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SPECIAL NOTE:  Eventually, I am going to have a website.  Hiring a professional did not work out and even taking a class did not work out other than, “Do it exactly as it is in the book!”  Well, I was trying to do that before I signed up for classroom instruction.  In any case, a website is coming soon and I will have it no less than to build it myself.  For now you can see my items at  Thank you for visiting and I hope to talk to you soon.




A nice stock of wine has always been a personalized symbol of prosperity, magic and a reminder of Jesus Christ of Nazareth’s first public/recorded miracle!  I have adopted it as one of my personal symbols representing many things; including enjoyment of life, good spirits and a symbol of my Master’s Blood and His Miracles!

“Christianity without magic; is NOT Jesus Christ of Nazareth.”
Ahnita Rutherford

BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO THIS WEBSITE:  This website is dedicated to the things of the REAL Jesus Christ of Nazareth; the One that got crucified for working what blind people call “that stuff.”  Those powerful miracles (magic) and predicting the future (psychic abilities) which most mundane people could not do at that time.  Most did not even know it was possible!  Therefore, this website includes magic/miracles, psychic abilities (MIND OF CHRIST), advanced healings and what I refer to as TRUE KNOWLEDGE of Jesus Christ in the hopes to help dissolve ignorance and outworn/false interpretations which are still not that much different now than it was among the people who crucified Jesus Christ over 2,000 years ago.  The ignorance of man today regarding Jesus Christ is nothing less than bad karma as a collective group of people and many who say they are Christians (mostly because they want Jesus Christ to forgive them and not to go Hell at the end of this lifetime) as if we don’t know Who He really was and what a Christian is really suppose to be doing = following Christ.   We are supposed to be developing our spiritual talents and doing even greater things as He prophesied.  One way to lift from the mundane Christian lifestyle into a more esoteric level is to experience it through another person if you have not done so on your own as of yet which can get you on the path of becoming your true Christ Self.  The owner of this website does not beat around the bush very much, Jesus Christ was not recording as having such an uncertain personality so expect things on this website to be very direct and cutting to the heart of matters at every opportunity.




For anyone who orders any reading from me this month also has an advantage to obtain a “2006 Annual Reading” and also a second reading, “Life Purpose Reading” for the price of one $15.00.  If I have done a reading for you, I have given you a bit of detail and there is a PayPal button following that you can use for this purpose.  If for any reason it pull up more than one item, please remove it to the one you want and “update cart” and that should fix it.  I have not figured out how to correct this issue but it will be fixed as soon as I do.  Thank you in advance for your understanding and correction under the circumstances or you can choose other readings from my zShop at Thank you for visiting my website and have a wonderful year 2006.  May God bless you in the most perfect, positive and satisfying ways.




Elite Psychic Readings


This psychic reading is to guide you along your spiritual path as it relates to any problem you would like to resolve or a goal you would like to reach.  It is designed to give you a better understanding of the underlying factors involved.  This reading concerns your spiritual growth, or problems that can't be answered through the mundane levels of reality. 

It is soothing for those trying to reach a particular goal and healing for anyone trying to resolve longstanding problems. This reading can help you penetrate blind spots and get on with your life even though some people waste an entire lifetime trying to resolve the one problem or reach the one goal.  This reading can help you accelerate by what is revealed in the reading so that you can graduate to a new level of reality.  This reading reveals what REALLY concerns you, the force behind your problem or goal, the underlying problems, the things that you need to understand that you're not aware of, what you should do to come to terms with your problem, the best way to proceed to carry out the advice, also Spiritual Guidance concerning your future and it also reveals your ultimate attainment regarding your problem or goal that you specify when you order. 

I give a minimum of 11 predictions with this reading, so at a cost of $11.00 that is only $1.00 per prediction. 

One of my cornerstones for accuracy is a focus and is the reason that many of my readings are specialized to help with the focus.  I don't need background detail for any of my readings but the focus is required for most but for this reading what the problem is or the goal you are trying to reach is required.  ORDER YOUR SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE PSYCHIC READING TODAY!


  1. A problem that you want to resolve for my focus.  Otherwise, you could have a lot of problems and I could give information on several which will not be effective for you resolving it. 
  2. OR, you can indicate a goal you are trying to reach.



This psychic reading can cover anyone who is seeking to know the unknown regarding your work/career, business and success.  It is specialized for job and career activities and can cut to the heart of the matter rather than the popular vague answers that you get from most psychic readings regarding your job, career or business.  This is great even for those deciding to start a business venture and get better answers to it's success for you before you even start the venture or idea you plan revealed NOW in a clear and understandable way.  This is a VERY accurate reading regarding your CAREER and also your SUCCESS.  If for challenging predictions, I can still tell you how your success will come to you or what you need to do in order to make your success happen.  I give you a specific psychic predictions regarding your career   Even in worst case, I TELL YOU WHAT TO DO IN ORDER TO TURN IT INTO THE BEST SUCCESS POSSIBLE for you.  Not through guessing but psychically; and SPECIFICALLY THE BEST WAY FOR YOU TO OBTAIN SUCCESS in your work, career or business.  This psychic reading is descriptive in a way that you can understand and apply it to your life.  You get a total of at least 12 different psychic predictions; 6 regarding your career and another 6 regarding how success will just come to you and/or what you should do to get it.  I indicate a bit from your present experiences so that you will know what I am talking about as soon as you receive your reading but there is more about your future career and success potential.  Even indicating the best that you can hope for in the situation; whether if it is a regular 9-5 job, your own business or whatever your work might be.  I send it to you via e-mail, the handing cost is the fact that I will have to type it, explain it in writing, etc.  It is actually shipped to you via e-mail that you order it from.   I charge $1.00 per psychic prediction for mostly all of my readings to keep them reasonable and affordable to anyone who desires one at any given time, which makes this one a total of $12.00 USD for this psychic reading.  This is cheap but the cost does not reflect the HIGH value of this accurate and FOCUSED reading, which should be affordable to anyone who desires to know what is coming up regarding your job, career or business.  I do not need you to tell me any of the experiences or happenings but when you order, it is helpful if you would indicate whether if this is for a job, your own business or a new business which you have not started yet.  If you have a particular timeframe, that is even better because I tell people how things will turn out in the outcome as well so you indicate the dates if that is important to you.  This helps in the focus when I am asking for information, which produces more concrete answers for you.  If you desire a reliable reading that you can count on for ACCURACY and DETAIL, you have come to the right place.  ORDER YOUR PSYCHIC READING FROM ME TODAY regarding your career rather than walking into it blind!

$$ Elite Money & Success PSYCHIC Reading $$

Provided to you by "Elite Spiritual Services"

SPECIAL BONUSES:  With this psychic reading specialized in your money and how you can obtain your success comes three (3) FREE meditations that you can use the power of your mind and create more money in your life.  One (1) is written and two (2) are MP3's which you can relax and create fast progress in your finances even if you are in a financial crisis at the moment because the written one teaches you how to remove darkness and obstacles from your finances and the audible one's are designed to call new (both expected and unexpected) money from the Universe and the world around you.

This is a VERY accurate psychic reading specializing in your finances and advising you the best ways to obtain your financial success.  This psychic reading is deluxe giving you at least six (6) predictions about your finances and at least another six (6) predictions about how your success will come and/or how to make your success happen if you have challenges or other obstacles with money.  

This is an economical reading for those who would like to know what is in the future for your financial success; but not have to pay a lot for a reading.  This is a wonderful reading for a very low cost because everyone who desires a psychic reading should have their questions answered without having to pay a lot.  This is for those who would like specifics about your finances revealed in a clear and understandable way.  This is a cheap Psychic Reading, but the cost does not reflect the HIGH value of this accurate psychic on your finances , which should be affordable to anyone who desires to know what is coming up regarding your finances.  All I need is your full name and nothing else about neither you nor your finances to do this reading ACCURATELY for you.  I will tell you what's going on, no need to tell me anything other than you want this reading.  ORDER YOUR FINANCIAL SUCCESS PSYCHIC READING FROM ME TODAY! 




You get 12 different psychic predictions about various areas of your life according to the 12 astrological houses according to astrology.  This is an Elite Psychic Reading but I use different channels by switching to the channels according to the astrological wheel.  This is still a Psychic Reading.  If you had my Elite Psychic Reading (30 Predictions) then this is similar with an emphasis on the 12 astrological houses which affects us all and you get a total of 24 Psychic Predictions at a lower cost and with the creativity of astrological houses but with ACCURACY as it pertains to your life specifically as opposed to the potentiality of a horoscope.  THIS IS NOT A HOROSCOPE, THIS IS A PSYCHIC READING!  The biblical Three Wise Men were actually astrologers for anyone who did not know that already.  This reading focuses on the 12 astrological houses of your life but VERY SPECIFIC about what is actually going on in your life within each house regardless to where the planets are.  It is more like a reading of the blueprints of your very own energy manifestations rather than your astrological energies.  It is just divided that way giving you an ACCURATE psychic prediction in each of the astrological houses, which is your overall life and covers most bases.  It is not just astrology (which may or may not happen) it is actually psychic predictions of your future for 12 areas of your life.   Because I try to keep my prices at $1.00 per psychic prediction, and you get a total of 24 psychic predictions, the cost is $24.00.




"2006 Annual NUMEROLOGY Reading

 The 2006 Annual Reading is a numerology reading blended with astrology according to your specific birthdate regardless of the time you were born.  Still maintaining great insights into your overall year, this year in terms of your love life, career, health, travel and even more but there is an overall Annual Reading to give you a view of 2006 specifically for you and also a detailed reading of each month for 2006 from (January - December = a full page each) and it briefly describes what each week will be like and also indicating your most important day of the week.  If you use it as a guide, you will find it to always be accurate.  Find out what types of lessons and/or blessings the Universe is feeding to you for the entire year, each month, each week of 2006 and all 52 dates of importance (one for each week.)  If you have ever found yourself striving for love during a particular time frame but it was really best for you to focus on career for best results but you were doing it backwards, THIS READING WILL HELP YOU IDENTIFY WHAT AREAS OF LIFE TO FOCUS ON THE MOST TO GET BEST RESULTS.  Often people give up on this and that in life just because they are trying to accomplish a particular thing during wrong timing but with this Annual Reading, you will know where your best success lies and if you focus on it, IT WILL BE EASIER TO OBTAIN SUCCESS IN LIFE!  Again, it details your entire year THEME, each month, each week and even details the most important day of each week for the entire year.  Mark your calendars! Find out exactly which key dates in 2006 are ideal for love, career, finances, and more! With 2006 Power Days, you'll know far in advance how to plan a more winning life.  It does detail both positive and negative qualities but also tips to transform any natural negative habits you may have into the positive by claiming positive affirmations and learning life lessons.  It is a wonderful 20 plus page reading designed especially for you.  You will often swear that it is a professional psychic reading.  When you order, please put in the notes your full birthdate 00/00/0000 to prepare this particular reading for you.  Order yours today!

