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You think. You know me.... But you have NO idea....

Dcp_0157.jpg (30673 bytes)

Born in raised in Northern Virginia. Some basic information I think everyone should know about me is I'm very radio active...... Ohh I mean very active.. Ever since I was a young kid (still am) I've been on the go. Playing baseball, basketball, soccer, and bowling. Now in my teens I'm active with the Civil Air Patrol, fire department, and that thing called school. AHHHHH. School who said that. I used to be in the Boy scouts but yea that didn't last.



(that's me in the bottom row in the middle at Adventure Racing Practice)


Some Things I find Interesting

Civil Air Patrol

Langone Mission.gif (144857 bytes)In C.A.P I am currently the rank of Major. In charge of the squadron's Training Flight. You might be wondering what the heck is C.A.P well its the Auxiliary of the United States Air Force. It was formed in December 1st 1941. Some of you might know that it was six days before Peal Harbor. C.A.P has three primary missions Aerospace Education, Cadet Program, and Emergency Services.


                                                                           (Me during a Field Training Exercise)


Fire Department

star.gif (5901 bytes)If you ever want to get some great training as a young student and take on a lot join your local Volunteer Fire Department. At the fire department I got my State Cert in Emergency Medical Technician Basic (EMT-B). In the FD it can help you get far in a Job or just for yourself fulfillment.

(No not me but the Star of Life)

Some Famous Quotes (well not to famous but Gosh Darn Funnie)

Ren: "You idot" Ren and Stimpy    ren_stimpy.jpg (73054 bytes)

Dr. Evil: " Minie-Me Stop humping the laser beam" Austin Powers 2

Homer: " Let's just say fame was like a drug. But what was even more like a drug were the drugs." The Simpons

Brain: "Promise me something, Pinky. Never breed."

Pinky: "I'll try" From Pinky and the Brain.

Contact Me

If you would like to start a conversation with me or send me some mail. Your more then welcome to E-mail me at or AIM is Comchip0 (thats the number zero).

Links That I like

Cadet Stuff

Civil Air Patrol National Headquater

Occoquan Woodbridge and Lorton VOL Fire Department