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Psychopathic Killer

Creature details.

Eyes are bloodshot, heartless pearls placed in her head. Fur color is a wild assortment of black and grey with red and purple stripes running up and down her body. Facial Features include the extra long canines that go over her lips, stained red from the blood. Her other teeth lay jagged in her gums, perfect for shredding meat. Hard skull makes her head perfect for rammming others. Body is slim to a degree, but unshaven fur falls out everywhere, patchs of fur from other wolves are also sewn into her body down her back, makeing her look like a freak show. Spikes run beside her spine, giving her a better advantage in battle. Her front left paw is metal cause of a fight she almost lost years ago. The paw has a special gripper that when it grabs, will never let go, and digs deeper and deeper into the flesh its holding. Claws are sharpened to rip anything to pieces. Completly feral when RPing and doesnt talk.