Hebrew NAME Numerology Reading

Find out what your name means (both first and last name) in detail; your job, your mission, who you are, even your family theme, etc.   Find out which numbers are right for you with this insightful report.  This report uses an ancient form of numerology invented by Hebrews to determine the significant numbers in your life.  Using your name and date of birth, this report reveals those numbers that stand out as yours AND RING TRUE IN YOUR LIFE.  Get your birth number, HOW YOU OPERATE IN YOUR WORLD and how you can get the most of it.  PUT IN THE NOTES:  Please indicate your full name (FIRST AND LAST) spelled correctly and your birthdate (00/00/0000) in the notes when you order this reading.  ORDER YOURS TODAY!   




Psychic Readings with tools

“Chakra Psychic Reading”

If you don't know what your chakras are, it is the energy of your soul, which radiates very powerful energy into your life whether good or bad; depending on the condition they are currently in.  Everyone has chakras and in Yoga, chakras are centers of energy that permeate the physical body and funnel prana, the Universal vital force, throughout the body.  Invisible to the ordinary eyes, chakras are aligned along the spine and are shaped like wheels; chakra is Sanskirt for "circle."  The chakras's rotation draws in prana, which influences physical, mental, and emotional health, and spiritual development.  This psychic reading reads the current condition of each of the 7 major chakras; tells you what is in each one whether good energy or bad energy.  This reading provides insight into one's state of being and also reveals the types of energies that you are radiating (creating) in your world.  Once you know the condition of your chakras; you can redirect your mind, prayer, and meditation and/or undergo more detailed chakra healing work to heal and balance them (your life.)  Various illnesses can be healed from your body, mind and soul this way.  I also provide free group referrals for those who may have problems in the chakras to advance your healing and rebalancing process.  There are 7 specific predictions in this reading, one for each primary chakra so at a cost of $7.00 for handling; that is $1.00 per chakra to discover your energy and soul's current condition.  Moreover, this reading will make sense to you right away from the reading because whatever is in your chakras is also in your life so you will recognize the accuracy of the reading as soon as you receive and study it compared to your life so it is also a psychic reading of things in your life but from the center of your being.  IT IS A MAJOR INSIGHT INTO HOW YOU CREATE YOUR LIFE THROUGH YOUR OWN EMOTIONAL ENERGY BOTH BACKWARDS AND FORWARDS IN TIME AND AN ACCELERATOR FOR ANYONE WHO WISHES TO "HEAL" AND TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE. 


Order your Chakra Psychic Reading today!

PS:  My methods of "Karma Clearing" is also available to you at an additional cost of $35.00 should you discover anything from this reading that you would like cleared away so that your energy can flow freer and your body and energy naturally heal itself.  However, you won't know if you need it until you get this reading first.



This is a VERY accurate and specific RUNE psychic reading specializing in 12 areas of your life.  This psychic reading gives you 12 specific predictions and not just telling you what the rune means in general but SPECIFICALLY TELLING YOU WHAT IT MEANS IN PARTICULAR AREAS OF YOUR LIFE in a way that hits the nail on the head with ACCURACY you can count on.  This is an economical reading for those who would like to know what is in the future in 12 areas of life.  This is a wonderful reading for a very low cost because everyone who desires a psychic reading should have their questions answered without having to pay a lot AND YOU DESERVE ACCURACY SO THAT THERE ARE VERY FEW MAJOR SURPRISES THAT YOU ARE NOT ARMORED WITH THE KNOWLEDGE AHEAD OF TIME.  This is for those who don't have a particular question in mind but would just like to have a reading on various areas of life without spending a fortune to get it.  I do this reading specifically FOCUSED ON EACH AREA OF LIFE, and in a clear and understandable way so that you are not confused about what this rune means in general but break it down so that the rune in the house of money specifically tell you what is coming up for your finances and the rune in all of the other 12 houses also tell you exactly what is coming too rather than jargon about what this rune means for this or that area of life.  It is flavored with the Elite Psychic Reading touch for specifics and accuracy.  This is a cheap Psychic Reading, but the cost does not reflect the HIGH value of this accurate psychic on 12 areas of your life, which should be affordable to anyone who desires to know what is coming up for them in various areas of life.  All I need is your full name and nothing else about neither you nor your life to do this reading ACCURATELY for you.  I will tell you what's coming up, no need to tell me anything other than you want this reading.  ORDER YOUR FINANCIAL SUCCESS PSYCHIC READING FROM ME TODAY! 

Wish Fulfillment Psychic Reading

(And make your special wish come true)

Is there fame, wealth and fortune in your future?  Find out today or let it pass you by.  Have you ever been going through a hard time and then call a psychic and get a reading that everything is changing for the good?  If you order this wonderful psychic reading, things really could change for the better and I assure you of accuracy of my readings.  There are very few times when this reading has not produced the best that a person can have in their lives; whether if they know they can have it or not and even unthought of ACCURATE psychic predictions of many good things to come both now and in the farther future.  BE SMART and make a wise investment in this particular psychic reading and find out about everything you are concerned about from the 29 specific predictions that I will accurately make for you, put in your wish request and much more psychic predictions than most people would expect.

DON'T MISS THIS RARE OFFER and order yours today! 

 "Make a Wish" and order this Master Psychic Reading.  I will give you 29 psychic predictions and tell you if you wish will come true within the next three (3) months or if there are any challenges for you to overcome before you get your wishThese psychic predictions are not limited to your wish because I also give you psychic predictions regarding most areas of your life as well.

Make a wish for whatever you want; there are no restrictions other than knowing there is a possibility that the very best could happen to anyone.  Why not make that good wish happen to you?  If you can dream it, you can achieve it. 

I do use tools in this reading and my natural psychic abilities for accuracy and explaining things in a way you will understand.  This psychic reading creates very interesting surprises and very good predictions which you may not have experienced if you don't order it.  Many of the predictions are things that you would not have expected nor even asked about in a psychic reading.  You discover interesting things in every area of your life that will occur in your life and also other predictions on the journey of obtaining your wish including unexpected surprises, goodies that would not have existed without the order of this reading and even happiness you can have now plus the fulfillment of your wish.  It reveals predictions about your marriage (or upcoming engagement), money, love in general, achievements, work, even revealing your predominant thoughts which creates the things in your life.  THIS IS AN ALL PURPOSE PSYCHIC READING but on the journey of fulfilling a special wish; whether if that has anything to do with your wish or not, your gifts, messages, health, success, inheritance, new undertakings, popularity, home and many other enjoyments and also whether if your wish comes true within this season.  This reading is done for a duration of three (3) months so you can only get it four (4) times per year; but you can make a different wish each time and have the power to make it come true.

  1. WHEN YOU ORDER, TELL ME YOUR SPECIAL WISH IN THE NOTES:  "I wish for ________________."
  2. Tell me your full name;
  3. and I will tell you the rest!

At a cost of $29.00, you are only paying $1.00 per specific psychic prediction!  ORDER YOUR WISH FULFILLMENT PSYCHIC READING FROM ME TODAY AND MAKE YOUR FONDEST WISH COME TRUE!

DELUXE Tarot Psychic Reading

This is an accurate psychic reading on whatever is coming up in your life and/or whatever you need to know about your life.  This reading does not cover any particular question, but it could answer it depending on what is coming up for you.   It gives you a reading on whatever is coming up in your life as stated according to the Tarot.  However, you can indicate ONE particular area of life that you are more concerned about and I will use my insights and also add another more SPECIFIC prediction regarding that area of life, mini Elite Psychic Reading, which makes it deluxe.  You can indicate work/career, finances, home, love, family, friends, others or even UNEXPECTED events so that you know what is going on but please limit it to only choose ONE AREA OF LIFE because FOCUS is my cornerstone for accuracy and specific predictions.  This reading will include a description of your 10 tarot cards which are psychic predictions about what is coming up in your life and MOREOVER 10 more Elite Psychic Predictions in a descriptive way that you will understand it better than the average tarot readings for purposes of getting to the point of what is more important to you while discovering what is coming up for you in general at the same time..  This is an economical psychic reading for those who would like to know what is coming up for them but not willing to pay a lot for a reading; especially just a tarot card reading because with this reading you get both a Tarot Reading and a taste of Elite Psychic Reading as a combination for what is coming up for you in general and specific predictions about what is most important to you during that time.  This is a wonderful reading for a very low cost because everyone who desires a psychic reading should have their questions answered without having to pay out of your ears and nose.  This is for those who would like the basics revealed in a clear and understandable way.  I send it to you via e-mail, so there is no shipping cost for this one.  This is cheap but that does not reflect the high value of this reading, which should be affordable to anyone who desires it.  This is a general reading of what is going on and what is coming up!  Thank you in advance and I hope to be reading for you soon.





Legal disclaimer- must be 18 or older to enjoy my services. All readings are for entertainment purposes only. The readings I provide should not take the place of proper medical, legal, or professional services.  I am a very accurate reader but by law, I have to state that the information provided is provided for educational, entertainment, and spiritual insight purposes only.  Any information you receive is subject to your own interpretation. By purchasing a reading you claim full responsibility for the choices and/or actions taken and/or not taken based on the content of the reading.


Summary of Other Services Offered on this website!

“Earth Miracle Blends & Rituals”

One of the rituals that was dictated to me by Jesus Christ is the use of the earth along with ancient healing herbs, as well as how to use them to create particular Divine Good in my life and in the lives of others; these blends of the fabric we are made of (earth) and the corresponding rituals include financial improvement, protection, healing and creating more love in our lives, etc.  I was touched by REAL Christian Magic being taken back to the Holy Bible’s book of Genesis at the creation of man from the earth, Light, etc.  It works!  So be sure to check it out.

