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Welcome To My Page
My 411
Hey what's up? Well I'm a 17 year old female from NY living in Strong Island my whole life. I live with my brother and my parents. My plans for the future are to go to school for web page designing and/or computer sciences. Currently I am attending high school i'm going to graduate this year on June 29.. I have been waiting for this my whole life. It's like a dream come true. I cannot wait. People say that the best things in life comes to those who wait. I believe that the best things in life comes to those who struggle for what they want. You can't really expect something to fall out of the sky into your hands it all has to be earned. Well that's basics lets move on to something more.
My Experiences
I've had good and bad experiences some of my good experiences were meeting new people such as my good close friends Sandra, Jackie, and Karla. I love you girls. You have always been there for me through good times and bad times. I have also met my love Pedro I can't imagine what life would be like without him. Some of my bad experiences include having problems with my parents, getting played, meeting guys who have no aim in life, and seeing the two sides of certain people.
.:.Sandra.:. Sandra Thank you for always understanding me. You are one of the nicest people I know. I want you to make me one promise. Never Change how you are. Stay Sweet. You'll always be in my heart. .:.Jackie.:. Thanks for being there even though we separated a little your always going to be in my heart whether were close or far. I hope that special person your talking to now is the one for you. .:.Karla.:. Damn what happened to us? (LOL) well i hope that you graduate soon so that me you jackie and sandra can get an apartment. Hurry up graduate. lol .:.Gladys.:. Stop getting scared all the time you scream about anything (LOL) .:.Ingrid.:. you really do look like Jackie. .:.Tracey.:. Stop laughing like that .:.LaLaQru.:. Well to all my girls what's up always remember I always got your back. Remember Reppin' LaLaQru for life.
.:. Pedro.:. Baby I will always love you and yes I am one of the few that means always. No Matter what I will always be there for you. I loved you ever since the first day and I know we've had our ups and downs but that changes nothing. .:.Morel.:. you are one funny character thanks for letting me know how he feels. .:.Jose.:. what's up well you were my first boyfriend and now we've become best of friends. How that happened I have no idea. .:. To all my boys from school.:. you all know who you are i love all fo you much love to you

Favorite Places to Go

Karla's Page
Jackie's Page
Sandra's Page
My Other Page
Sabor Dominicano