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American Rides: Roads and Routes for America's Bikers:

WELCOME! Theses pages are dedicated to becoming a clearinghouse for great motorcycling roads and routes. While it's still in its infancy, with your help this can become the premier site for information and news about great roads, routes, and rallies in the US.

: New 8/09/03 :
I've got the Bike Nights page updated for the Kansas City Metro Area. It currently consists of the ones that I have been to plus what I've been able to glean from friends. Would love to add other bike nights for KC and other cities as well. If you know of any, please send them my way via the "submit a ride" link.

: 8/05/03 :
I am in LOVE! The new Honda Valkyrie Rune has me drooling. Click on the picture of this sweet 1832cc machine for more info!

What's Inside:

Right now this is primarily information on rides and routes that my wife and I have travelled during the last year. That's right, I've only had my bike for a little over 15 months, so I'm a definite novice. You can find the rides Here. By far, the best way this site will grow is by viewers like you submitting your own rides.

Why Am I Doing This? :

The number one reason--FRUSTRATION!!! My wife and I were planning a vacation on our bike and I wanted to get an idea of the good roads that would be near our vacation site. I searched and searched the web and quickly found that there was NO SINGLE SOURCE of road/route descriptions anywhere. While I did find several club pages that listed a few roads, most were so limited in their description of the route, its timing, and side-tracks as to be of very limited use. When we got back from our vacation, I decided that there had to be other people like me who would appreicate a site like this.

The number two reason--I AM A NEWBIE! With only a little over a year of riding under my belt, I have not had the opportunity to travel many of the scenic roads of America. When my wife and I travelled the twisty, high-altlitude roads of Colorado for the first time I had very little idea of what to expect since my experience until then had been limited to the pastoral roads of Missouri. As a result, I found myself enjoying the experience of mountain cruising less than I could have because I was "worried about the unknown," as my wife put it. I can't believe I'm the only guy out there like this so I figure that others would like to have a central location to share information about roads and riding tips.

Hopefully, you'll find these pages useful. They are designed based on fulfilling the needs I felt when searching for America's great Rides, Routes and Roads!

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