“Get A Job NOW Program”

If you and/or someone you know is without a job, I am certain this program can change this with the creation of a job offer in a very short time (approximately a week’s time.)  Even once you receive the job, you still get a series of healings to continually heal each layer of the challenges, which lead to the previously unfulfilled need in the first place with the goal of resulting in a stabilized healing regarding this area of your life.  It is a miracle program and works like REAL magic!


“Light/Energy (Reiki) Healing Treatments”

The Light is referred to in the Holy Bible on numerous occasions and used widely in numerous other religions as the key ingredient to healing and REAL spiritual power.  I can attune myself to pure Light and channel it to you no matter where you live throughout this world to reduce stress within 24 hours, help heal the body, assist in reaching particular goals, etc.


“Creating Financial Improvements Program”

This series of healings, monthly Money Rituals and magical money prayers that I have written and tested are designed to last over the duration of a year for purposes of using all of the 12 major transitions of energy that affects us all to open the portals to the Universal Banks and invoke money in our lives with the goal of elevating the slumps in our finances and creating a more prosperous lifestyle.  However, your very first month in this program should result in improved finances.  The repetition of this program for an entire year (regardless to when you sign up) rounds you out to receive money from our wealthy Universe during all changing cycles going forward.  Some months should seem like money flows to you Out-Of-Thin-Air because new sources will be created for more money to flow to you should you purchase this program.


“Divine Love Program”

This program is a program designed to heal whatever has blocked the flow of love into your life.  This does not deal with any particular person nor to try to get a specific person to love you but it is designed to heal layers of the things that block you from receiving love into your life.  While conditioning and refortifying you to become more open to love which attracts more love to you going forward.  It is only as limited as your particular goals and expressed desires during the program.  There will be meditation exercises that you will have to do during some of the Light Healing Sessions.




This is actually a system of healing methods that I have put together for myself.  It came into place once I had learned so many healing methods and having the challenge of trying to determine which healing method to use and when.  With so many written on this and that piece of paper, it was just unmanageable.  Once I took the various healing methods and put them on index cards, I was not only better able to manage them all but also used the power of my intuitive hand to shuffle and choose the right one for me.  I will never forget the day that I chose one to do a healing of my work environment but did not do it right away and have regretted it to this day.  The discovery is that it can reveal a tool of healing for purposes whether past, present or future.  It is wonderful, particularly for healers who know what I mean about having so many different healing methods and having the challenge of trying to determine which one to use for what timeframe.  I have incorporated this effective technique into card decks for particular areas of life so that a person can use them to enhance and outright create desired improvements by the use of them.  Most won’t be available to the public until the corresponding book is published which will be announced at that time on\arutherford

“Spiritual Readings”

My spiritual reading services range from Angelic Readings to many other forms of readings to discover details about the past, present, future and many other aspects of the various questions of life.

“Ahnita’s Biblical/Christian Magic Rituals”

This section is not complete and nor do I ever intend for it to be considered complete because Jesus Christ is always teaching me more as I ask, learn and grow in faith.  I will not reveal all of the Christian Rituals that have been dictated to me by Jesus Christ of Nazareth and tested by me but I will in fact reveal several in enough detail that you can perform it fully on this website.  There is the wonderful “Jesus Christ Conference” which is magical for any area of life and it is much more effective than the habitual way we, as Christians pray either because this method is assured to get results.  It has never failed me yet.  When I fail it is not Jesus Christ Who failed but my own from failure to employ the magical powers of this way of conferencing Him.  It is so effective that it is kinda scary; this is the only explanation that I have for it so far.  I also have several that are designed to cast illness and pains out of the body invoking Jesus Christ of Nazareth with particular physical actions including prayer with them all but the specific creativity portions appears to increase a person’s faith to the point of results each time.  If any of your previous prayers has seemingly not been answered, it was never Jesus Christ’s fault.  It was always a lack of faith on your part and these rituals (acts of faith) increases anyone’s who sincerely employ them by leaps and get at least an improvement and/or exactly what you claim.  It does not take a long time either.  I have experienced overnight results with them and want to share with the world.


“Traditional Christian Rituals”


This section is more of a study section and will contain actual rituals from the Holy Bible, which a lot of the readers omit and/or ignore the fact that it is a ritual.  A larger portion of this section will contain all of the documented miracles of Jesus Christ of Nazareth as well as ways that we can learn from them and ACTUALLY employ them in our prayer life and sincere following Jesus Christ, which will result in more Christian Magic.  I suspect that others will get dictated to in ways that I might not have been as of yet, which I welcome for the benefit of learning from the Christ in you as I also share the Christ in me.  We are one and together we can create more wholeness.


The Healing Table

“The Healing Table” is a service that I offer to anyone who makes a prayer request.  It is an extension of prayer practices, lessons learned, etc. from my experience in leading previous prayer groups that I have run in the past.  The Healing Table service is an extension by way of being upgraded with my Light channeling and creating sacred Christian Rituals.



This will include only some of the RESULTS, IMPROVEMENTS, and EXACTLY WHAT THEY ASKED FOR from the many, many prayer requests that I have performed for others and yes, all long distance on the Internet at some point and time.  The oldest one’s were referred to as “Answers” because I would have a list of “Prayer Requests” and as things improved, people would send an update, which I kept from a group where I did all of the prayer work in 1999.  I learned a lesson always praying for others and not enough for myself during this project.  I will also post what was called, “Progress Reports” from a more recent from a group that I created, wrote all the prayers for and lead called “Chanting Circles,” this format was done from pre-written prayers in the third person where everyone was supposed to participate by doing the same prayer words, for the same person and we also often met on the Internet and did some together at the same time.  This is a miraculous method of group prayer and it was successful when others participated but of course, issues of whether if others participated became too much of an issue that I was not lead to continue the service but I have to share the testimonials with you.  As of January 2006, this will be a new website and a new format of the majority of my services in this format.  Therefore, recent testimonials from the spiritual services offered on this website is yet to come but based on past experiences, I absolutely KNOW they are on the way.  Stay tuned!



There is a lot to be shared about this section but, in short, it is for those who have a lost loved one and/or those who are aware of those on the other side who are neither in the Light of God nor at peace.  I will share tried and true prayers both written by The Teaching of the Inner Christ and by me that work instantly to redirect them into a peaceful journey into the next world and yes, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Archangel Michael gets the job done upon request.  Some of you who have not had such an experience might be quick to judge it but those you know and those who die suddenly (spooks) can very well be holding on, draining the energy of those of the living without intention.  Where do spooks come from? 


This section is designed for anyone who chooses to participate in prayer for the people of this entire world.  I do not limit the prayers to the United States of America but to include various improvements for people all over the entire world.  We are one and when one is doing bad . . . . . the reality of the actual situation is actually mysterious and unlimited.  I don’t feel qualified to explain it all but I do feel responsible enough to pray for all human beings throughout this entire world.  The collective brain power when even one other person read the pre-written prayers is not only doubled but is more comparable to 1,000 times more powerful and actually has amazed me at watching TV to hear of this or that improvement shortly after sufficiently circulating a particular Community Service Prayer for people throughout the world.  It is like giving to anyone who needs it with something as simple as our collective believing word for God’s (good) Will to be done for us all regarding common challenges for our fellow man.


I already know that creating a website and offering services talking about magic, rituals, readings, and mostly everything on this website will create a lot of controversy in the minds of many Christians and non-Christians because of misinterpretations of the scriptures compared to common day Christians which has just not been active enough in demonstrating the things that Jesus Christ actually taught.  Therefore, I have projected many questions that people will want to know and answered them already.  I suspect this section to grow as new questions are presented to me.  One very important part is that I will always, attempt to post scriptures from the Holy Bible to support my explanations rather than expect people to believe it just because I said it.


The Internet Chapel Services is also one that will be offered to anyone who ask and will be offered in a formal format on yahoo groups so you will have to join the group there.  It will include specific prayers with visualization, scriptures from the Holy Bible, prayer requests, healing techniques and many other supporting documents that make up church services other than having to dress up, drive all across town, deal with this and that difficult relationship and all the other challenges.  I am not attempting to discourage anyone from going to church nor do I suggest it if you join this group but I just want to offer the service to those who would enjoy the cool alternative to have church in the comfort of your own home, coming as you are and the many benefits of cutting through the chase sometimes. 



"Renewing Good Health"


"Opening Heaven for Money Blessings"


"Jesus Christ of Nazareth Conference"




"Resolving Problem Relationships"




"Resolving Problem Relationships"

These rituals were designed by Ahnita R. F. Rutherford and are based in the Bible to some degree.  I have used my creativity in prayer and designed lots of Biblical/Christian Rituals.   I am posting some of them on this website so that anyone can use them to help intensify your prayer life to get various improvements in your own life.  I have written and copyrighted them, and therefore I ask that you only use them for yourself and not pass them around unless you are referring the person to my website because this posting is for the clients of my website.  Thank you for this respect in advance.


Tips for best results from these rituals:

  1. Just because it is a ritual; this will help you become focused on what you want and asking for by putting more energy into it.  Thus, receiving more out of it compared to praying amiss which often produces nothing.  Praying amiss is the number one reason many prayers never get answered because in that state it is only a hope, desire or a meaningless wish.  A ritual can change all that.
  2. Never attempt a ritual while thinking, “I wonder what will this do?”  “I want to see if it works.”  Nor anything else doubtful or insincere to what you are doing.  Those who know that it will work prior to attempting it get the best results because they put the time and energy into their visualizations, prayer, etc. and MAKE IT WORK and for me, I recognize that it works even before I do it!  If a ritual does not make sense, I know from the start and I believe that you can access this same knowing.
  3. Ten (10) people could do one of these rituals but each one could receive a different degree of improvements because each person’s faith is at a different level, but you can increase this by being sincere and putting careful attention and energy into it to get exactly what you ask for each time you perform them.

“Renewing Good Health Ritual”

(A Christian Ritual)


Jesus Christ has cast out demons out of a man and redirected them into swine.  Most of you might not have swine around you but you do have the earth and Jesus Christ has used the earth on a blind man’s eyes and brought His sight back even though we did not see all of the details of this miracle. 


