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Michelle's Kick Ass Page -

CLAY WENT PLATINUM! (oh yeah, thats 1 000 000 copies sold in 37 days!!!!)

My All Time Favourite Things In Life

My Favourite Places to go on the Internet (*MINE*, not YOURS!)

Clay's Official FAN Web Page
LotR Fanatics Forrum
Habbo Hotel!
Just cause its fun to look on!

days 'til the release of The Return Of The King!

Hello all! I would just like to shout out to everyone out there that may be looking at this, and who i care about. If you are not on here, then no hard feelings, cause i love ya anyways! ;)!

To all ma girls first, cause they're whats important in the end!


We've had some good f'ing times! You are the greatest! Luv ya! BFFAEUWAOAG! (dont ask, lol)


You are so hilarious, sorry about grade 2 ;)! you better not get all the cool people!! Hope you can forgive me!!! luv ya! BFF!


You are so cool! Can't wait til Grade 8, it will be the best year yet! Scary walking in the dark! luv ya! BFF!


Go Cassandra! You are so funny, and great to be around! I hope Josh and Tyson wont beat on ya too much next year.. lol jk, you kicked their ass! luv ya! BFF!


LOL, you are SO hilarious, you always make me laugh! omg, the Canada National Anthem was great in grade six.. lol! YAY STEPH! luv ya! BFF!


I miss ya! Can't wait until high school!!! Lol you can have Matt form Rondeau.. he is mega hot! lol jk! luv ya!- BFF!


I miss you too Katie! Hopefully you can come back, all us I.C.R.P.S'ers miss you SO MUCH! luv ya! BFF!!

Now for all the guys!!


Kevin, kevin kevin... LOL.. "watching TV" is really fun, we need to do it again soon! slippery nipple! lol! (not what you are all thinking!) Anyways, i love you SOOO much! You kick butt!! (<3LOVE YOU!<3) BFFAEAE!


I am so sorry i forgot you, you are the coolest person in the entire world, and you deserve the title for "awesomest person on the face of the earth, cause you are just so damn cool" award!! BFF!!!


LOL, you are funny! Stop making fun of me and my eyebrows! lol, i loved that guy at the two towers with the hole in his pants and no undies.. he was sexy! :D lol! BBF!


Josh, you are our little sk8er boi!! lol, j.k!! LOL! i hope you had a great time in summer school with the "Rickster"! BFF!


lol, dont kick me anymore, it hurts! lol jk, and its no use keeping your eye on me and kevin, you just miss everything.. hehheh! BFF!


Jeff, you know that i meant to put you in here.. i just forgot.. it was blonde moment! you know i care! lol! and "later" is not yet, heh heh, but, you are so funny, and i cant wait til JMSS, we should have some good times! Dont you forget it! bff!!

AND!!! Petroula, Stef, Shelly, Rebecca, Ashely, Chelsey, Kelsey, Tori, Brandon, Shawn, Ryan, Riley, Kent, Cam, and if i missed you terribly sorry, i am just being stupid right now and cant think.. so please tell me if i forgot you!

I went to a place called OELC recently, and i just want to say, it was SO AWESOME! I MISS EVERYONE there, especially you Lindsay-Anne! We helped eachother out in some sticky situations.. lol it was tough out there for a week where everyone was happy, but we got through it alive, amazingly! lol! You are soo cool! I loved our brother cabin, you guys rocked, i love you too! Joe and Kurt were my absolute favourites, you guys kicked major ass, never forget me, cause i wont forget you!! Send me letters Joe! And I miss Carrie's awesome fro! The coolest fro i have EVER seen, he better never cut it! lol! AND RIDE THE PONY!!! AWWWWWWWWW!!! that was GREAT fun in the rain!! Best game ever played in OELC history, EVER! Stop looking out the window and laughing at me Taylor, its not nice!!! I even miss those crappy matresses! A LITTLE, just cause they were fun to move around on! lol! But, i hope we will all keep in touch cause i miss you all! CABIN 7 AND 27 KICK ASSSSSSS! p.s... COBY! LOL!

Greatest songs?

I have 'em here!! Well, i have a very large range... goes to nice little love songs all happy and stuff, to songs about transphestites and lesbians! Fun for the whole family!!

