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You're style is wack.

Okay, let me the time to express my "feelings" about some people. Okay, seriuosly, what's up with all the damn tippies?! Seriously. Is like putting your whole damn name as your xanga title the newest trend? What's up with that? Have we heard of something called ORIGINALITY?! Geez people. Come on now. Can we say CREATIVITY? Let's be creative and use our heads. We were given them for a reason am I right? But whatever. Oh, and another thing. I hate fake people. You say hate is a strong word well I say forget you!

Today is April 8 and I went to Driving School today. First I would like to express my growing animosity towards the damn socials in that class. I'm not prejudice, racist, bias, sterotypical, whatever the hell you say, because I'm just pissed. Seriusoly. Have we not heard of the owrd SHUT-UP? Okay maybe you don't understand. Do I need to speak in your language? We're in the fucking United States..learn the mother fucking language. Maybe people wouldn't mock you if you knew the damn language. I mean it's not that difficult if you practice and use it everyday. Shit man. Whatever. If yall are gonna cross our border then at least show some damn RESPECT. Car accidents are not funny. Really. How would you like your brains and bones all over the damn freeway and your car smashed for the whole world to see? Didn't think so.

Man. Some people are really starting to get on my nerves. It's like are you trying to start shit or are you just playing around. Or like, are you a talkative seemingly nice gal or a boring one to three words answers to each question kind of gal? Damn. People these days. And then, there are those who like need to get a clue. Shit. I mean, can you not put two and two together? Is it that difficult? Are you really that dense? Come on now. You know what? Those people need the game . Really now. Then, maybe if they've played about ten times they'll be able to piece things together and GET a clue. Nuff said.

Okay. I'm back to talking crap. This is not good, talking crap, but whatever. Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do? That's what I thought. Okay. I know this one person and this particular person is taking credit and possesion of things she shouldn't. It's like dude. You didn't get there on you're own. You got something called help. Get it straight. Hypothetically, even if you were by yourself you still wouldn't get far. You're not that great and you're a tid bit on the ugly side. Hate to break it to you. As one of my good friends once said about a girl: Your parents lied to you about looking good. Sorry. Well not really. So word of advice to this person and anyone else willing to listen. Don't claim shit that isn't yours.

Okay I'm back upon a friend's request. Let's see, what can I talk about today? Here we go:selfishness. Can we just stop with the me, me, me, me, me shit. Really now. Can we just be thankful and stop thinking only about your damn self. And you know what, I hate to break it to you but you're not really that great. It was time something put you in your place. You needed to stop bragging and stop pretending you're the mother fucking shit because frankly you aren't! So show a little gratitude because there are thousands of other people who wish they could be in your shoes right now. And another thing. Don't pretend you can dance when you can't. Everyone clowns on you already so I really don't understand what's going on. But you know what, I will give you credit for the balls to stand up in front of a crowd and dance. I give you respect for that. BUT you're still ugly and gumpy looking. Yeah hate to break it to you child. That's why no one lets you borrow his or her mirrow, because they don't want your nasty face to break it. That's enough shit talking for today kids. Now shut your eyes and go to sleep.

I know a stupid bitch who denies a bunch of shit but preaches to tell the truth. This same bitch talks about karma and shit when karma is turning around and getting him. I'm sorry that I'm not "suffering" because my intention were nobel unlike yours. Why are you trying to act all hard like you down and know all about the bad shit? I bet deep down your ass is still hurt and pissed that YOU lost so you try to act all big and bad pretending nothing matters. But you're right about one thing. I don't know you. But you know what? I know enough to proove your a little bitch. All you ever see is what you want to see. And everything that comes out of your pathetic mouth is true. So what if things aren't fair. If things were so fair then there'd be cures for cancer and shit. And why should things be fair for you? Of all people. What, because you got hurt. Big deal. I know a bunch of people who feel more pain than you ever will. Stop complaining and seriously, move one. Sick of this shit and more than anything I'm sick of YOU.