You can go outside on the ground and invoke Jesus Christ of Nazareth to be present with you and ask that He cast all darkness, illness, evil, or any negative you don’t want directly into the ground and it will be gone.  This works especially well for any particular pain or illness you may have including cancer or any other incurable disease. 


Depending on where the location is on your body, you might want to sit on the ground or lay on the ground but basically; you are

  1. Asking Jesus Christ of Nazareth to cast it out;
  2. Demonstrating your intention by providing a place to cast it out rather than in your home where it will circulate on you again by going out on the ground, even near some trees is good too;
  3. Whether if you stand or lay on the ground, do a short version of the Jesus Christ Conference to make sure He is there to assist you in your believing words.  Then visualize the illness/pain/darkness (even if you don’t know what it is) leaving you and being absorbed into the earth.  You are only releasing all negatives or specifically what ails you, keeping all good with you. 
  4. Speak your believing words in the Name of Jesus Christ and it shall be done INSTANTLY; something like the following is suggested:


“Illness/pain release me now; go into the ground;

Where you cannot return to me nor circle back around.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth, touch my body and show me how;

All darkness/evil leaves me in Jesus Christ Name now;

All good energies and good health remains with me;

I am completely healthy and happy now you see;

In the Name of Jesus Christ so now it be!”


This should take you a good 15 minutes doing this if you mean it.  When you are done leave all your pain and illness deep down in the earth, even visualizing it going miles and miles down into the earth and the earth will heal it for you, never to return again.  You can also cleanse your entire aura and energy of other darkness this way as well.


Now if you are not able to go outside because you are too sick then a second suggestion is to visualize this for 15 minutes but be sure to project yourself outside on the ground (far away from your home as possible.)  Keep your visualization steady during this entire ritual for best results.

“Opening Heaven for Money Blessings”

(A Biblical Ritual)


  1. If you are a regular tither, then the first step of this ritual is already in progress in your life.  If you are not a regular tither; then begin by giving 10% of your increase to those who don’t have and/or to some spiritual work you appreciate.  This is what the 10% of all that went into the storehouse was for when this was created.  You are also responsible for planting your seed in rich soil, which might not include buying fine houses, cars, etc. for a particular minister who already has all that but you have to talk to God about the best way to direct the 10% of all of your increase.  The money is supposed to help people who don’t have and/or progress the work of God.
  2. Out of the 700 promises in the Bible, one of them is that if you bring your tithes to the storehouse that God will open the Windows and Cracks of Heaven and pour out so many blessings that you won’t have room to receive them all.  [Locate this particular scripture]  Many regular tithers don’t claim a specific blessing and end up with a bunch of this and that that they honestly don’t even want.  You can direct your focus as to what your seed money grows into your life and it does not have to be money but this ritual is designed for money.  You can and should change it as your desires change as you pay your tithes.
  3. Decide what bountiful blessings you desire in your life and claim your promised blessings.  Take the tithes envelope or the envelope that you have written the check or money order to from the first fruits (10% off the top of your gross earnings) and have it ready to give; stamped and everything or in your purse or wallet to take it to church or wherever you take it to in person.  Hold it between your hands, close your eyes and attune to God and make your particular prayer requests and there could be many of them.  You may even want to keep a list and have it ready for this meditation where you become still and invoke the Presence of God knowing that you have transmitted your request.  Even invoke the Holy Angels around you to help you in this process.  Once you have spent proper time praying over how you want your seed money to grow, to give it with a cheerful heart knowing that it is coming back to you multiplied and in the specific ways that you have asked!  This is really does work when you specify your desired blessings.  Otherwise, tithers get blessings that they did not even desire or really need sometimes.  Thus, not even seeing it as a blessing and failing to give proper thanks to God for the blessings.  A suggested rhyme AFTER YOUR SPECIFIC REQUESTS to close out the ritual:


“Wonderful God, I ask that You open a Heavenly CRACK;

Pour out money blessing on me sufficiently to correct LACK.

I have fulfilled my end of the promise by paying my TITHE;

Make all poverty and lack of opportunity from me SLIDE;

Send me healthy Heavenly blessings of money on the SIDE.

Open the Windows in Heaven with blessings for me WIDE;

So I can have a happy earthly life brushing all poverty ASIDE.

So it is now and so it shall continue to be.  Thank You, wonderful God.”


Because tithes are also “seed money,” there is no limit as to the different things that you can ask for.  For example; if you planted one grain of corn, it grows into a stalk of corn, which produces many full ears of corn.  Also, on each ear of corn there are hundreds of more grains of corn.  This is an example of the multiplication of what comes back from a seed.  I even heard a person telling me that he had no money at all and took coins and planted them in pots while praying that money grows into his life on a spiritual level and his demonstration of faith and prayer worked and it was this because as soon as they were removed his new source of income was also interrupted.  My Granny use to take her last dollar and place it in the Bible praying that God produce money into her life even though her only source of income was a Social Security check but she would get things like $800.00 for a milk cow that she thought was worth nothing but milk.  We took that money and paid the bills and bought mile we did not have to work so hard to get and many other things.  She would then place a $100.00 in the Bible giving thanks and I was not around every single day but remember that eventually she had sold this and that and had saved almost $2,000.00 at one point and that is a lot for a single old 80 year old woman on SSI.  It was not only the physical demonstration of faith but also the combination of it all.  Either action alone, would not have mustered up the faith nor the intensity that got the results.  So performing any ritual, don’t bother just going through the motions, it has to be something you really want and mean every word of your prayer.  The demonstrations of faith are to lift you to a Higher Level of faith than the level that created the problem.

“Jesus Christ of Nazareth Conference”

(A Christian Ritual)


As promised in the Bible, Jesus Christ does answer all request by doing whatever you ask in His Name; the most widespread issue for seemingly unanswered prayers is that most people did not get through in the first place because they ask amiss so ultimately He wasn’t even contacted in many cases.  This ritual will change that and it can be used to reach any goal that you have that you want to direct to Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  It makes no difference how difficult your situation may be because you can manifest a miracle with this if you do it with a meditation of at least 30 minutes in length because I am sure that anyone can get through in meditation with Jesus Christ within this length of time.  . 

  1. If you have not gotten positive answers to your prayers from Jesus Christ in the past, release doing the same old things and pull up a chair for Jesus Christ and then pull up a chair for you.  Position the chair for Jesus Christ facing directly in front of your chair where you sit and meditate.
  2. Sit in the chair and meditate.  If you don’t know how to do this already, you can start with just deep breathing into the nose and hold it for a count of 4 and then slowly blow the negatives out of your body out of your mouth slowly counting from 8 down to 1.  Repeat this several times, pay attention to how you are feeling and when you are ready to invite Jesus Christ into your home to take a seat and commune with you. 
  3. Your communication should be silent, mind to Mind.  I suggest silence for this one because He is very likely going to talk back to you. 
  4. “I invoke Jesus Christ of Nazareth to come into my home and take a seat with me now.”  Treat Him like a friend who came to visit because He no longer call us servants but friends.  You would greet your friend, pull up a chair and perhaps offer something that would make them more comfortable.  Talk to Jesus in this way too, just know that this is a VERY powerful Friend Who also has your best interest at heart whether if you are a Jew or a gentile.  Once you are past the greeting and feel His Presence with you.  Of course, begin your dialog with Him.  Because Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the Savior Who came to take away the sins of the world.  Asking for forgiveness of your sins both known and unknown and both backwards and forwards in time is the best place to start.  This is always granted for those who mean it.  Also, clear up any known issues that you might have.  Don’t sit there talking about how bad the issue is nor how bad things have been other than for purposes of asking for forgiveness of your sins and forgiveness of those who have sinned against you.  This does not mean hold anything in either, if you feel emotionally heavy regarding your issues and/or what you deserve, etc. then discuss that and ask that it be dissolved and/or resolved in your favor.  It would be best to get it out of your system if it regards something like that because you can be instantly healed of the wounds and if it is something like that then ask for that before getting into your request so it is out of the way.  Don’t get caught up in popular belief regarding punishment, being poor, suffering, etc.  Because the truth of the matter is that Jesus Christ healed, protected and prospered many just because they asked and believed on Him.  Speaking of prospered, “our daily” bread has increased dramatically since the day of the writing of the Bible.  Our current “daily bread” includes rent, utilities, food, taxes and many other expenses.  Jesus Christ performed miracles to pay the taxes, feed the people, heal and cast demons out of them, but you have to ask the right questions.  I had a demon on me before but did not have sense enough to ask for the removal of evil.  So asking Him to check you thoroughly and remove all forms of evil is a good suggestion too because often it heals any ailments you may have in your body whether known or unknown. 
  5. Tell Him exactly what you want Him to do for you and know that no miracle is impossible with the real Jesus Christ of Nazareth even today.  Your mind might not know how to resolve it but the Mind of Christ does.  Directly ask for deliverance out of whatever it is and ask for exactly what you want to happen to fix it, if you don’t know what the desired solution is then ask for your Highest Divine Good which is the very best of what could happen. 


My first experiences were that He does not always talk about the problem that I want Him to solve nor the request very much but says; things like, “Love me.”  It freaked me out at first because I was defensive saying, “I do love you.”  We resolved that but I eventually laughed it off knowing that I had made contact with the real Jesus Christ because He does talk in code, parables, and His words mean much more than the few words that come out of His mouth.  They are to be studied; even write it down and ask that He reveal to you exactly what He meant and it will be revealed as time goes by because it is normally some process thing that He wants to see you demonstrate more to create a more abundant life.  You should want to know what that is.


Only take one problem or request per session.  Overall, regardless to what He says to you during this meditation with Him regarding your one request other than the obvious prerequisites, He still answer your prayer request and in record time too even if you think it is impossible. 


This act of summoning Jesus Christ, pulling out a chair for Him, inviting Him into your home and meditating with Him to employ His assistance in your life is at least a mustard seed of faith in itself IF YOU DO IT.  That is all that is required to get His assistance, but if you failed to get the answers you wanted in the past, this ritual will cut through the chase or whatever has blocked you getting through in the past.  It is different than many Christian’s daily prayer habits, will take you to Higher Levels of direct communication with Jesus Christ just because it is focused, concentrated on one issue and allows less interruptions.  Today’s world offers a lot of interruptions (TV, CD, DVD, computers, phone, neighbors, traffic buzzing down the street, etc.)   Let none of that interrupt you during this session because it is just for Jesus Christ and ultimately yourself.


