people can choose to play if they wish, and those without subs aren't that bad off. You do not have to have a sub. However, if you choose not to, and someone can't make a game it is considered an automatic loss. Team records are recorded in () after name. effective immediately if any team does not have a game played after this weekend April 9th-10th. Then they are disqualified from play SOME teams were disqualified due to lack of participation. Sorry for the inconvience
*The BFBF staff is not legally responsible for any problems that might arise from participation in the BFBF. By participating in this league you are playing at your own risk.