First of all, All the Clay songs:

Build Me Up

(love the video, its great!)


(simon, you are wrong, his shoes AND the coat kicked major butt!)

(lol, his nice hip jerkings!:D)

Unchained Melody

(cool sounding song)

Mack the Knife


Bridge Over Troubled Water

(Just cause!!WOO!Simon and Garfunkel!)


(Still a good song)

Sugar Pie Honey Bunch

(Fun song)

Everlasting Love

(i love the cool shirt! heh heh!)

Tell Her About It

Then all my favourite



The Decline Liza and Louise Life O'Riley My Vag*na(heh heh :D) New Boobs Shower Days She's Nubs Green Corn Parents These Days


Best Movies :

The Lord Of The Rings A Knights Tale Jackass American Outlaws The Patriot and i cant wait until Pirates Of The Caribbean!! (omg, i love you johnny depp, you hilarious guy!) WHEWEE!!!

Random Facts about Michelle :

Well, She hates spiders, and butter, but she likes Fudge-sicles, and can change her mind about things VERY quickly (ex.type of music she listens to.. wow, that was a shocker 8-' (<-- that was a face)..) Her favourtie number is 72, she used to LOVE kitties, but hates them now.. (sad story, dont ask, please..:'(...) Her shoe size is 8 1/2 now!! Thats huge!! she wants to be like.. size 6.. awww.. and she is 5''6 or 7.. maybe, i think.. AND! She usually never calls people, buyt waits for them to call HER, cause she's too weird to actually pick up the phone and sdo it herself.. she has a thing with calling people.. doesnt make sense...But yep, theres some knowledge about michelle now.. ¬_¬

an embarassing moment..

LOL! in grade six, i needed some white out for french i think, so i went down to the office to get some, and mrs.baker was there (and you must understand that me and mrs,baker were on good speaking terms, cause she's my neighbor and such) so, i went up to her and said "Do you have any white-out i could use?" and she said "Pardon me?" so i raised my voice a little and said "DO YOU HAVE ANY WHITE-OUT IO COULD BORROW?!" and she leaned closer and smiled and said "Excuse me?" so it went on like that a couple mre times, each time i raised my voice a little higher, and i was literally shouting when mrs.heath-douglas said "I believe Mrs.Baker is intending that you say "please"." so i was like.. "oh... um, do you have any white-out i could use, please?" really quietly,a nd so after i got it i ran out and ever since mrs.baker hasnt talked to me..... h4>

I'll take your mind off of all of this and inform you on some stupid stuff and facts that wouldnt even matter to you:
  • "a man a plan a canal panama" spelled backwards is still "a man a plan a canal panama"!! (wow)
  • Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
  • You are more likely to be killed by a Champagne cork than by a poisonous spider. (so, they still scare me.. :S)
  • A duck's quack doesn't echo.
  • A chicken once had its head cut off and survived for over eighteen months, headless.
  • Before its name was changed, the African Penguin used be called the Jackass Penguin
  • The song with the longest title is "I’m a Cranky Old Yank in a Clanky Old Tank on the Streets of Yokohama with my Honolulu Mama Doin’ Those Beat-o, Beat-o Flat-On-My-Seat-o, Hirohito Blues" written by Hoagy Carmichael in 1945.
  • The average person spends two weeks of their life kissing.
  • George Washington grew marijuana in his garden.

    And thats about it for now, cause i dont feel like looking for anymore.

    OH YEAH! CLAY KICKS BUTT! HE WENT PLATINUM IN 37 DAYS!! YEAH!!!!!! I cant wait til grade 9!! JMSS for me!!! Hopefully i will be seeing lots of people going there too! or else i will be a lonely little 'stoner' as all you "c.k.'ers" call the Mcgregor people.. heh heh, but i think lots of us are goin to JM.. i hope so! shall be fun!!!! Anyways, i hope that you enjoyed my page even a LITTLE, and i still have to figure out how to put more pictures in.. it would make it look really pretty :D. And i update my page every now and then, so you MAY wanna come and see it some other time, but, probably not.. so sign my guest book please! peace! and if the text is all centred,a nd theres no guest book link or anything, then my page is screwy, and i cant figure out how to fix it.. so soon hopefully, it will be good..