This can be very simple but the first few times try to spend at least 30 minutes, not that it takes that long for Jesus Christ of Nazareth to come but it is for you and the focused concentration of your own mind.  Once you become accustomed to summoning Jesus Christ this way and seeing your wonderful results, you will be able to do it in ½ the time while feeling a real connection.


You can make this Jesus Christ Conference as simple or as elaborate as you like.  I have gotten to the point where I will start a 7-day candle with His photo on it sitting on the highest shelf in my home to represent His Majesty of High Level.  You can put on a cross, if you have one.  Hang a cross or just something that represents Jesus Christ and this is to intensify your faith and these simple things done with specific intention does make your connection stronger.  As you look at them from day to day, your faith is intensified that Jesus Christ is working on your behalf.  Many will say, you don’t have to do all that.  Some people don’t but some people do and those who do it with intention, prayer and specific request get miraculous results too!


I discuss herbs, so does the Bible.  Jesus Christ saying about just having a mustard seed of faith means more than the size of a mustard seed.  Mustard seed does have the healing properties of increased mind power (faith.)  Those who carry mustard seed in the pockets or in a pouch that can be inserted in the pockets from day to day to increase your faith.  Those who know color therapy would suggest placing it in a red pouch or rag and tie it up tightly to carry in your aura for a while to deplete doubt and increase faith.  This is not hocus pocus at all and it is a real healing technique for the mind.  Just like you would put some Clorox on a stained pocket to get rid of the stain on the physical level, you would be using this herb to get rid of a particular stain on the spiritual, mental and emotional levels which will eventually manifest in your physical life as your energy is healed and enhanced by it.  If you try it, change the pouch and the seeds at least each month returning the seeds to the earth while giving thanks to God for their healing properties in your life.  Some people only need to try it for a month, some need longer.  Trust that you will be guided for your right time length.

Resolving Problem Relationships Ritual”

(A Christian Ritual)


This ritual can be used to help resolve problems in any relationship that you have whether if it is a personal relationship, boss/co-worker relationship, etc.  Jesus Christ of Nazareth doesn’t execute evil nor forceful request regarding other people so it cannot be misused even if you request something that is dominating in any way so it is a safe and the best way to resolve issues with others actually.  


  1. Prepare your meditation time with Jesus Christ.  If you have done the Jesus Christ Conference then you know how to do this, but this time it is visualizing the problem person sitting directly across the table from you and you on the other end and invoking Jesus Christ to stand on the table in between the two of you.
  2. You make sure that Jesus Christ is there and inform Him that You want His assistance to resole the problem regardless to who you feel is at fault whether you and/or the other person.
  3. You communicate to the person but the communication goes through the Mind of Christ rather than directly to the person. 
  4. You must be kind throughout this meditation and allow the other person to also speak back, which also comes to you through the Mind of Christ.
  5. Regardless to whether if you believe or even in agreement with what you hear from the other person, just listen and write it down in case there are clues as to what the real issue may be.  Listen to what Jesus Christ has to say as well.
  6. Throughout this communication, make sure to get it ALL off your chest and ask for a desired resolution.  If you don’t know what that is then ask for your Highest Divine Good to be made manifest. 
  7. As this conflict, flows back and forth between the problem person and the Light of Christ and you, the negatives are automatically deflated.  It most cases, where this ritual is performed fully the negatives are all dissolved and resolved because this problem person also communicates and is present too on a subconscious level. 


You are expected to receive an improvement from the person in no time at all.  This is not to say that you may never have to repeat this process for any other issues that come up because some people only have one big issue to work out and with others we have several issues to work out with them.  Be determined to resolve your issues with other people and the use of this ritual will help you in miraculous ways that your mind might not be able to interpret but the bottom line is that it works!

“Increase your faith”

(A Christian Ritual)


Jesus Christ of Nazareth used the teachings of a mustard seed to not only demonstrate that at least that much faith is required for results but this is also an herb that vibrates positive energies to increase your mind power, mental abilities and faith.  To get the benefit from this herb, just take a red bag or red towel and put some mustard seeds in it and wear it on your body or in a pocket so that the benefits of this herb radiates in your aura.  The color red container is just a symbol of adding energy and vitality to your workings.  It can be held in the hands to be blessed while you pray for your faith and mental abilities to be increased.

“Purified by the Fire”

Improved health and/or cleansing of your aura

(A Christian Ritual)


Jesus Christ can heal and forgive you of your sins but this does not guarantee that you won’t have to suffer the consequences; even illness that manifest from past actions long forgotten because it is something that you set into motion and it stays in motion until you heal and/or otherwise redirect it. 


If you have a fireplace and/or live in a rural area where you can build an open fire outside, you can perform this ritual with great results. 


  1. You basically gather some wood but oak branches are the best but any type of wood will work. 
  2. Make a fire, sit before it and invoke Jesus Christ of Nazareth to be with you asking that He assist you to release the illness, pain and/or all negativity from your body and aura into the fire so that you are released from it and able to move on with your earthly life without the darkness of illness and pain in your aura or whatever other issues you are concerned about releasing.
  3. Sit before the fire and visualize the problem releasing you and being purified as gold in the fire.  Fire is purifying and you are not burning up people nor yourself, you are releasing the problem and purifying the problem.

For illnesses, this should be repeated each day for 7 days or until you feel that you have fully released the problem.  Some people can do it one time and done with it but others need to repeat the process for best results.  You will know if when you have been cleansed and purified because you will feel lighter.  Give thanks to Jesus Christ for assisting you in your act of faith.



“Earth Miracle Blends & Rituals




“Ahnita’s Divine Love Dust Ritual”

(Very powerful!)

Copyrighted by Ahnita R. F. Rutherford


Ingredient’s needed:

  • Some of “Ahnita’s Divine Love Dust”
  • A simple prayer to God and/or just a positive affirmation.
  • Willingness to sprinkle a little dust on the floor in the corners of your rooms.


Sprinkle a small (about a ½ teaspoon full per corner) amount of “Ahnita’s Divine Love Dust” and sprinkle it in each of the corner’s of your bedroom prior to the encounter.  If you want to extend it to your living room and other rooms that is perfectly fine because it helps to create a more positive vibration for the entire family. 


This can be done several days prior to your date arriving at your home, because the fumigation will radiate throughout the entire room that you use it in and last for about a week or longer depending on the amount of obstacles to love vibrations are in your home.


Expected results:   Both from others and myself have testified that you get more attention from your spouse.  A friend of mine said, “He was hot on me from the time he got her until the time he left.”  When friends call to tell me what happened, I get excited and cut them off telling them, “I already know.”


SIMPLE PRAYER/AFFIRMATION: “With this love dust, I command that my Highest Divine Good be made manifest for me now in the most perfect, positive and satisfying ways.”  This is my suggested affirmation for your first use but you can make it much more specific during your next renewals of this corner dusting.  It is also good to use for overall harmony in the home.


PS:  It is your job to get the partner to your house.  Otherwise, the second best way to apply it is to wear it in a bag on you (aura) to fumigate your personal energy with it for attracting Divine Love.




“Ahnita’s Divine Love Dust” $15.00


“Ahnita’s Financial Improvement Dust” $15.00


 “Ahnita’s Health Improvement Dust” $15.00


“Earth Miracle Blends”

Copyrighted by Ahnita R. F. Rutherford


One of the rituals that were dictated to me by Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the use of the Earth along with ancient healing herbs, crystals, adding Divine Light (Reiki) into it to blow life (my intentions) into it to create what I want.  There is also a secret and copyrighted blend of herbs, crystal chips, ancient healing oils, etc. that makes certain that it will work for anyone but my recipes are not available for sale at this point.  I still hear various ways as to how to use them to create particular Divine Good in my life and in the lives of others; these blends of the fabric we are made of (Earth) and the corresponding rituals include Divine Love, financial improvement, cleansing/protection, improved health, etc.  The earth element deals with things regarding manifestation, money, health, demonstrated love, bringing things into reality, etc.  My mind was touched by REAL Christian Magic being taken back to the Holy Bible’s book of Genesis at the creation of man from the earth where God is described as taking the dirt, molding it into man (intention) and then blowing life into it.  There was much more dictated to me thought the consecutive days and months that followed this revelation for both others and myself.  Each of the blends come with how best to apply it so don’t worry if you don’t know what to do with it yet.  It is fun!  It is amazing and it works pretty quickly!  So be sure to order yours today!

Types of Healing Earth Miracle Blends offered to public:

  • “Ahnita’s Divine Love Dust” $15.00
  • “Ahnita’s Financial Improvement Dust” $15.00
  • “Ahnita’s Cleansing Dust” $15.00
  • “Ahnita’s Health Improvement Dust” $15.00

How can I order Earth Blends and Rituals?

You can order any of the above types of Earth Blends but the Cleansing/Protection Dust has to be ordered with every order because many people don’t realize the importance of cleansing and protection, which could remove obstacles and problems not even named, known or realized.  I don’t call it Protection Dust because I don’t want anyone to have the impression that they can use it with a prayer and never have to worry about protection ever again but what a circle of it around your home with a prayer does do is remove all negative vibrations and/or situations that you do not want to experience anymore.  Without prayer, you can let something else happen. 


The use of any of the offered blends with a positive affirmation of what you want is like a super strong prayer that can get rid of troublemakers and create more peace in your home so that the use of your other Earth Blends can be more effective.  I sell them for $15.00 per container.  Because you have to have the Cleansing Dust with any order of Earth Blends that you order then a complete order of any one of my Earth Blends is $30.00 per order. 


“Ahnita’s Cleansing/Protective Dust” $15.00

(This one can be ordered separately but it has to be ordered with any other brand.)








Light Healings (Reiki)


What is Reiki?

It’s origin

How it came to be?

What does it do?


Why get a series of healings?

Layers at a time

Replenish energy

To get to the root



Explaining Reiki to Christians?




What is Reiki?

