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Death Deranged Who brings this woman to marry this man?

l-Princess-l I do.

A.ssassin...x her mother and i do

Death Deranged ty

Death Deranged This is the time that you have chosen to become husband and wife.

Death Deranged We are here not only to witness your commitment to each other, but to wish you every happiness in your future life together.

Death Deranged Marriage is founded on sincerity and understanding which leads to tolerance, confidence and trust.

Death Deranged We believe that those qualities which have attracted you both to each other, can be best developed during a life spent together.

Death Deranged A happy marriage will enable you to establish a home with love and stability where your family and friends will always be welcome.

Death Deranged now a lil something for the brid and groom

Death Deranged Two lives, two people, so very different, yet so similar. Together we stand as one, sharing our future as it comes.

Death Deranged The past is that past. Buds are yet to blossom, with care and trust, the best is yet to be revealed.

Death Deranged Honesty and kindness, are the fruits of love. Lord bless this day and always to enrich us so our love will never end.

Death Deranged Before you are joined together in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these your family and witnesses,

Death Deranged I am bound to remind you of the solemn and firm nature of the relationship into which you are about to enter.

Death Deranged Marriage as most of us understand it, is the voluntary commitment of a man to a woman and a woman to a man to the exclusion of all others and is entered into with the desire,

Death Deranged the hope and the firm intention that it will last for life.

Death Deranged Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited, it is never rude or selfish,

Death Deranged it does not take offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's faults, but delights in the truth.

Death Deranged It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope. It is always ready to endure whatever comes. True love does not come to an end.

Death Deranged Dark please repeat after me

_-dark-_ k

Death Deranged I (Dark) affirm my love to you Shiva as I invite you to share my life.

_-dark-_ I (Dark) affirm my love to you Shiva as I invite you to share my life.

Death Deranged I promise always to respect your needs. I will endeavor through kindness,

_-dark-_ I promise always to respect your needs. I will endeavor through kindness,

Death Deranged unselfishness and trust to achieve the warm rich life we now look forward to.

_-dark-_ unselfishness and trust to achieve the warm rich life we know look forward to.

Death Deranged To this end I call upon all present to witness that I take you Shavie to be my lawful wife,

_-dark-_ to this end i call upon all present to witness that I take you Shavie to be my lawful wife,

Death Deranged to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer,

Death Deranged in sickness and in health while we both shall live.

_-dark-_ to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer,

_-dark-_ in sickness and in health while we both shall live

Death Deranged Shiva please repeat after me

Death Deranged I (shiva) affirm my love to you Dark as I invite you to share my life.

Shiva.. I shiva affirm my to love to you Dark as I invite you to share my life

Death Deranged I promise always to respect your needs. I will endeavor through kindness,

Shiva.. I promise always to respect your needs. I will endeavor through kindness,

Death Deranged unselfishness and trust to achieve the warm rich life we now look forward to.

Shiva.. unselfishness and trust to achieve the warm rich life we now look forward to.

Death Deranged To this end I call upon all present to witness that I take you Dark to be my lawful husband,

Shiva.. To this end I call upon all present to witness that I take you Dark to be my lawful husband,

Death Deranged to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer,

Shiva.. to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer,

Death Deranged in sickness and in health while we both shall live.

Shiva.. in sickness and in health while we both shall live.

Death Deranged Dark you have ring ?

Death Deranged is he still here ?

_-dark-_ one sec plz

_x.Lady Artyssia.x_ he lost the ring ? gigglez

_x.Lady Artyssia.x_ hushes

Shiver.- >>o0o

Shiver.- <<

_x.Lady Artyssia.x_ lol

_x.Lady Artyssia.x_ hey wedding gitters it happens al da time

Shiver.- sis hush<<

_-dark-_ ok i got it

Dark.Rider shew

_x.Lady Artyssia.x_ smirks

Death Deranged ok then repeat after me

India. smiles

Death Deranged Shiva; with this ring I thee wed.

_-dark-_ shiva with this ring i thee wed

Death Deranged Take it and wear it as a symbol of all we shall share.

_-dark-_ Take it and wear it as a symbol of all we shall share

Death Deranged ok Dark i understand you have something to say to Shiva ?

