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!!Tanya's Home Page!!


Hello All! It's your one and only! ;) THATS RIGHT!
Well im sure all of you know me..cuz well your on my site and if you
don't know me...WTF are you doing on here anyway? LOL! Well let me tell
you a little about my self. Im 5'7 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! no really im 5'2
and proud to be...I like medium size walks on the beach and candlit dinners
but not in a wooded area (i dont like fire)LOL! I love to laugh and i love
poeple that can make me laugh. I appreciate an honest and real person and I
don't mean a rubber or plastic person LOL...but a person who are who they are
and isn't afraid to be themselves. I don't appreciate people that change who
they are to try and fit and become like everyone were born to be
different!! I love my gurls! Your my jail bait sistas! What would i do with
out you guys! My greatest wish in the world would be to marry David Beckham or
Justin TImberlake or Tyson Ritter or Kobe Bryant HAHAHAHAHAHA!! i could go on!
BUT for now i must leave you...CIAO!!