Reiki is actually a Japanese word, which means, “Spiritual Power” in English.  It began with Dr. Usui who was a Principal at a Christian School.  His students demanded to learn how Jesus Christ performed so many healings and how they could learn to do it to.  On a quest to find more answers, Dr. Usui went on a fast in the wilderness and was given the symbols in a vision, which are used to attuned a person to reiki today.  There are many other systems created since that but these are the symbols that I trust most because I know that they came from Spirit through a Christ loving man specifically on a quest for answers and this is the key it was given.  Many refer to reiki as “The Keys to Heaven” because there is so much light and healing that takes place for those who get these types of healings.  How did the Japanese man, Dr. Usui, become a Christian.  He was an orphan who was adopted by a Catholic family and apparently had a strong dedication to Christ to have headed a Christian School in Japan and I personally, believe he was planted there for higher reasons and strategically by God based on what was produced.  Reiki is for healing the body but because health problems start in the mind, it can also instantly put a dent in stress.



Reiki is the name given to an ancient energy healing system. Which was developed by Dr. Mikao Usui , in the late 19th century Japan. The word itself is essentially broken down into two parts:

Rei – Which translates to sprit, mystery, holy, nature sprit and;
Ki – Translate to energy, feeling of talent.
Best definition of Reiki in our view is “Spiritual Energy or Universal Life Energy”.


*Reiki supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

*Reiki vitalizes both body and soul.

*Reiki re-establishes spiritual equilibrium and mental well-being.

*Reiki functions on all levels, whether mental or spiritual, bodily or emotional.

*Reiki balances the body’s energies.

*Reiki loosens up blocked energy and promotes a state of total relaxation.

*Reiki cleanses the body’s positions.

*Reiki adjusts itself according to needs of the recipient.

*Reiki works with animals and plants and;

*Reiki is an extremely pleasant, holistic method of healing.


Why do you suggest getting a series of healings?

Reiki is a key and I don’t acclaim that it is equivalent to the works of Jesus Christ at all but it is a major key that we Reiki Practitioners have and it often feels like a miracle taking place for the person getting the healing depending on what they are being healed of.  People often feel energized, happier and less stress within 24 hours (sleeping through it, absorbing the Light) of me sending them a healing session of reiki.


I also scan for any problems in the energy field and dissolve them with the Light generated through my reiki attunement.  I also often see problems that are going on in a person life and I invoke Holy Angels to resolve the issues in ways that manifest the person’s Highest Divine Good.  I have been fascinated at seeing how it is done immediately and once I send the person the “Reiki Treatment Report” and they respond also, at how they can make sense of what I saw and how whatever was healed makes things better in their lives.   I have been trained to extract lower level entities and if I see them, I call for the Angels and they are gone for good.  My issue is to feel them but can’t see them.  I have both clairvoyant and clairaudient ability so I don’t always know how it will come if it is for myself but on others, I normally see because I never pick up energies from others doing healings this way.  Still working on that part, but while scanning another person I do SEE what comes up for healing and different things comes up at different times depending on what the person is focused on in their lives and I am sure other factors too.  Helping others to remove obstacles and negatives that they may have had to put up with for the rest of their lives is a major pleasure for me, but it does take a lot of my time, which is about an hour for each session that I do and for each person because I don’t send out group reiki where the person is only getting light but not a personal healing.  This is where cost for my time comes into play.  The market rate for a Reiki Treatment is normally about $60.00, but I choose to charge $35.00 per healing session, so that it is more affordable to more people and I can make a living in exchange for my work without going overboard.


No matter how many healing sessions a person gets, there is always something else to be healed because things come up layers at a time.  I have come to the conclusion that it is a life journey because just living our daily lives, we often pick up new stresses and issues that should be healed from the aura before it manifest as illness in the body.  Reiki is also good for healing layers of junk on top of already manifested illnesses in the body.  I also know that this is pertinent to my Bible explaining that no man can stand without Jesus Christ Who is the only deity that offers forgiveness of sin, washing me whiter than snow, etc.   Even our very best is sinful through and through.  {find that scripture.}  My personal experience was thinking that I could go every few months for a healing and focused on getting rid of all the negativity that I failed to bless myself (replace the negatives removed with positives) which was a mistake and now that I choose to share my talents as a healer with others; I don’t want anyone making the same mistake that I did because essentially with my mind focused on getting rid of evil all the time, I neglected other areas of my life that were going well before I became focused on healing.  This was not because I was getting a healing but it was focus on removing negatives without replacing it with positives.  No one who works with me will be advised of such, but life path teaches us things that are meant to be and for much more than the self.


I have recognized that both others and myself get better results from a Reiki Treatment healing session when a person is more focused on improving a particular area of life.  An effective exercise is to have the client to sit down and write out their goal, obstacles, past experiences, etc. during the session so that any darkness or issues come to the surface to be healed.  You can go to a healer, hoping that your body is relieved of pain but if your thoughts are mostly on your work, the darkness that comes to the surface to be healed during the session will be about your work rather than what you hope to be healed at all.  I know that I went through circles and not realizing that a series of healings were necessary for me to be balanced out the way that I wanted to be which made it a longer journey for me.  Clients want results and more results than just feeling better the next couple of days after a healing because that good feeling does calm down once the light has been absorbed and integrated into your system and it can also work up other negatives issues long forgotten and you will either heal them or remanifest them in your life.   This is the reason that I have created a series of healings, added specialized prayers, meditations, rituals, etc. to help both the client and myself become as focused as possible because the combination of me doing the healing work, the client repeating a few prayers each day is just miraculous for whichever area of life the client is focused.  I have created a series for “Getting A New Job NOW,” had a lot of experience with this one from my own experiences but no one to send me Light other than sometimes with other Reiki Healers if I did a trade, “Divine Love” and “Creating Financial Improvements.”  With the entire plan for each program in addition to the Reiki Healing Treatments, longer lasting results are expected.  Such as; I know for a fact that I can use what I call “The Daniel Technique” on my prayers for a job and get one in a heartbeat.  However, desiring to keep it is a different story because I have more issues regarding this than anything else.  Part of it could be because I am meant to work in my own business, a conflict.  The other part is that I am sensitive to the energies around me and boy, there is negative vibrations in every single office that I have ever worked in and that is a lot thus far.  Therefore, with this particular program, I plan to send the client Reiki every other day or so until they get the job.  During this same time,  they do the prayers that I will send to them on index cards (there are so many I do this for organization and they can choose one intuitively and just read it from the card.)  This is a process of me working to dissolve negatives and they are replacing the negatives with exactly what they want.   The prayer are miraculous one’s if they are applied as instructed.  However, if they have not used a full 10 sessions of reiki treatments when they obtain a job and I doubt it if they do their part because some people get the new job within 3 days, 7 day, even if they were getting no calls for job interviews before with this program.  I continue to do Reiki Treatments for the client on a weekly basis and more often if they feel any issues.  I know that my intuition points out the problem almost from the start.  But with the continued healings, a client is better able to get settled in the job releasing the stress, frustration, and even bad karma that lead to the issue in the first place and gives them a much more positive start on their new job.  Pricing is only charging for my time to do the Reiki Treatments, which a total of 10 are promised which does add up to the $350.00 that I charge for that particular program.  None of the other parts of the program has any cost on them at all because of the series of healings that come with this program.  Additionally, if a person chooses this focus for healing, I am also willing to accept any down payment and help them anyway.  Don’t be shocked at the prices on this website because these programs are designed to get to the root of the problem or at least remove enough junk so that you can refocus your mind on the success of what you desire so you can enjoy this life better. 



I do offer long distance healing sessions with reiki as requested at a rate of $35.00 USD no matter where you live in the world.  I don’t even make in person appointments because in the State of Wisconsin you have to be a physician, nurse, massage therapist, etc. to legally place hands on people to perform a healing.  You can order just one long distance reiki treatment session, you can do so for purposes of healing whatever comes up which is also likely to be whatever you are going though right now so stressful times are the best times to get this one treatment session. 


Explaining Reiki to Christians?

Most Christians are going to “try” to crucify me in words and thoughts just like the same unbelieving Christians did to Jesus Christ of Nazareth no matter what I say about this miraculous healing technique because their level of consciousness is not high enough into the Light of God to hear the truth from God nor anyone else other than what they are already accustomed to which does not reflect the reality of God nor my spiritual talents either.


The Bible encourages us to develop our spiritual talents (find scriptures) and add the rest here.  












LOVE is everywhere!  This program was designed by me to help heal whatever has blocked the flow of love into your life.  This has to be a program or series of healings on my end and meditative exercises on your end because there are so many UNRESOLVED issues that block people from having the love they desire.  Let no healer tell you that one healing will cure it all because it won’t unless you did not have very many issues regarding love in the first place.  This program is offered because if you are serious about having more love and/or the type of love relationships that you want in your life then being serious enough to get a series of healings and specific visualization exercises will be necessary for most clients that I have worked with.  The process of me attuning to the Light and channeling to a person dissolve so much junk that people carry around that blocks and/or turn love away from them.  I don’t REMOVE stuff like that and send Light to dissolve and/or resolve it so that positive things can come of the bad things that a person has been through.  I get lots of positive feedback from people having an overwhelming feeling of happiness and self-love even the very next day.  When I see things that I am not sure if it is good or bad, I call Jesus Christ and/or Holy Angels to decide what to do with it and the scene is always amazing to me.  This feeling is to be expected should you choose to use this service but just know in advance that the feelings calms down within a few days but this is the Light being absorbed by you and integrating into your system and it is also the reason that I offer to design a particular focus and a series of healings so that it makes an obvious and long-standing impact in your life regarding your focus for my healing services.  However, the next week for your next healing, I could very well see more and more junk that needs to be transformed to good and/or Divine Love.  This is why it has to be a series of healings rather than just one.  $600.00 would buy you a total of 20 long distance healing treatments from me but there is much more work involved than that and there will be some clients who don’t need that many.  Exactly how many healing sessions you get depends on your progress toward your goal.  They are to be done weekly at first. And then more spaced out according to how you do with the assigned meditations and prayers that come with this program.  This series and offer of healings does not deal with any particular person nor to try to get a specific person to love you but it is designed to heal layers of the things that block you from receiving love into your life.  While, at the same time, conditioning and refortifying you to become more open to love and intentionally placing you in the Divine Flow of Love from every which a way if that is what you desire.  This has worked very well for certain people which has surprised me galore because romantic relationship development has been one of the least goals that I have had for my own life and that even goes back to being a young adult and not just because I am getting old now.  I have developed prayers and certainly effective healing techniques to remove the obstacles that block love.  Each person is different with different obstacles, challenges, habits, etc. and therefore results will also differ; so much of this program will depend on your self-disciple to do the visualizations on your end and prayers.  There are people who get positive results toward their goal within 24 hours of the healing and others take longer depending on the obstacles.  See “Testimonial” section of this website.  Therefore, according to the way this program is designed, I believe that this Divine Love Program is only as limited as your particular goals and expressed desires are during the program.  Moreover, that anyone can create more love in their lives as a result of working this program.  The Love Lane can be interesting but never dull.  If you purchase this healing system, I want you to know up front that your participation will be required depending on your goals.  Such as; the first few healing sessions you will be asked to sit down and write out everything that you feel blocks love from your life on one piece of paper and/or all the things that you want in a mate during the hour that I do the healing session.  What this does is bring to the forefront of your mind and aura, what your obstacles, opposing emotions, etc. are which makes the healing more concentrated to your goal because as the issues come up they are detected, dissolved and/or resolved by the Light.  This is just an example because there will be other meditations and exercises that are pretty simple for anyone to do that you may be asked to do during the series of healings to make your healing more focused toward your personalized desired goal.  Both midway and at the end, I will perform a ritual for you via invoking your own personal Holy Angels to Divinely Guide you into the Highest Good direction of your desired type of Love.  However, to start there is a concentration on healing and clearing away the obstacles, memories, negative thought, behavior patterns (if you are willing to let them go.) Love can be manifested right away by those who don’t have a lot of obstacles to love and/or use the various magical prayers to expedite the healing process by invoking positive love energies that you desire according to your specific goals and desire regarding the type of Divine Love you would like to see expressed in your life.  I just want you to be fully aware of what I will be doing, as well as, what no one but you can do from the start of this program. 