Death Deranged do know plz

_-dark-_ yes i do

_-dark-_ k shiva baby, i wanted to say is tyvm for waitin on me never met someone that would stay around:) n that you opened my heart oncez again, my feeling for you are true i feeel so different when i'mma with you:) i love you alot shiva

_-dark-_ the end!

Death Deranged Shiva plz repeat after me

Death Deranged Dark; with this ring I thee wed.

Shiva.. Dark with this ring I thee wed.

Death Deranged Take it and wear it as a symbol of all we shall share.

Shiva.. Take it and wear it as a symbol of all we shall share.

Death Deranged Shiva you have something to say to Dark ?

Shiva.. yes I do

Death Deranged plz do now plz

Shiva.. Dark, so many things run through my head when it comes to you,

Shiva.. and the things that you say to me. I love you so much

Shiva.. I wouldn't really know what to do if you weren't around and I wasn't with you,

Shiva.. I will always love you no matter what happens.

Death Deranged You have declared before all of us that you will live together in marriage.

Death Deranged You have made special promises to each other, which have been symbolized by the joining of hands,

Death Deranged taking of vows and the giving and receiving of two ring's.

Death Deranged Now that the ceremony is over and the experience of living day by day is about to begin, go and meet it gladly.

Dark.Rider Momma I wish i could have been here for you i'm very proud to have you as my

Dark.Rider err

Death Deranged I now pronounce you to be husband and wife.

Death Deranged you may kiss your bride Dark

_-dark-_ wooohoo!! weeeeee

geisha lol>

_-dark-_ muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhz>> *kissez more*

*** [ _-_.prince.. entered the room @ 01:37:20 ]

d.o.e congrats!!!! *throws confettiiiiiiii*

Shiva.. <*kisses*

l-Princess-l *congrats* sissy!!!!

A.ssassin...x welll con grats bg and son in law

geisha congrats bg

_-_.prince.. congrats to u dark and shiva

lor.i congrats !!

l-Princess-l Hey Love!!

kitty.fear congrats!! Sis and Bro

soft...x (~~~Blood Toast!~~~)

geisha hugs

l-Princess-l *kisses*

Shiver.- (~~wtg._-~-----CONGRATULATIONS-----~-_.wtg~~ <>)

_-_.prince.. hey hun

xXCattdaddyXx congrate u to

Shiva.. ty everyone

India. wooohoooooooooooooooooooooo congratz bg hugzzz u both

l-Princess-l C'mere, baby.

Dark.Rider Cheers!

l-Princess-l hehehe

p0utz congrats bbg. hugggs tight


_x.Lady Artyssia.x_ (~~~Blood Toast!~~~)

Shiva.. and ty for comming

Damson Rhee (To the Happy Couple !!!!)

l-Princess-l <

hello.kitty congrats dark and shiva hugssssss

Dark.Rider Congratessssssss

_-_.prince.. >booo u

Shiver.- (~~~Blood Toast!~~~)

soft...x ~tears~ my lilone

Death Deranged Every one i give you Mr and Mrs Dark

_x.Lady Artyssia.x_ congrats

M.ack congrats

Dark.Rider Cheers

M.ack can we drink now?

Death Deranged (~~~Blood Toast!~~~)

_-dark-_ ty everyone for coming by, meanz alot:)

soft...x greets my son in law

_x.EDEN.x_ Congrat Momma and Dark

vi.vid. Congrats! my man! And best wishes to you and Shiva for a long happy life!

_-_.prince.. greets u back

Shiva.. ty

_-dark-_ oh thatz for sure vivid

Dark.Rider Shiva

_x.EDEN.x_ momma ?

_-dark-_ helloz prince:)

soft...x huggsss babygirl

_x.Lady Artyssia.x_ gppppppppppp

_x.Lady Artyssia.x_ hugzzzzzzzzz

_-_.prince.. smiles dark

_-_.prince.. gbbbbbbbbbbbbb hugssssssssssssss

Damson Rhee okii well i off to bedd

Damson Rhee ni ni everyone

_x.Lady Artyssia.x_ smilez and gigglez

_x.EDEN.x_ hugz daddy

Damson Rhee congrates yew tew

Ald-Seraphi good night neko girl

geisha nite nite rhee

_-_.prince.. smiles

geisha -hugs-

Room Built By
On 8/26/2003
For My VP Momma
Shiva and her VP Husband Dark