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Smothering Love's Homepage

FIRST THINGS FIRST this Smothering Love thing...Slow burning, hot fires are found deep inside the earth, far away from the forces of nature that can destroy them. They are fed by fuels that can never be depleted. My love for God, self and mankind is like this slow burning fire deep inside...a smothering love that cannot be quenched...

SECOND THING SECOND this place is a work in progress....come back in a week, it may be different...or maybe not...

This Place is for BELIEVERS....

Now, what you believe in is your business, and I respect your need to believe in something. So there is no "my belief is better than you belief" in this place...

What I Believe....

I believe that our Sovereign God loves us. I believe that his Son, Jesus loves us to much that He was willing to come to us and live among us and die for our sins. I believe we are not nearly as grateful for this sacrifice as we should be. I believe He will return one day...

What I Know....

I know that I am a sinner, not worthy of the love of the Lord, but He loves me anyway. I know that when He returns to this place, I must be ready. I know I have much work to do to prepare for His arrival...

What I Need....

I need to tell you about my faith. I need to give more of myself to those in need around me. We all need to thank God daily for the opportunity to breathe, walk, talk, see, think, etc.; there are so many that can't do these things. We need to love each other, genuinely and completely...

What I Hope....

I hope that I have given you something to think about. I hope you search your heart for the truth of your faith (WHAT DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE? WHY?) I hope you are content and happy in your life. I hope you can be a blessing to someone. I hope I have been a blessing to you...


Go out and be a faithful member of God's kingdom. If you don't know what this means...drop me a line, I'll explain it to you. Remember that you are being watched and that although the road is rough and the struggle is hard, you can do it...we all can do it...if we only believe...

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