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The Nomad's Home

Site number 3...i'm making a collection!! feel free to visit my others, they are at the links provided. this is really just a site for me to provide you all with pictures from out here since i am unable to resolve the problem with Geocities.

Reasons to vote for someone other than Senator Kerry

click on these links...

It's Me!!
It's Me...Again!!
good will listen.
more good music, more listening.

The Nomad's Home

Pictures from Iraq
Yahoo! Site | Xanga Site | Sgt Herd's site | Cheri's Site

Cpl Cunningham has hops... The data shop went out to play basketball a while ago, and i took some pictures while i wasn't playing. this one turned out pretty well, so i thought you all might want to see it.

This picture was taken by the cans that we live in. I was walking back to my room to change and then shower after PT one morning, and luckily enough, I had my camera with me to take this picture. Since I've taken it, I have edited it no less than 20 times just to see if I can improve the color contrast and resolution. I have yet to be able to make it much better. this is the original saved in web format, so feel free to copy it and edit it as you like and put it where ever you like it online or at home.

Stars and Stripes

This is what we fight for. Actually, it's all the values and priniciples that this flag stands for.

Marine Corps Colors

The Red and Gold of the Marines is feared in more places than one. Most of the people out here, though, love seeing those colors.


I took this intimidating picture of on of our HMMWV's just to see how it would look. It turned out ok.


This work of art is painted on the wall of one of the buildings out here. I would say that, most of the time, it's pretty accurate. not much goes wrong besides what is stupidity's fault.

Three Stooges

Cpls Tuttle, Murphy and Cunningham were the NCO's on Lead element with me. They've taught me and a lot of others a lot about networking since we have been out here, and they continue to be the standard for leaders in our unit.