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Jen's Secret Journal
Friday, 19 September 2003
im sooo bored
okay i am so bored, i am cleaning now that is scary!!!!! ne ways, i dont feel very well, i have a cold n i just dont feel good lol n my freiends dad died which is really sad!! plus i keep losing at tennis!!! ahhh im so upset im like 1-4 lol at least i won one game! ne ways J is talking to all my close friends well on in particilar, at least shes not talking to Ant! at least i still have him lol. and his backseaT! ne ways yeah I broke it off with D cuz well i just dont think it would work, plus he does really asshole things! but who knows!, i still dont have a date to homecoming but i dont care! cuz me n ashley are going! n ow everyone is gunna think im a lil "funny" ya kno? (but im not) lol well im out ill check ya later!

Posted by me5/tobiebabe030 at 1:55 PM EDT
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Saturday, 13 September 2003
songs to a certan P star lol...
***Baby ur all that i want when ur lying here in my arms, im finding it hard to believe we're in heaven..
***cant beleive u changed my mind, i saw u smile, stay with me awhile, all things fall into place my heart it feels so safe u are my melody thats were u take me. with u i get so high lost in the crystal sky. u are this melody thats were u take, i never fell b4 how did u find the dooor the key to my soul to u forver more, u make me smile!

to my "A" star, i miss u n now one can compare to our friendship i love i always have n i always will.. dont forget to look me up in 10 years lol ***but all the miles that seperate, ur so near now when im dreaming of ur face, im here without u baby, but ur still on my lonly mind,i think about u baby n i dream about u all the time im here without u but ur still with me in my dreams, everything i kno n ne where i go it goes hard but it wont take away my love when the last one falls when its all sed n done it gets hard but it wont take away my love

Posted by me5/tobiebabe030 at 10:24 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 19 September 2003 1:50 PM EDT
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September 13
hey BLog! lol
yeah i havent been on this thing for a while cuz my computer has been broken, BUT IM BACK!!!!! YAY! lol
ne ways school started n so did tennis, i GOT VARSITY OH YAH OH YAH! 1st doubles right here! i got to see Patty at F-Day, it was ok, i just felt as if i was annoying him tho, n i dont want to do that do i? ways i got asked to HC by Dan...(last name secret) but ne ways lol i sed yah but now, its like a maybe! i dont know if i even wanna go with him cuz well, Jen u know what dan sed lol! u owe me! but i dunno i wanted to ask (someone) but well i think hes mad at me, but WHO KNOWS!!!! ne ways im gunna sing! BOYz tons of gurls just needs one BOYZ to love her n to hold BOYS when a gurl is with one BOYZ then she is in control!

Posted by me5/tobiebabe030 at 10:05 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 19 August 2003
i dunno
hey journal/my new online dairy i hope im spelling that right
ne ways its like 12 o clock n im tired but im confused n worried. Im scared cuz im getting this feeling im not gunna make varsity tennis N im worried cuz i always get worried when school comes up n im excited to see my frieds again n lol, N im confused cuz well i have wanted this ONE thing for the longest time n i mean LONGGGG time n just when i can hold it in my hands, just when i can almost say i finialy got what i have been dreaming of i have a choice that i have to make. A choice that i Know I KNOW is not going to work either way becuz if i do what "He" wants me to do, i lose my life as i kno it but if i dont i lose my future as i dream it. n im just so confused. n here i am again back were i started confused n either way i choice i end up alone with out my dream. well i kno no one is going to understand that except "he" but all well its not like hes gunna read it ne ways. at least i hope not lol well im out....oh did i not mention lol JENN DONAVON SAYS DAN THINKS IM HOT>NICE

Posted by me5/tobiebabe030 at 11:59 PM EDT
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My First BLOG lol
Dear Ne ways today it Augest 19, 2003, n right at this moment i am babysitting....eww lol yeah n i am extremly bored like really really bored...well i must go so my lil monster can play on this computer peace out kids....Jen

Posted by me5/tobiebabe030 at 10:55 AM EDT
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