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Before I get started On drums, I'll review the info on beats and measures I learned in music class. This info is located in the text box below.

In the text box below is the info on drums I have aquired:
First off, I'm going to explain how to hold the drumsticks properly...
First, pinch the drum stick with your thumb and indez finger. Then use your wrist and other three fingers to move the stick against the instrument (hopefully the instrument is a drum).
On a drumset, you normally have a base drum, snare drum, and a few tom drums. There are rack toms and floor toms. Your smallest tom drum normally has the highest pitch, and your snare drum normally has the lowest pitch.
One of the things that makes the snare drum different from any other drum, is the thin wire stretched across the bottom of it, giving it an exotic sound. This is called the snare. The base drum normally plays the beats 1 and 3
The snare drum normally plays the beats 2 and 4

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