This lil page is for my mummy!i love her so much! if only she could be here with me now then i wouldn't of been such a horrible moany teenager2her! i do love you mum with all my heart! If you don't know me, and your kinda just gazing dis site( ur a fool wats dat point in looking at a site if u dnt even no me U FOOL!!) .. My mum passed away in November the worst pain, really ive EVER felt and probaly never will will feel again cause its always with me.. through birthdays and Mothers days! my mum and me lived together and we used to joker about all da time..having jokes,shed always wanna no da new gossip and whos gettin wid who! i'll try and make you proud mum!i'll try.. 03.11.02 R.I.P

wHat we looked like on my mums day

dis is me ( i no ive got a Huge forhead and ears!!) my dad(middle)& my sister(right) on the day of my mothers funeral on 11.11.03

The last pic of my mummy

thsi picture i will cherish forever!! this is the best i can remember my mum it was taken in mid september 2002 with my nan(right) my mum was seriosuly ill wid metastic breast cancer, but still can brighten up everyones day with one her smiles!

Where she lays to rest

this is were my mum was to layed to rest... i try to go der all the time i can.. althought its hard i know shes looking over me now thinking OMG Laura U CAN'T WERE THAT OUT .. OR ur hair laura! its a mess! lol and although u might think dats a bit harsh lol nahanh dats exactly wat i loved about her her honesty! **I Love You Mum**