Item: Divine Love Program
Price: $600.00 USD


“Get A Job NOW Program”



This program was designed and copyrighted by me.  It was designed for me out of my past experiences of desperation when I felt that I had to have a job.  I have used it and have had several others to use it with speedy success of a job offer; even for those who send out tons of resumes weekly with no response from employers previously.  Moreover, it has worked in as little as three and seven days time of using the program instructions which includes a series of Light healings that I do for you and reciting several magical prayers for a job, which I wrote and tested as well as had others to test them.  If you choose this program, you will have to recite the prayers that I send to you.  My end of it is a series of healings sent to you (wherever you live in the world) specifically to heal and remove any darkness, obstacles, etc. that had stood in your way of obtaining a job in the past-present to pave the way for the future as you condition your mind and invoke the blessings of a new job with the specific prayers designed for you (not everyone get good results from just a pack of any prayers for a job.)  It is magical how this was discovered.  Because I do personal healings for you to help dissolve and/or resolve any issues that stand in your way regarding a job, this program duration could last for up to three (3) months in length.  I do not suspect that it takes anyone who employ this system to get a new job very much time to land the job at all based on my own personal experience with it and that of others.  I am the one who will need the three (3) months to complete the series of healings which are designed to help you get settled into your new job for stability and this is something that I did not have anyone to do for me and once starting the new job was always pretty difficult because of this and that responsibility.  Once ordered, a portion of the program starts as soon as I receive it via e-mail and I begin scheduling your series of healings from my end.  You receive the magical prayers portion of the program from me via US Postal Services and I can tell you now that they are to be spoken by you out loud each day and that is all you have to do on your end other than apply for jobs, of course.  Shortly after, I am assured that you will have a job within a week or so which is miraculous in itself with the changes of today’s job market.  Should you require 10 or more healing sessions; this program is basically given to you for free because if you ordered 10 sessions of Light Energy Healings separately, it would cost exactly what I am offering this program to you for as a package deal.  I predominately require payment for my time rather than the full amount of what the program is actually worth.   Item: "Get A Job NOW Program"  Full Program Price: 350.00 USD 


Bottom of Form

If you are interested in the “Get A Job NOW Program” but don’t have the full program fee to pay for it now, I offer a down payment option.  I believe in this program so much that I am willing to offer it to those who cannot afford the full program fee now in a divided payment basis.  The way this works is that you do pay a down payment of your choice now.   I will feed the program to you and start the healings for you so that you can get a job now and it will work if you follow my instructions daily.  Once you have obtained your new job, then I ask that you pay the remainder in whatever payments you decide but that the remaining balance be paid off in full within the first 90 days of your new employment. 


ORDER “GET A JOB PROGRAM” NOW WITH A PARTIAL down PAYMENT:  Item: "Get A Job NOW Program" (down payment option)  Price: Same as above but divided into payments once you obtain your new job“  Get started now with any down payment amount you can currently afford.  Send me an email at to work out a payment arrangement.


$$ Creating Financial Improvement Series $$


This series offers both Light Healings from my “Prosperity and Abundance Reiki” attunement and training.  There is also a monthly money ritual, which I will choose for you and send you the proper ingredients (when there is some) each month for an entire year.  This was dictated to me as a complete money improvement plan to round out the ups and downs regarding money for anyone.  The monthly rituals are performed by both yourself (for yourself) and I also perform two to support you each month.  This is a very detailed program for both my end of the work and somewhat yours because you will be expected to do meditations monthly and write out new and improved goals monthly.  It might sound scary for anyone who has never done it but we actually perform rituals all the time.  These rituals are easy and not the same ritual for each person because they are tailored to each person’s circumstances and based on your desired goals as well.  For those who are not comfortable performing rituals, I know that a series of my rhyming chants spoken out loud can be an effective solution but it is also not that much different than a ritual.  For some situations, speaking the money chants out loud for a series of days could very well be the most effective option for you but I have to let people know exactly what to expect prior to ordering the program.








Through my journey, I have used the technique of writing prayers to help me focus my mind, intention, and specifics of what I am asking for which has proved beneficial.  It has advanced to writing rhyming prayers which I use what I call “The Daniel Technique” of praying them out loud, three times a day for fast results but doing them once a day before bedtime is also effective but with usually slower results.


  Any customer of this website can order prewritten prayers from me ABSOLUTELY free of charge if I can send them to your e-mail address and/or you have a fax number in the US, Puerto Rico or Canada that they can be sent to.  Please send the prayers marked below to my fax number (___)-____-_____.  If you only have a fax at work and want them sent there please indicate the number and the best time to send them to ensure that only you will be the person picking them up for privacy and good common sense.  Specify that date and time.  Fax at ____AM/PM on _______, 200__.


  I do not have a fax number, but would like the prayers that I have marked below.  I have enclosed $1.00 per prayer marked to cover copies, postage and handling.  Please forward to my address


(This is only a partial list, more will be added at a later date as well as rhyming prayers.)

  Prayer to Heal Negative Thoughtforms, Memories, Behavior Patterns, etc.

