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Welcome to My Place .. Who am I ? I am SASY or I Could be SWEET or you may even know me by my real name but no matter what name you call me I will always be the same person ... What kind of person is that ? A kind, friendly, honest person who enjoys meeting new people, having fun, and spending time with her family and friends. A person who doesnt ask for much, just that you respect me and my feelings and treat me how you want me to treat you. A hard working mother of three, whos kids are her world. A person who sometimes gets told she doesnt act her age but thinks to herself "What the hell does that really mean." I have been called "insane""dork""crazy""sweet""sassy""cute" and so many more things but really I am just me ... SO NOW THAT YOU KNOW A LITTLE ABOUT ME FEEL FREE TO CHECK OUT SOME OF THE PICS I HAVE POSTED ..and this site is always UNDER CONSTRUCTION so remember to check back from time to time for changes ...

Just Me
Sims Online Pics
My Family
My Friends
Me again
Its Getthing hot in here ...