  Prayer to Heal Negative Entities/Spiritual Beings

  Prayer to Transform Negative Conditions to Positive Conditions

  Prayer to Attract Love

  Prayer to Improve Spiritual Development

  Prayer to Invoke Success in Your Life Path

  Prayer to Improve Your Health

  Prayer to Clear Past Life Repetitions

  Prayer to Clear Bad Luck and Other Negatives

  Prayer to Lift Your Vibrations/Consciousness

  Prayer to Create Money

  Prayer to Get Organized

  Prayer to Release and Protect Yourself from Jealousy/Envy

  Prayer to Heal and Awaken Your Subconscious Mind

  Prayer to Release the Negative Influences of an Astrological Influence

  Prayer to Release Yourself from Mental Bondage

  Prayer to Release Criticism and Condemnation

  Prayer to Release Disorder and Confusion

  Prayer to Invoke Miracles in Your Life

  Prayer to Obtain Divine Right Answers

  Prayer to Obtain Divine Protection through Attunement with God

  Prayer to Bless Your World, and Have It Bless You

  Prayer to Free a Troubled Mind



With the current day influences through the popular TV series and movies such as; “Charmed,” “Angel,” “The X-Files,” “Supernatural,” the upgrading of “Bewitched” most supporters of these shows are interested in developing good spiritual powers in their lives because if you are spiritual in any way (we are all made of Spirit, mind and body) on some level you know that much of it is indeed possible.  That which we don’t choose to believe is possible is not possible for you because your consciousness is not lifted that far and/or you just don’t have the faith to pull it off yet.  Jesus Christ would describe what I am saying as, “So be it unto you according to your faith.”  That could be good or bad; depending on what you believe and that is not limited to only when you engage in prayer.  It is your constant thought process!  These shows would not have been successful without enough viewer ship of those identified as a Christian because we not only have the most famed Deity, Jesus Christ of Nazareth but we also have the most churches and organizations throughout the United States of America.  Declared Christians make up the largest population of any religious group today; without our support those shows would have failed.  Rather, they got enough support for updates, a multitude of repeated series and still airing new shows on one channel or another.  More shows like these are definitely on the rise and that is because more people are interested in magic.  What saddens me is that Christians suppress their belief and practice in magic even though Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the most magical Miracle Worker of all times.  He was crucified for working with that stuff and many of His true followers are also crucified as worst as possible without the ignorant persecutors going to jail but if you read the Holy Bible, you already knew this would be the case because it is written.  I have an upcoming book called, “That Stuff:  Magic” (what’s evil, what’s not and why) because the spookiness that some people get into is just plain silly and they hex themselves being spooked and miscalling good evil and vice versa.  It has come up in my life so many times that I have to get my insights off my chest and into the hands of those who secretly know it is true but might not know what to do.  To get this done in my lifetime with scripture references, life experiences (both others and mine) and into the hands of the types who secretly know that good magic is really good but when they use it feel that they are doing something wrong.  I am tired of that silliness and I allow God to use me to present the obvious things that I can see for those who are trying to see to help dissolve some ignorance regarding miracles and magic.  In the meantime, I want to point out that I know that all magic is not good nor of God but I know that most of it is good and of God but most of us are not using God’s Power in a magical way as we are suppose to and even do greater things than Jesus Christ of Nazareth did and my greatest concern is that most of us are not even trying.  We have to distinguish what is good and what is evil and why to even allow ourselves to work miracles like Jesus Christ did and certainly have to get it straight to possibly do anything greater.  I look forward to the time when this happens.  Overall, all magic is not evil.  If it was evil then that would certainly make Jesus Christ out to be evil too.  Christians, today, now accept Jesus Christ mainly because they want to do whatever they please and believe that they will be forgiven anyway and not go to Hell when they die but yet persecute His Spirit of miracle working power as real and alive today just like the one’s of the old day crucified His physical body.  This website offers many specific services to anyone who would like to experience healing through Light Healing Sessions, prayer, powerful meditations, etc. whether if that magic is to obtain a new job, creating more love in your life, creating money out of thin air, and coming to know various aspects about your future (the Christ Mind), etc.  I am a Christian Mystic even though it makes no difference to me what the religion of my clients are because God made us all and I am dedicated to demonstrating my services to others and myself via symbolic methods that Jesus Christ of Nazareth used such as; Holy Angelic Invocations, Earth Miracles, Magical Prayers, healing energies (Light/Reiki) and other healing methods that are in alignment with Christianity as described in the Holy Bible, but not in conflict with it nor Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  We all want magical solutions and/or a miracle in our lives as all religions are associated with magic to some degree and depending on the faith and development of the practitioners whether if you are Baptist, Methodist, Orthodox Jew, Catholic, a witch, etc. especially when we have a challenge in life, which the human mind can’t currently perceive how to resolve a situation.  The Mind of God has a solution and I am well practiced and still practicing how to obtain those answers, solutions and magic at will.  Many (covenants) rituals have been dictated directly to me by Jesus Christ and they have worked in my life and in the lives of others!  Just as Jesus Christ created the ritual of Baptism:  the symbolism of going down in the water, releasing your sins (past) and coming up with the Christ (resurrection) and the ritual of Communion:  eating bread as a symbol of His body and the drinking of wine as a symbol of His Holy blood and even His use of fire, water, air and earth during the miracle to make the blind man see again THERE ARE PLENTY OF OTHER RITUALS THAT WORKS TO RESOLVE ANY ISSUE A HUMAN BEING WOULD HAVE AND HE IS WILLING TO DICTATE THEM TO US SHOULD WE SEEK (just ask.)  I have seen other rituals through studying His documented Miracles and Parables that He taught which are recorded in the Holy Bible.  This is what I have come to call Christian Magic.  Yes, I want to reiterate the fact that Jesus Christ has dictated various rituals to me and I am 100% certain that is exactly Who I was talking to.  This is Who I invoked, was talking to, Who was talking to me and walking with me.  I am not stupid, not evil, not lost, nor anything of the like; so keep reading and ask Jesus Christ to reveal the truth to you before you start the traditional behavior pattern of slandering, judging, etc. which is typical for the average Christian who live their lives doing whatever they want to do but somewhat follow Jesus Christ in the hopes that they won’t go to Hell when they die.  I am a born-again Christian who has been self-disciplined in efforts to demonstrate as much of Jesus Christ in my life as possible and most of it is not only salvation on the other side but the results has been what most of you would call outright magic or a miracle.  I am amazed discovering that particular Christians go into the backdoor to a psychic, shaman, and/or a witch’s place of business keeping it secret as if they did something wrong.  Unless you worked evil and/or some form of iniquity; why are you spooked to have used psychic insights and/or performed a ritual for good?  My fellow Christians who have done this often refer to things of the like as; “that stuff” meaning that which they either don’t have time to understand and/or have given up trying to understand on various journeys where they tried to understand without fulfilling their humanistic desired results.  This ignorance has gone on long enough without allowing my Christian insights to shine as brightly as possible to help others (and certainly Christians who hear me out) better understand the Truth in ways that Christians and others utilize their magical power that Jesus Christ brought to us rather than suppress it by calling it evil.  “That stuff” which spooks a lot of my fellow Christians as being something opposite to Christ is nothing less than a lie of the Enemy to cause us to throw away our power.  By the time that I feel that this website is much closer to complete than it is right now; I plan to demonstrate proof of my statements with scriptures from the Holy Bible, my experiences, the experiences of others.  Typically, today’s Christians (I did not say all) so often confuse evil with magic, even though Jesus Christ of Nazareth is documented as the most magical and miraculous human being that ever lived (both backwards and forwards in time.)  This confusion of what is and is not of God (good) ultimately takes away a Christian’s birthright and inheritance of having life and having it more abundantly through the adoption into the Body of Christ and depletes one of their God given power through Christ.  Through the services offered on this website, I am also committed to doing everything that I can to share a better understanding about magic and how it certainly does not conflict with Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  It might conflict in the minds of most Christians because if they are not willing to apply themselves to understand the difference then it is human nature to just throw it out and curse things that we don’t’ understand.  However, magic and miracles are not always understood.  I have walked with Jesus Christ and studied magic since I was 12 years old while actively asking Jesus Christ to fulfill the promise that I as His follower would be able to do even greater things that He.  I have received many answers in amazement.  I also already know that I have only received that which I can digest because I have been freaked out many times but still not manifesting even greater things but some very wonderful things for myself and others.  Magic nor miracles cannot be understood - if it could be understood then it would not be magic nor a miracle at all and otherwise, something that was achieved.  Human beings (including Christians for whatever reasons) are not always comfortable with things happening that they cannot understand unless they are having a difficult time with something and we often put ourselves in a corner before God can get our permission to exercise miraculous and/or magical powers in our lives.


He was crucified for working magic and so called blasphemy, the same types of personalities who did that still exist today but claiming Christianity because they don’t want to go to hell when they die.  Anyone doing anything that is not understood by those in authority was and still is condemned just like many who developed spiritual talents were wrongfully burned at the stakes being accused of being a witch when many were not doing anything evil.  You really have to seek to find the real Jesus Christ which 100% includes working MAGIC, PSYCHIC ABILITIES and DISCERNING MISCONCEPTS FROM THE TRUTH! 


Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the most miraculous person documented in history that ever lived.  I already know that the above quote from me has ruffled the feathers of crucifying type Christians, but if you have a one on one relationship with Jesus Christ rather than global misconceptions, then you know that the statement is true.  Jesus Christ worked magic, miracles and He was psychic.  The Mind of Christ is psychic and this oneness with the Divine Intelligence of God is willing to reveal to you whatever it is that you are open and willing to know.  Crucifying type Christians crucified Jesus Christ of Nazareth, as well as, many innocent people claiming they were witches.  While some of them may have been evil-doers and/or workers of iniquity, but all of them were not.  Anyone doing anything that was not understood by those in charge got crucified and/or burned alive just because the ignorance of man could not perceive of what they were doing.  Many of these victims from biblical times were people who loved God and were developing their spiritual talents just like the Holy Bible encourages those same crucifying type Christians to do.  These same types of people exist in the world today; only it is against the law to hang and crucify people physically but they still do it spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.  I wonder if the cycle ever be resolved and set right because the distinction between good and evil are continually missed somehow and it has to be group karma (sin) or a family curse that is the root of this weird issue.  We will talk much more about this in my upcoming book, “That Stuff:  Magic”  (what is evil, what is not and why.)






Write to reserve your copy with the Author today!  Some published materials can be viewed and purchased at:


       "Get a Job Now" (Through prayer techniques that work!)

       "Removing a Curse" (The Biblical Way Without Becoming A Witch & My Story)

       "Biblical/Christian Magic"  (Covenants with God are Rituals)

       "Earth Miracle Blends" (The fabric we are made of)

       "Protection Prayer Cards"

       "Metaphysical Healing Methods”  (Cards)

       "That Stuff:  Magic"  (What's evil, what's not and why!)

       "Divine Love/New Relationships"  Love, Friendships, co-workers, extended family, etc.




Ahnita R. F. Rutherford is the author of several pre-written prayer books with a rhyming effect, each one is designed to obtain an objective and most of all has been tested and perfected by many people in prayer groups that she has ran and herself.  Ahnita has books that she has been writing since 1987, prayer CD's tested on herself and others. Check back with her storefront as the materials are PUBLISHED and uploaded to this storefront.  AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE NOW ARE:


2006 Calendar:  “Creating Financial Improvements”

CD:  “Singing with the Holy Angels”


The next publication is expected to be in book form called "Get a New Job NOW!"  Ahnita R. F. Rutherford has worked as an Office Manager, Business Development Consultant, Tax Preparer, Microsoft Office Trainer, IT Help Desk, Sales Professional, Administrative Assistant, and Legal Secretary while developing her career as an Author and Metaphysical Healer on the side.  Ahnita currently runs her own business, Elite Spiritual Services.  Ahnita is clairaudient and often times, clairvoyant (Christ Mind.)  She is a (Spiritual Power/Light) Reiki Master in Usui, Violet Flame Reiki Master and Abundance/Prosperity Reiki. 


Through her own journey of manifesting the types of jobs she has desired along the way, she demonstrates in this book how to impress your desires for a new job on the unlimited power and Presence of God already around you which often brings the job to you.  Her methods works even for those who have been out of the job market for years, whether if you are old, without a degree, etc. because they are designed to call to you the best job for you which you are fully qualified to do regardless to past history.  There are simple instructions for the most effective ways to use these prayers, which are designed to manifest a new job for anyone who uses them in record time.  This method with these prayers has been known to manifest a good full-time, permanent job within 3 days to a week; even for those who were not being called for interviews prior to employing these miraculous prayers.  Memorizing the prayers are not necessary but speaking the believing words which impresses them on the Presence of God which is everywhere present and already around you to manifest a job no matter what your current circumstances may be is the only requirement.  This makes this book instantly usable and effective for those who employ them as instructed.


Stay tuned for more upcoming publications from this author:


CD:  “Songs to Jesus Christ of Nazareth,”

CD:  “Rappin’ with God,”

BOOK:  "Divine Love/Prayers for a New Relationship,"

BOOK:  "Creating Money Out of Thin Air,"

BOOK:  "Removing a Curse" (The Biblical way without becoming a witch & my story)and this one comes with "Protection Prayer Cards,"

BOOK:  "Reiki Healing Cards,"

BOOK:  "Biblical Rituals/Cards,"

BOOK:  "Earth Miracle Blends,"

BOOK:  "Christian Magic," and  

BOOK:  "That Stuff:  Magic"  (What's evil, what's not and why!)